Food, medicine and exercise

By | March 22, 2020

I won’t lie. I’m selfishly glad that the New York lockdown specifically permits exercise.  I think we all need it to stay healthy, and solo running is no different to other necessary activities. I’m oh so grateful I found running three years ago so I have an outlet.

As Jen & Lin-Manuel said it best: the world turned upside down

Stay safe everyone.

Get in Shape Girl!

Mom dug this out while looking through some of grandma’s old photos. If there were any questions as to whether I was an 80s child, that decor settles it.

One odd thing I noticed about my personal eating habits this week. Normally at the weekend when I sit with my coffee at my laptop, I find myself grazing on cheerios. This week, when I’ve made a concerted effort to go out and get coffee (7/11’s creamer is better), I don’t have the mindless munchy hunger and can make it until a proper lunch. Conclusion: bodies are weird.

Weekly run down with Deborah and Kim:

a visual representation of Covid19

  • never miss a Monday: I woke in the morning and it was too dark and cold, so I punted my run until after work. Unclear which is going to be better for me so long as work from home lasts, so I’m going to play it by ear. This run felt good. It was brisk out with the wind blowing the storm in. But I’m happy with four miles aka the really long way to a Walgreens four blocks away. I maybe could have gotten in six if I’d left a little earlier, but four > none.

Pantry tetris

  • Tuesday: really, really working on that PT space, which I’ve talked about for weeks. It’s crucial since the gym closed. I have most of what I need to do at home, save for a wall.  Deborah’s stability ball post reminded me I need to get one as there’s a lot I can do even without the wall. I’m still trying not to run two days in a row, so today’s “exercise” was walking to get coffee and my lunch. Grateful for my MealPal subscription’s two remaining meals to give me some lunch variety until my Peapod delivery came. Got in a walk to a colleague’s apartment for some sanity.

blooming at dusk

selfies in the age of social distancing

checking in on Fred

  • Wednesday plan was a morning run, but this being able to sleep in a little has been nice and with no event conflicts after work, it has been hard to get up early to run. Luckily I finished work in time to get in a pre-dark run in Central Park. Selfies still doable with social distancing!

I have too many mugs, but still almost bought this

this just made me laugh

  • Thursday: Target run after work for a pyrex bowl for the cooking that is happening.  Yes, I lack basics. Even though those in-block signs are super common, this pairing just made me laugh. Pizza is prehab, right?

Mother Nature enforced social distancing

  • Friday: 70s.  Chance of rain after work so I got out early in the fog for my new favorite four mile loop. It wasn’t crowded at all, with Mother Nature enforcing some social distancing between the island. The rain held out and I got in a walk after work too.

Hi spring

  • Saturday: temperatures returned to normal March, which meant I could run to meet a friend for a socially distanced walk through the flowers (Facebook, Instagram). Yes, I took too many pictures, but the flowers are so comforting. We remember running through the cherry blossoms and figure this is around our meetup anniversary, which made the catch up even better. Central Park is truly the best place for self care and social distancing. Rest of the day was spent trying to knock the apartment into shape for continued WFH and PT. I really, really want to reclaim my futon for fun vs. work, so we’ll see how that goes. I really want to read over this hibernation, and that’s not going to happen if futon is also a desk.

home office!

  • Sunday: working from a desk! Well blogging, not actual work at my laptop. It’s not perfect, and I need to find a riser and a chair, but it works. I love apartment life, and have frequently wondered why I’d move – I don’t need more space, but it’s not generally for full time living. Not to worry, I do have a suburban escape if I need it. Continued cleaning, purging and hopefully a run. Normally I’d never run three days in a row, but yesterday’s was only a mile and a half to meet my friend, so that was kind of a rest day. We’ll see when I get out.

How are you holding up? Any WFH or other advice? Read any good books yet?

No plan for the week, because who knows at this point. Just keep swimming err running.

23 thoughts on “Food, medicine and exercise

  1. Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy

    I have been seriously working on decluttering for a while now. After 11 years in this house, let’s just say it’s an ongoing Herculean task.

    I did wonder just how you were eating, I won’t lie! A lot easier for someone like me who is used to a lot of cooking.

    I am glad that for now we can get out to run, or hike, or walk the dogs. I can see a day that may not be the case, although I’m hoping not, so I’m doing my best to get out there.

    Unfortunately with wintry mix/snow possible early next week, I might have to run on my treadmill (and am grateful to have it).

    There can be benefits to apartment life, for sure. Like the pool when I lived in TX. No doubt they’re closed now. 🙁

    1. cari Post author

      My sushi placed closed, but most of my usual haunts were take out anyway. I’m doing my part once or twice a week to support them and their staff. I found chicken in stock at Gristedes earlier this week and threw it in the crockpot. It’s food, although probably not cooking.
      Nearly 8 years here, so I feel your pain. Agressive spring cleaning, and the “spark joy” question is a more honest answer when you’re looking at it all the time.
      I too hope that day doesn’t come. Making the most of spring while I can. The four letter word is rumored for tomorrow too, but it’s too warm

  2. Liz Dexter

    Lots of love and I’m glad we have our little messenger thread going. If you get a swiss ball you can sit on it to work, too!!!!!!

  3. Jessie

    I’ve been organizing in small bits throughout the quarantine (which I know is the opposite of what we’re supposed to do) but I like making a little bit of progress each day. My husband is remodeling a closet into a bathroom! It’s a project that we were in the middle of, but I figured it would take ages to complete and this extra time is good for the project!

    Anyways, it’s a bummer that PT’s aren’t open, but glad you’ve got what you need to keep up the work. Wild weather in NYC!

  4. Beckett @ Birchwood Pie

    Not having to commute means that there’s enough daylight for me to run outside before work so that’s been absolutely wonderful. The sidewalk-social-distance-shuffle is a little awkward but we’re getting the hang of it.

  5. Kimberly Hatting

    Thankfully, at the moment, my schedule hasn’t really shifted much. I’m one of very few still reporting to the office (and I’m well-spaced from everyone else), so my workday hasn’t changed at all. As you said, things seem to change daily, so I’m just keeping an open mind. Central Park sounds like a great place for all of the social distancing 😉

  6. Wendy

    My world has pretty much turned upside down, but not in a bad way! I get to work from home, which keeps me out of harm’s way. Running is going well and I’m grateful for that. The home workouts are a change and not as satisfying as a class, but it is what it is. It is what it is!

  7. Kim G

    I found myself unnecessarily snacking on Monday/Tuesday so I meal prepped some items to help keep me on track for the rest of the week. I could easily eat everything in the house while working from home, lol.

  8. Deborah Brooks

    The flowers really are comforting aren’t they?! Signs of life. I would not say I am snacking more but I am drinking more wine which is not my norm. Glad to hear you are learning to cook! hang in and have a great week

    1. cari Post author

      They really are. I might have said it on your insta, but I’ve seen them that way since seeing them bloom at Hiroshima. If they can grow there, they’re signs of hope anywhere.
      Maybe by the end of all this I’ll be able to make one of your Monday recipes. LOL

  9. Laurie

    Such a cute photo of you! Thanks for sharing. We are so lucky that we still get to run. It does help stave off the crazies, doesn’t it?

    We had a beautiful week here in PA too, weather-wise. It did make me want to get out and run.

    1. cari Post author

      Thank you! It was a fun find in my texts when mom sent it. Yes, oh so grateful for running

  10. Darlene S. Cardillo

    I know I should take advantage of being home and clean and declutter but I don’t feel like it.

    I work and look forward to getting outside.

    Who knows what this week will bring? Snow. No treadmill at my house.

    Fingers crossed that people stay home and this ends.

    1. cari Post author

      I don’t think it will work until you’re ready/want to. I ignored my clutter fest for a very long time. And then I did it for like four hours last night because I wanted a separation of work and reading/playtime. Stay sane & safe

  11. Jenn

    I just can’t imagine NYC quiet and not full of people and life.

    We are holding up ok. I’m pretty used to the hermit life at this point and it’s more trying to keep little man occupied and inside. He is hating every second of this.

    1. cari Post author

      Poor thing, and by extension poor all of you. Hope you navigate it as best you can
      It’s weird seeing the avenues so relatively devoid of traffic. I don’t have a solid barometer for my neighborhood’s “normal” as I don’t often WFH, but weird not to see the kids headed to school even

  12. Coco

    I often WFH at my kitchen counter, but for this I set up a space in our basement so I can stop working without it looming over me all the time. I guess if I got my coffee at 7-11 I wouldn’t be out of luck — Starbucks closed most stores unless they are drive-thru 🙁

    1. cari Post author

      Yeah some of our Starbucks are closed too, although I’m not sure exactly which. Glad they extended the rewards as I had some expiring ones. When I’m at the office I’m usually Dunkin iced, but I really love 7/11 creamer and they’re more of a forced morning walk whereas Dunkin is on the corner
      I’m still trying to navigate the stop working piece – but at least I’m off the couch

  13. Lisa @ TechChick Adventures

    Do you feel like NY is listening to the orders about staying in? I can’t imagine living in a big city right now. My routine hasn’t changed because I’m still going to my job at the bank. We do have a lot less people in the office though (thank God!).

    1. cari Post author

      Yes and no. It’s almost impossible for families to stay inside in a small apartment. Personally I’m trying to limit my trips out to what is relatively necessary. I also want to keep the shops open for those who need it and for the staff to earn wage, so I’m not sure all my trips are entirely necessary as defined. Stay safe – hope you’re not super public facing

  14. Lisa @ Mile by Mile

    I’m also so grateful we can still run! I’ve been working from home and its tough. I try to plan the rest of my life as if I’m still going into the office- like meal prepping (a little) and getting my workouts done early. I know I do best with a schedule/routine so I am trying to keep things as normal as possible, even though thats sort of a joke right now.

  15. Debbie @ Deb Runs

    We’re hanging in – Bill is working from home and I’m mostly recovered from the flu. I plan to start virtual training with my clients who are interested later this week.

    Since you’re thinking of getting a Swiss ball, consider buying the base so it can double as your desk chair. Just a thought…

    Have a great rest of your week and stay safe!


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