#GoTheDist April 2018

By | May 1, 2018

August 2017 marked my first month with 500K steps. I missed a repeat last month by 700 steps :(. Yesterday morning I realized I was less than 14K steps away and decided it was going to happen. 14K is iffy proposition on weekdays, but rain sent me to the gym.

April Totals:

  • 501,524 steps
  • 219.94 miles run/walked
  • 62.34 miles run


March was insane, April was just awesome. No doubt spurred on by a 50K+ step day the day of the Cherry Blossom 10 miler, but other than Easter and a day with an evening event after which it was too cold to walk even part way, it was just an overall solid month. I’m happy with and proud of it. I’m glad I’m comfortable with some of those high volume days, because my spreadsheet tells me I’m going to need some high step days to hit my goals after accounting for travel days.

ye olde handy spreadsheet

Definitely some catastrophizing in there, steps wise, but it’s basically a worse-case scenario on days I’m out of town and therefore steps below my normal. Don’t want to lose my 400K step streak, and would like to top last year’s, especially since it was low-ish even with the Saunter. (Oh how glad I am I simplified my spreadsheets).

Sixth month in a row of running 50+ miles, and second going 60+. Wow. A lot clicked this month. I’m one mile off the pace I need to run 700 miles on the year, wow.

Overall run time ended up just shy of 40m goal at 39:28 but I don’t mind that as it included cherry blossom photo pit stops and hill repeats. I wouldn’t trade either for a better average run time.

In many ways #GoTheDist has been eaten by #RunTheYear for me personally, but I don’t see that as a bad thing. I’m using Run the Year to be a better me, ergo achieving GoTheDist goals. My RTY tracker is runs only for this year, but I’m using GTD for the dual run/walk goals.

On to May.


3 thoughts on “#GoTheDist April 2018

  1. Liz Dexter

    Great work! I have been off the running for a bit recovering from destroying myself a bit with mara training and the DIY mara and not getting my recovery quite right, but I see I am still on track for my 1000 mile year if I can get back on it quite soon. But we have to listen to ourselves, too.

    1. cari Post author

      Yep that’s why I dropped my goal.Combination of recovering, and lack of knowledge as to how I’d recover from a Half. Knock wood, recovery from 15Kish is less jarring and this half is the last on the books. I want to do one in the fall, but haven’t yet found one

  2. Pingback: #GoTheDist, August 2018 – travellingcari.com

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