FALLing in Love

By | October 17, 2022

I love fall running.

This week’s routine was all out of sorts with the Monday off and a busy work week, but the runs still happened. That generally doesn’t happen in other seasons, but I hate to miss any run in this perfect weather. And three days in a row at a museum? HAPPY CARI!

Down to the last two weeks of Matt Wilpers’ eight week challenge. The knee settled back down after some dedicated foam roiling and stretching and listening to my PT’s reminder that it can’t be feast or famine with running or being sedentary.

PSA for anyone with student loans: the application for relief is live and takes 30 seconds.

Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah

  • never miss a Monday: oh Monday, lazy Monday. Made for a beautiful runset, the first of three this week.

Powerful words from the New-York Historical Society exhibit

Parliament speaks to my cooking skills

  • Tuesday:powerful, resonant exhibit at New-York Historical Society about the events in Salem, and current legacy thereof. I enjoyed the entirety of it, but especially the modern reclamation of the term Witch. And yes, as always, I loved Parliament’s signage. Me to a Tee. In effort of balance, I walked to the exhibit opening and home from the office.

Early Sunday Morning

late Wednesday afternoon

  • Wednesday:another museum morning with Edward Hopper’s New York. It was a chaotically busy day, but oh so worth it to spend a morning surrounded by art and bookend it with a foreboding sunset.

The Little Prince

A NYC princess!

  • Thursday: if it was a weekday morning, I was in a museum. The Morgan’s The Little Prince exhibit is a small but awesome behind the scenes look at one of my favorite books. And then, the walk back to the office is never boring. Office run group was a schedule casualty and the skies opened, but I love a rain run and it felt good to move a little.


  • Friday: long overdue dinner with friends. Anyone else obsessed with Moscow Mules?

creepy fun, Eat Pretty style

dusk on Randalls Island

  • Saturday: didn’t know what I wanted to run or where, but Randalls Island is always a good, reliable option for a long-ish run. I was curious whether the temporary housing by the stadium would impact the running loop, but it didn’t. It actually also means more people are around, which made late afternoon running feel safer as otherwise it can be rather desolate. Ran literally to my sushi joint so it came in about 8.5 miles which was just fine.

fall colors

guess who?


Sunday:morning walk, evening drinks. Life is better with friends.

4 thoughts on “FALLing in Love

  1. Debbie @ Deb Runs

    Fall running is the best and running with friends in the fall makes it even better! How fun to get to see and run with Darlene!

    My husband likes Moscow Mules, but I’m not a fan. I don’t really like ginger/ginger beer.

  2. Wendy

    Looks like a fantastic week in New York! What is up with that ‘princess’ lol?

    Glad you were able to meet up with Darlene!

  3. Liz Dexter

    Lovely meetup pic with Darlene!

    Moscow Mules the cocktail? They were a bottled alcopop when I was a late teen, so I used to drink them a lot! Not sure you can get the bottled ones now …


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