One of those crazy weeks that you just have to navigate to get through training. But I did.
Training is going well. The workouts may not have happened on the days they were slated, but they all did and the week’s long run felt strong despite some fueling issues. It’s nuts to realize the NYC Half is five weeks away, mostly in the sense of how are we halfway through February already?
10 miles next week is going to be my longest since Juneau and I’m eager to do it. Part of me already knows I can run the Half. But I’ll KNOW it once I hit a double digit run.

queen of never match matches… the building?! Also, I’m crediting this “snow what fun” shirt with our mild winter
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for a look at this week
50 and humid on Thursday night when I decided to do my long run because of weekend schedule and forecast. I’m honestly not sure whether I’m a morning or an evening runner, probably a bit of both. I do fairly well with fueling for weekday long runs. Late afternoon weekend runs? Not so much. The riverside run was half the length of Thursday’s and felt like double. As I tried to sort out why after I realized I’d had only coffee before heading out around 3:30. Oops
Sunday was fun, and part of why I moved the long run. Whitney fell and broke her knee cap six months ago and targeted this race as her comeback. While I don’t do all the races like I did in 2018 and 2019, I am always happy to hop into a Central Park race if a friend asks, and it’s even more fun when a mutual friend is volunteering it.
No race recap, it’s the same as every Gridiron I’ve run. Probably the only race I can say that for since the last time I did it was just before COVID so I have no COVID-flavored races. It is weird though that when Gridiron switched places with the Manhattan 10K/7M, Penguin decamped to January. I don’t like two race weekends, but it was a weird calendar dance.
Our race plan was entirely dictated by how her knee was feeling, and we walked/ran it including running past Fred and over the finish. Whee! For the first time in forever, I spotted the Cheer Everywhere photographer and look forward to seeing his photos to see if there were any action shots.
As I realized when restaurants reopened, while COVID taught me I can cook I still don’t like to and takeout is just easier. But I do love salmon, so when it was on sale in my Stop & Shop order, well I knew I was making dinner at least once. Of course with the piece of salmon that big it’s three meals which makes it kind of like takeout on the non cooking days.
Hhmmm, can we still be friend if even you can’t make me look tall? 😉
I cook salmon once a week and since my husb doesn’t like it much, I usually get two lunches out of it too. (1 lb = 4 portions)
So great to be able to do a come-back race with your friend!
Sure. You just have to wear heels 😀
And same, it’s part of what makes salmon a manageable cooking project.
Like you, I will be happy once the 10 miler is done too. We got this! Keep on swimming
10 miles should be a good in-between distance before the half marathon. Isn’t it great to think that half of February is almost gone? Not that I want to wish time away but the closer we get to spring…
Lovely that you could join your friend in her come-back race!
You got this. Can’t wait for our next meetup
It’s always a treat to run with friends.
The leader of my trail running group is not tall and I had her stand on a snowbank in last weekend’s group photo. She pointed out that I was still taller than her, lol. It’s all good natured fun, am I right?
Great job on your race! You’re going to get that 10 miler next weekend and you’ll do great at your race!
Well I have the gift of making almost everyone look short, LOL…except for my oldest daughter (who , at 5’11, is two inches taller than me) and the son (because he’s even taller than is dad, LOL). It’s great that you were able to do the race with your friend!
Yes- how are we halfway through February??? I also don’t like running later in the day for that reason- fueling is complicated. Your race sounds great- it’s fun to do these things without worrying about a time goal and just enjoy running with a friend.
How exciting to be doing a comeback race with your friend! Um yeah, how are we halfway through Feb already? I swear it’s all a blur.
I get my salmon at TJs and usually it’s 4 meals — although sometimes I force Mr. Judy to eat it, too. He likes fish but isn’t a superfan of salmon like I am.
Double digits are always such a confidence booster, aren’t they?
They really are. And even though I did 3? Halfs last year I always seem to wornder whether I can really do it
I’ve actually never had tried salmon but always wanted too! I purchased a small frozen piece from Trader Joes and will probably cook it this week. I love shrimp but don’t eat fish too often.
Hah! I’m the opposite. I love almost all fish but don’t much care for shrimp
Hope you liked it
I love that you’re feeling ready for your half and I hope your 10 miler goes well! I really do not know how we’re half way through this month.
Yay for running with a friend on a comeback race – always good!
eeks, broken kneecap? that sounds intense. And only a 6 month recovery? not bad!
I love you could do the race together, so heartwarming, and you had fun! And well done on the cooking front, of course. Weirdly while I’ve been ill, Matthew encouraged a take out that’s really full of fresh veg, we both sat there looking at it, he managed his, mine was too complex for me and i had to do plain pasta and tomatoes!
No one can ever make me look tall, of course!