A friend posted a challenge on Facebook to focus on the good instead of all the doom and gloom around Covid-19 and I loved that idea. It’s like that great Mr. Rogers command to Look for the helpers. They are there, and for me personally, it helps to remember that it’s not all bad news.
Most relevant here?
- The morning walks.
- Seeing friends more easily on work days.
- Deciding it’s going to be way too fucking hot to run long-ish on the weekend and running six miles before work on Friday.
I know that I’m extremely lucky to be healthy and working full time from home, which makes all of these possible. Runs before work probably won’t be a consistent thing once we’re back in the office, but I’m hoping to keep up the walks in the form of my commute.
This week I felt like I should be wearing some disco gear. We had 70s mid week and it was glorious. Alas we’re paying for it now with the 90s, but I think I’d make that trade off as the middle of the week was perfection. This was a super busy week at work – all good – so it was nice to have this weather to allow for active time before.
Weekly run down with Deborah and Kim:
- never miss a Monday: there was a lot of moving runs around this week. Since I ran Sunday, the plan was Tuesday/Thursday this week as I try not to run back to back days. But I knew I couldn’t run Tuesday to my dentist appointment as I didn’t want to throw off the thermal scanner, so Monday it was. Nice way to kick off the week. While I haven’t been posting many cari cooks photos because it’s been a lot of the same, this week I tried couscous.
- Tuesday: I won’t lie, I was a little nervous about the dentist. Not the cleaning itself as I trust their hygiene, but getting to midtown, going into a high rise.Β Not getting into the mask debate, but I actually felt I was more risking them than they me as the hygienist was wearing a face shield and mask and I’m just free breathing. I have no reason to think I’ve been exposed, but still. I walked to the office and took the bus back as I had a meeting. I didn’t feel at all unsafe on the bus as the other passengers were well spaced and masked, but I should have walked as traffic is definitely back in Phase 3. Not ready yet for the subway.
- Wednesday: second of four glorious mornings this week and I got out for a lovely sun breaking through run. Lunch was not as inspiring and I’ve decided couscous is a one meal thing as even feta and white pepper didn’t do much for this cousglue. Live and learn.

caught ‘gramming
- Thursday: picture perfect morning in Central Park. Elizabeth and I met up at Alexander Hamilton and meandered around to visit with the turtles before we both had to work. I had a half plan to run after work to allow for a Saturday run when it was going to be less gross than Sunday, but that fell through. Morning activity definitely works better for my current schedule.
- TGIFriday: does that really have a ton of meaning anymore? It doesn’t for me as it’s all blursday. I knew summer was coming so decided to take advantage of this slightly cool morning and get in my long-ish run. Also, I <3 running in the rain, truly. Not so much waiting for races to start, but out the door and go? Absolutely. It cleared nicely later and I had a stunning if steamy reading room to dive into the newest Daniel Silva.
- Slugurday: I turned off the alarms and slept in. Well, not exactly. I still woke at 6 something and said Nope. Slow start to the day, which was necessary. Some morning errands with a stop in the park to read (The Order is done, review TK this week) and wait for shade until I headed north to the rest of my errands. Trying to find a new floor lamp is fun. Not. Well it kind of is in the sense of a scavenger hunt, but I don’t really like shopping and did want to see them before I bought, but I might give up and go to Amazon. On the amazing side, I was in two Targets and only spent $10. Unheard of!
- Sunday: I was very curious where I’d land on super hot days when I don’t have to run. Today? Up at 4:30 and out by 5 because it was already 80 and 70 something % humidity. I had the alarm set, but would i have gotten up and gone out if I hadn’t already had a terrible night sleep? Unlikely. It was so worth it. I slogged through four miles,came home, had a shower and turned on the AC for a nap. Yes, I gave in. Part of the reason I think I’ve been better acclimated to summer (existing, not running) is I’ve mostly not been in AC vs the usual stores, work, restaurants. After last night’s lack of sleep? The AC will go on.Β Plan for the rest of the day is to see mom briefly to bring her & Bob coffee, and sit in the park and read for the breeze. Some consistency with “normal” summer is needed.
Cousglue! Ha! Some lovely photos in this one – thank you for sharing them. I’m so bored with the same old same old here. I might do an out and back run next weekend just to go somewhere new!! Glad you’re getting in some good solid runs and well done for facing the dentist. People are not masking up on buses here so I’m keeping off them for the time being …
Yeah now that my knee is feeling consistently stronger I think an out and back out of the neighborhood might happen. I’m thoroughly tired of the reservoir, but not yet the river, luckily.
We often used to do longer runs on weekdays in the winter time when we actually had races to train for. Gotta go with the weather sometimes! Glad your dentist went ok. I would also be leery of the subway right now. Thanks for linking and stay cool π this week
Yep, definite rolling with the weather. I think the longest I ever ran before work was ~ three miles. I think it will be interesting to see what our schedule is when we go back to the office. At the moment I”m thinking run before 2.5 mile walking commute won’t be feasible, but maybe it will work out.
I ^could^ run longer on weekdays, but then Iβd still want just as much time to linger over coffee and social media, so that might be problematic. π Monday I woke up at 4:30 without an alarm, stressed over a work email Iβd read at 10 pm Sunday night β nothing good ever comes from that! Yesterday I woke at 5 ahead of my 5:15 alarm. Today I was happy to hit snooze a few times. I love all your city photos, but especially the sunrises and sunsets.
I need to reschedule my dentist appointment this week b/c of an important work meeting, but Iβm not sure Iβm ready to go anyway. I regretted going to the pulmonologist this week after realizing that of all doctors heβs the most likely to be treating covid patients β although he was fully masked and gowned and kept his distance except when he had to listen to my lungs.
I think 5 miles is probably my longest realistic run before work. Friday’s 6 was pushing it and that was only because I got going earlier than I normally do. Awake isn’t the problem, so much as get up and go. Need to put the phone out of reach so I can’t snooze or “just check Facebook”
Glad your pulmonologist went well. I have awful teeth. Didn’t want to deal with possible side effects of further delaying cleaning, but I wasn’t super ready for the dentist either.
Luckily I don’t work (not right now, sort of, anyway) so long runs can be when I want them to be. But I definitely needed more rest on Friday — which would’ve been a perfect day!
I’m not a huge fan of couscous but you might like it more if it comes out right, and from your photo — sorry, nope, couscous should’t stick together. Lots of other fish in the sea.
Oh, I did up having sushi yesterday. First time in months. It was going to be a poke bowl but after much negotiation it ended up being sushi & that’s just fine by me. π
I do need to go to the dentist sometime this year. Not really looking forward to it (just a cleaning).
mm. Sushi. Has happened almost weekly since outdoor dining became a thing. Back to my old habits.
I do cleanings every three months, normally, so didn’t feel safe teeth wise pushing it further.
I love the idea of focusing on the “good” that has come from the past few months. I try to get into this mindset, especially when I’m watching the news and it gets to be a bit overwhelming, like it was this week.
I’ve done a few long runs during the week and it’s the best feeling because it made me feel like I had my whole weekend free – no worrying about waking up super early on a Saturday or Sunday.
My 6 month dental cleaning was supposed to happen in April but of course it was canceled and I couldn’t reschedule until August. I’m also a little nervous about going but I know it needs to happen.
Yes, totally on the weekend free. That’s also what has been liberating about retiring “have to”, but oddly the runs have been more consistent since then.
I’m on a long break from watching the news. I don’t miss it. I still consume it, but for some reason people verbally telling me the bad news was worse than reading it.
My appt was supposed to be April as well, when they reopened in June this was the soonest they could get me in. Glad they’re remaining so busy – it’s a wonderful little practice
I’m the queen of moving my runs around–poor Marcia–she’s making my training plan but i make it pretty fluid, depending on life and the weather. When I trained for my marathons, I did all my long runs during the week. I loved having the trails to myself!
Yeah, leftover couscous, not so much. Is that the pearled couscous? The other is more like polenta. We eat it quite a bit here, but usually serve something over it, like chicken.
PS I think you know that I believe there is no mask debate. Just wear it!
I’ll definitely try the other kind of couscous. Won’t be buying this one again, although it was fine the first day. It also didn’t particularly work as a main, but apparently it’s not meant to be.
I love the liberation of moving runs for when it works.
There shouldn’t be a mask debate, but there is. I felt so bad for the Parks staff today handing them out — poor guy didn’t even have a hat. Was glad for the extra masks as sometimes the disposable ones are just cooler.
There is nothing that I love more than a good ol’ run in the rain. I do get my share of “COVID fatigue” but yes there are so many good things happening right now, and geez louise, the world is going to figure this out some day. I’ve always wanted to do my long run on a weekday and as soon as it gets cooler I’ll be able to do it. Right now I’m not running long at all b/c of the heat & limited tolerance for the treadmill.
I know I’ve said this before, but NY is one of my favorite places and I haven’t been there in a long time, so one of the good things that is happening for me right now is all of your pictures. Keep them coming!!!
well, long is relative, it was 6 miles. That’s about what you’re doing as well, right? When I paused in April I decided to start over on building base so long is very different to normal long, but it doesn’t hurt which is all I care about.
glad for you to visit through my pics – hope the state of the world and your schedule allow you to visit one time soon. I hope you’re right about figuring it out.
Hey, getting out of Target for $10 is a win! I have not been to the dentist yet, but from what I’ve heard my office is pretty locked down on all of the safety stuff. The orthodontist visits went well, so I expect the same over at the dentist. Those plastic mask shields do make me a bit nervous though!
Mine had a mask under the face shield, whcih helped with my comfort.
And only on groceries — no random purchases. Clearly it was a fake Target!
I love our pics!! I am all about focusing on the good. That doesn’t mean I ignore the “bad,” I just choose to not dwell on it. Our minister said that if you focus on all the bad, that is all you’ll continue to see. UGH. A big no thanks to that LOL
I meant I love YOUR pics … π
Our pics work just as well considering you & Coco have amazing runrise way more often than I do, and today’s workout was pretty much “if you can do this on Wednesdays, I can do it today” so all good with Our.
It’s such a helpful reframe. We don’t need help seeing the bad. It’s everywhere. So take the time and look for the good. I try to believe there are as many good people out there as not.
I like the idea of focusing on the good – with all that is happening right now it is so important to remember all the good things.
I’m all for moving runs around to fit the weather or my schedule.
I like the idea of focusing on the positive! I have definitely enjoyed having more flexibility in my days. It will be a huge adjustment whenever I do go back to the office.
Ha! I loved your “Poke it with a stick” meme! And your focus-on-the-positive attitude. You are so right – we forget about all the good stuff that is happening right now. At least I do.
It’s hot and humid here in PA too. My strength and motivation to run is zapped by 8:00. Getting out early is the key and even then, I have to cool down before I take a shower or I would be just as sweaty after the shower as before. What did people do before AC?
Good on you for shuffling your runs to make it all work for you. That’s empowering! I’m wondering why your couscous looks so gelatinous. When I make it, I’ll cook it in broth to give it some flavor then toss it with all kinds of sauteed veg. But it is a side, not a main here. Sadly being gluten-free now, Israeli couscous is no longer for me.
I love this blog title! Indeed, who says?! LOL.
Solid week of training for you and I love that you were flexible so it all worked out in the end. π Such beautiful photos this week too!
Definitely need to focus on the positive.
Days are longer so it’s nice to get outside more – imagine if this was winter!!
Warm enough to get outside in the early AM (wish I could make myself do this)
Working from home gives me more time (no transit time).
I would do my long run during the week if it weren’t attached to location and people and FOOD!!
Thanks for a reminder – I need to re-schedule a cleaning.
Miss you!!
No way could I go to Target and only spend $10. You did great though!
I am so used to doing my long runs on the weekends that I just do them. There was a time when I would do them on Sunday. I prefer Saturday because then I have an extra day to recover before going back to work on Monday. Of course now the situation is different but I still like this schedule.
I like couscous! Though I have not had it in a while.
I went to the dentist last week for a checkup. He usually does a cleaning but now I cannot remember why he did not do it. I am OK that he did not do it though. I think I was only there for about 15 minutes.
Same for me on Saturday v. Sunday, Friday seems to be working well – well two Fridays in anyway
My Target Cover Charge is $50. I am so proud of you that you managed to get out of two Targets without spending anywhere close!
I love cous cous! I wonder what happened to yours!
I love seeing things start to ease up by you. I’m terribly jealous but glad for you π