Hiroshima: April 2006
like all of us, Coronavirus dominated my world. Not to say it’s anything like Hiroshima, but the blossoms there always reminded me of resiliency, and them blooming here this week gives me hope.
Lots to say, but nothing to add to the conversation beyond: Stay safe everyone. And for those of you newly working from home, Liz has some great advice and wardrobe suggestions.
As I wrote some of this on Friday night I had to look at Strava because I had no recollection of workouts. Not that I was doing any specific workouts as I recovered from my knee anyway, but running now is just a little bit of therapy amid the uncertain world.
Weekly Run Down with birthday girl Kim and Deborah:
- Monday: knew in advance this Monday would be missed. Was at the opening of Edge, NYC’s newest observation deck. As Darlene can attest from our lighthouse escapades in Bermuda, I don’t do heights well so I didn’t fully explore it to its maximum capacity. It was a stunning view though.
- Tuesday: reality hit that the week was going to be a doozy. Luckily I packed my light vest and was able to run commute home. Short is better than nothing. Apparently I had a walk too, which I literally did not remember until I looked at instagram.
- Wednesday: fitting that on the last “normal” day, I crammed in a press preview for Asia Week and the Brooklyn Museum’s amazing Studio 54 exhibit.
- Thursday: happy third raceversary to me! Day was anything but “happy” as Coronavirus came to play in New York City. But this is a resilient city.
- Friday: plan was to run before I worked from home, but I woke to driving ran. It eased by 8:30 giving me time to go on a literal coffee run before work. Ended up longer than planned as first 7/11 had only boring creamer, which was my reason for buying coffee. After a long work day I hit Central Park for some much needed zen. Tried to find the beauty in the early spring blooms.

caught ‘gramming
- Saturday: a beautiful day. A friend and I who I’d spent time with all week decided if one of us was exposed we’d already exposed the other and the risk of a walk in the park was worth it. With such a huge space, Central Park is probably one of the easiest places for New Yorkers to social distance. Crocuses and cherry blossoms at the same time is so weird, but then again this was a bizarre winter. Side note: I really, really love that run commute backpack. Not just for its intended purchase, but also helpful for stashing stuff for errands and gym visit after. Alas, toilet paper didn’t fit and I still needed to buy a bag.
- Sunday: continuing the apartment organizing to better work from home. Hi, early spring cleaning. Maybe gym for the PT exercises I can’t do at home. Maybe walk.
Plan for the week: who knows. Trying to run before work three/four days to keep off the stir crazy. Signed up for the ZOOMA Fitter, Stronger, Faster challenge if I need home workout tips if it comes to that. You should too, it’s free thanks to the amazing ZOOMA team. We’ll see what life & covid19 bring us. Stay safe everyone.
Well this was certainly a week, wasn’t it? Thank you for including the photo of those beautiful cherry blossoms. Nice to see something nice come out of this crazy week.
Like you, I did some reorganizing in my room to set up a space to work form home since I’ll be doing that for the rest of the month.
A week indeed.
I’m going out for a run for some more blossoms after work in case the rain drowns the early ones tomorrow.
I didn’t finish the desk space and am on the futon again, but with a lap desk, which is helping. Baby steps. Good luck with this transition.
Is your job effected by it all? I would think you guys would take such a hit from this. 🙁
I do think that there’s nothing wrong with getting outside! In fact, I think it’s truly imperative!
I haven’t really been glued to the tv, but since I have been resting more than normal . . . let’s just say my memory of what little activity I did this week was a bit sketchy, too, Aside from today, since it just happened.
Yeah. I need to get back to daily updates to a draft post. I haven’t had the TV on. I’m saving my YouTubeTV library for desperate times. Morning coffee walk happened today. Going to try to do that daily. Preserves my stash too
Probably a great week for the Zooma challenge! Hang in there sweating helps thanks for linking up!
Loving how some of the studios are doing free online access. In some cases only way to stay healthy & active.
At least you’re having great weather in NYC! Looks beautiful there.
You found a new run pack! Looks like a good one, glad you’re enjoying it.
Yes! I also have the one you recommended, but this one fits me better. I’m short so there’s no butt bounce. Saturday’s escapade was really a walk so could have gone with yours.
Hoping the weather holds for both of us.
Thanks for linking to my posts – glad I wrote them all those years ago and they are now helping people. And you can do it! Your plans are sensible and I’m at the end of Messenger!
Thank you, as always. Who knew your content would have fresh life all these years later? 😀
So far so good with washing mug & plate. CLothes are a work in progress.
It has been something else, hasn’t it? Very nerve-wracking. I’m still technically on vacation, even though I came home early from Florida. CrossFit is closed too. Maybe I’ll take your cue and do some spring cleaning.
I need to get back to my own cue. Work has been too busy this week to spring clean during the day. It might happen more this weekend as a break from screen time
I used the same title for my blog! It really was some week. How nice to get some time in Central Park – seeing some blooms here would be a nice distraction.
Hopefully you’ve gotten some blooms by now!
Yes, it was a week! Lucky us, we can run and exercise to ward off most of the craziness 😉 Those cherry blossom pics are breathtaking 😉
Thanks! You need to visit NYC this time of year one year. Central Park and Riverside are blankets of pink and just stunning. Also Brooklyn Botanic Garden has a Hill & Pond Garden with a torii gate and it’s magic.
love the flower pics. So beautiful.
Thank you! Your pic the other day of the tidal basin made me miss them a lot
Wow, I don’t think our cherry blossoms are blooming yet, but maybe this weekend. I’m sure things in NYC are crazy — or weirdly not crazy. Keep us posted and keep running but not too much. 😉
Surreal. Especially some of the quiet subways. I’m avoiding them as possible, the warm weather helps in that respect. Before the race got cancelled they were saying peak was about ten days out, so you should see some.
You as well! Liked your up side of not needing to change from running clothes before church
NYC this week will be very strange. Looking forward to cherry blossoms Central Park and seeing you and Elizabeth.
Running is definitely therapy.
I have to post to Instagram daily or I’ll forget what I’ve done.
The cherry blossom distribution is super weird, but there will be some. Nothing on Cherry Hill yesterday but maybe by later in the week. Super early as the crocuses are just up
One day I’ll be good at Instagram. One day
A crazy, crazy week. We haven’t had a positive case yet, but have definitely been hit by lots of work project cancellations that involve travel. South Africa has 61 cases now so they have put in place huge travel bans, school closures etc. We haven’t closed schools here yet, but things are changing day to day. Upcoming race this weekend has been cancelled. But training and life continues as best as it can. Stay safe my friend x
It’s amazing how truly global this is. I’m on a lot of mailing lists for my job and got an event cancellation from South Africa. That did make me chuckle because yeah, nothing I can do about that particular one. I have a feeling your exercising with the family post from a few weeks ago is about to get A LOT of engagement. Stay safe
Those cherry blossoms are gorgeous.
Great outlook on these times ahead. It’s going to be tough, but we are strong and will weather this storm.
Thanks! I think together is the only way to manage. Unlike 9/11, storms, etc. this one is truly going to effect every one
Funny about your friend and getting infected. I often wonder if anyone in my family is harboring anything! And how about my coworkers? Who knows! Those cherry blossoms are so pretty. I saw a tulip popping up the other day, so spring is finally here!
exactly. We just have no idea. I think that’s the scariest part. Yay tulips. Haven’t seen any here yet, but lots of daffys. Hope you & kids staying safe & sane
a crazy week indeed. are your museums staying open?
i need to get my house and my workout schedule in order for this house-working and no more gym or pilates for the coming period. I’m still trying to come to grips with it all.
Our museums mostly closed from Friday or Saturday. A few outdoor ones made it through the weekend, but it’s pretty much just parks open now
Still working on the apartment. What works fine for a half day or weeekend veg does not work for FT hours
Happy third raceversary, Cari!
Enjoy your runs in Central Park – how nice that you have that as an option. Stay safe, my friend!
Thank you! You too!