it was also a crazy busy week, but with fun stuff, which is part of what made it a good week.

Halloween fun, a neighborhood theme
Linking up with Deborah and Kim to talk about fun on (and off) the run.
- never miss a Monday: after meeting up Sunday, Darlene and I had a plan to maybe run in the morning depending on how heavily it was raining. It wasn’t at all. So I dropped off my laptop in the office and met her for a loop of Central Park. I am pretty good with running with the backpack, but not with the laptop. I had the biggest laugh when I went to change at the office and realized I forgot my normal bra. Oops. Worse things in the world than spending a day in a sports bra, but it was kind of see through. Thanks, jacket. That last face? I just laughed. It was fine since I was home, but there’s just something about getting caught in the rain when you’re not run clothes.
- Tuesday: after a really long day in the office Monday, I was glad to work from home. Trying to heed the words of my PT and walk when I’m not running and went for a sunset walk. Not much of a sunset (need more clouds!). Not sure what those floating wooden “barges” were, but I suspect part of the work being done on the fountain, which has been off all year.
- Wednesday: it was cold! Wind chill in the 30s and while I didn’t need to be at the office at 9 sharp, I couldn’t get it going to go for a run. Enter an after work runset. The bridle path isn’t runnable after dark as it’s completely un lit, so run, walk, run is just fine.
- Thursday: office run group meets Alison Desir’s book launch, which began with a two mile run or walk/run. I was working from home, so the event actually began with a run to the run! My IT Band is responding well to the effort to walk when I’m not running, but it does not like the stop that follows running. It was good on the run down, OK on the two mile run and screaming while I sat listening to Alison speak with Erica Edwards-O’Neal about her new book, Running While Black. Luckily it loosened up and getting home wasn’t too much of a hobble. So glad to have the chance to see Alison while she was in town and thrilled to support Revolution Books with my purchase. Can’t wait to read this. And yes, 24 hours after running in tights I was back in a skirt.
- Friday: sunset walk, otherwise much needed rest day after busy week
- Saturday: definitely the highlight of an already fun week. Mo wanted to do something different for her birthday and we landed at Raaka Chocolate in Red Hook for their inaugural class post-COVID and some renovations. I am someone who has to learn by watching, or doing with you – not watching and repeating. So our efforts were very much not an exact replica of the instructor’s. But he was prepared, and armed us with a heat gun for our too quickly tempered chocolate and we were back in business. I loved the topping choices, especially everything bagel! I haven’t actually tasted the bars we made since I’m not a dark chocolate person, but the samples we tasted were delicious. Going in I guessed my favorite would be pink sea salt, and it probably was #2, but I absolutely loved the pumpkin one from the spice the tahini provided. It didn’t taste at all like pumpkin, which is good since I don’t like pumpkin! If I had just tasted it, I’d have guessed chili not pumpkin. And I’ll be honest, I’d have had no idea this was a vegan chocolate company. After class was over, I had a vague wave thought of running home. It’s about 8 miles from Red Hook, but not the pretty (aka river) route I’d run, so I knew early it probably wasn’t going to happen. That was confirmed when I turned left at Brooklyn Bridge Park and hit Wegmans when I was hungry. Is there any better break/later run fuel than a Wegman’s sub? Bonus following a ferry home and break to charge my phone? This absolutely picture perfect sunset ahead of Sunday’s rain. Nothing better.
- Sunday: finally a chance to enjoy some fall foliage. Between the drought, weird temperatures, the changing leaves have been all over the map. It’s nice to see a few splashes of color on this walk in the drizzle.
Work is going to get crazier before it gets calmer, but glad IT band, schedule allowing for some running and balance. Next up: costume fun. Stay tuned for Haunted Island 10K pics.
Very excited for your 10k. Is it governors island?
I think I took the same pic as your last one. Lol
I got rained on too. But I wore running clothes.
My highlight was running with you. Glad we got it done
You probably did, because I did part of your route including at the foot of Belvedere Castle.
We just received that Book from Brooks so looking forward to reading it myself as well. You are the best NYC hostess. Looks like you and Darlene had fun together
I love it when people are here.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts. We need a book chat when we’re all done, and Liz too. Err as soon as I mail it to her.
That chocolate class looks really interesting and fun!! On, and so delicious. Chocolate is my kind of thing 🙂
What a beautiful picture of the city!
Yes, chocolate is definitely my kind of thing too.
Thank you!
As Deborah said, we’re reading that book for our Run Happy team and my trail book club is also reading it! I’m so excited to start it. It will be my next book.
I’d love that chocolate class! And i love dark chocolate. You are a good friend to go there!
Oh good. I kept meaning to message you to see if you wanted a copy but I knew you were away and kept thinking of it too early to message with the time difference. Generally eastern and central is too close to worry about.
I love fun ways to celebrate birthdays. Going out for drinks only holds so much attention
Ooh, a vegan chocolate making class?????? That sounds amazing!
It seems like everyone is talking about that book now- I expect to see a bunch of reviews soon.
I love your photos- NYC is so pretty. Looking forward to hearing all about the 10k- I take it you’re wearing a costume? Sounds fun!
I will bring you some! You and Kim can choose between flavors. Or you can come up and take the class. Vegan, gluten free and.. I forget what else. Honestly wouldn’t have noticed it were vegan if they hadn’t said it.
Yes, themed costume, hopefully
Oh, send me all the dark chocolate you don’t want 😉 Looks like you and Darlene had a great time. Aren’t running friends the absolute best!
They are. A guarantee for mischief
I know you’re kidding, but I totally will. I’ll send you the flavors we made to see if any pique your interest.
Mother Nature was a little crazy this week, that’s for sure – although the temperature on Saturday was really nice!
That chocolate making class sounds really cool! I’m not vegan but always love to learn more about vegan and vegetarian options, especially sweets!
Saturday was surprisingly nice. I didn’t have sunscreen with me. Oops.
Me too. Not that I serve, but to know of them for gifts.
Glad you got to see Darlene and what an active week! The walking thing is good, though I note I’ve really only gone for a walk when I’ve been out with Claire and the dogs, which is more of an amble with lurches sideways!
Some of these are definitely ambles. More about moving vs. exercise. So far, so good.
It sounds like you had a fun week, Cari! I can’t wait to read about your race shenanigans in your costume!
Looking forward to shenanigans. Ridiculously excited to have just found orange socks too
I did a chocolate class once – it was a lot of fun! I didn’t know you don’t like dark chocolate! I’ll taste test yours. 😉
So is your PT’s advice to keep active? Walk on your non-running days?
It’s great seeing all the events back to happenning!
Might have some for you. Wish I were doing the annual NOvember drive to bring it in person.
Yes, keep active and keep moving/loose because we’re not meant to be as sedentary as we are. Ideally it would be more low impact, but this is the best of the options, and I’m not sure knee/hip would like the bike anyway
That chocolate class looks amazing. We are going to be doing a cooking class in a few weeks, but it will be real food, not yummy dessert.
Yay for Darlene and sunsets and book launches. You always have the most fun.
Hooray for a fun week! When I hear Red Hook I think about the town that’s about halfway between here and my moms, LOL, because I’m in that area a lot but never actually have time to stop in the town.
Anything with chocolate is ok by me. 🙂
Hope the IT Band continues to improve! For me there is something about slowing down to walk — and seeing more!
How nice to run with Darlene! Blog friends are good for the soul! That chocolate class looks so fun. Did you put everything bagel spice on chocolate? I bought some and now I want to try with chocolate! Enjoy the colors while they last. I think ours are done. Ugh.