I came to an important realization this weekend. Or, to be honest, an acknowledgement of something I realized a long time ago. I cannot enjoy a good step day/week/month because I’m forever fretting about the next. Le sigh.
That said, July was a-MA-zing.
- 345,390 steps
- 141.86 miles
- 72.43 miles biked (11 gym visits)
My July 2016 goal? 325,000. I’m not actually going for 1,000,000 this quarter due to heavy travel in August, but it was nice to hit the soft super stretch goal of 333,333. As I mentioned when plotting Q3, I needed more thought on that goal. 900,000 is almost too doable with the good start so I’m shooting for 950,000. If not, I know I can do 925,000. I’d really like 950,000 though as that would get me to 3m steps at the end of Q3.
My soft goal for August is 280,000 to split the 40K “excess” over two months but I really want to push for 300,000 because that would be the eighth month in a row. Thanks to my spreadsheet with the worst-case days plugged in (great tool), I have my “marching” orders
On a non step note, not only was the heat good for gym visits but I topped not only my July 2015 total (7.94 miles) almost ten-fold, but I also topped my Q3 2015 totals (same). That’s insane and pathetic and I’m soldiering on.
To infinity… and beyond!
PS: Books status: 64/75 books, 49/75 for #2016TBRPile challenge