Review: Jeneration X

By | May 1, 2014
So I realized something sad when I started to read Jeneration X, Jen Lancaster’s 2012 “chapter” of her non-fiction series: I think I’ve outgrown it. This is equal parts sad and odd because a) I used to love her non fiction titles and b) I’m at least a decade younger than she is.  At some point between My Fair Lazy and the latest chapter in her “I’m a fancy author and now so is my friend Stacey and I have to remind you every other page”, I got bored.Also sad, it look me four weeks to get through this book, only the sixth one I’ve finished this year. I am so off pace it is sad. I think the biggest issue with this one was a lack of filter or editor. Seriously, a book shouldn’t read like a blog, and there’s a reason I don’t read her blog.That said, there were some funnies in this book as well as some things I identified with — unfortunately they were somewhat drowned out by her egotism. Midway through the book when talking about eBay she identified herself as “hypercompetitive asshole”. At least she knows her shortcomings.Note to self: read the Amazon reviews before buying. A good number of them nailed exactly what I was thinking.

Those of us born between 1965 and 1980 had none of the benefits of the generations that came before or after us. We know nothing of the kinder, simpler America from the Camelot days, nor were we born with an innate understanding of how to operate Microsoft Windows. Today, we’re a beeper generation in a smartphone world. Watching this generation operate makes me very glad that people my age understand that tools like technology and social media are a means to an end and not the end itself. My generation didn’t play soccer so we know that when the game is over not everyone gets a trophy. Yet here we are, trapped in middle management between two massive cases of generational arrested development.So that’s what those of us in Generation X have done to define ourselves. We’ve become the only adults in a world full of children. I mean, if I could finally grow up? Anyone can.

In hind sight, that’s probably where I should have quit reading. Although I may or may not be Gen X depending on who is drawing the boundaries, I’m definitely closer to Gen Y/Millennial than her broad strokes.

“I don’t do shots anymore because I hate how they make me feel in the morning. Coincidentally, this is also why I no longer eat Lucky Charms for dinner. Much as I enjoyed both acts, I haven’t the liver or the stomach of a college kid anymore.”

Attempt to open the boxes of shipped items with a tablespoon. [Hey, it was the most handy pointy thing.]

I admit – this is me, to a T. Although it was Fruit Loops and not Lucky Charms, which are gross.

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