TOTR: Fall Running Plans

By | September 4, 2018

I love Tuesdays on the Run. And I love having the “cheat sheet” of the topics early so I can get these written at the weekend. This week? Fall Running Plans.

Linking up with: Erika at MCM Mama, Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and Patty at No Guilt Life.

I don’t have any fall running favorites, other than the weather. I cannot wait for more seasonable temperatures. I did two races last year, and will be repeating one. More on that later. Non-running favorites? The leaves. One thing I really missed about the northeast when living in Japan and Australia was the four seasons, especially fall. It’s just magical. The colors, the smell. I enjoy getting silly for my birthday/Thanksgiving but that’s secondary to the colors.

My fall running plans are:

The maybes are schedule questions, but I’d really like to run Grete’s Great Gallop even though I hate the Central Park 10K course and have been hill-avoidant all summer. It sounds like a wonderful race and a way to honor a great woman. I did the Poland Spring kickoff last year and aside from hating the shirt (still do, still an issue with women’s shirts), I loved the race. I’ll probably end up doing this again if I’m in town.

For the confirmed races:

  • I have mixed feelings about the Bronx 10 miler. Training hasn’t been what I wanted it to, but I think I can run ten miles. It starts at Yankee Stadium! I like the idea of running down the Concourse as its architecture is stunning,  but I’m not sure I’ll feel the same on the loop back. I’m thinking of running with a pacer, but we’ll see.
  • I was bummed to get closed out of Race to Deliver last year and signed up as quickly as I could. Something about giving back Thanksgiving week, and especially around my birthday. Speaking of Thanksgiving, hoping to do a Turkey Trot somewhere that weekend.
  • Ted Corbitt was my first long race and it still has a special place in my heart. I loved it, even with a sore hip and even in the snow. I need to get it together with hills this fall, but a variation of this course has become my 15K loop when I go long in Central Park. I want to beat last year, but beyond that don’t have specific goals this far out.

On the not running front:

  • the one I’m not repeating from last fall is the Squirrel Stampede which has been cancelled in favor of rescheduling the August rain out. I was looking forward to running Roosevelt Island again, but it’s the same weekend as the Bronx so I wouldn’t have been able to either way
  • I was tossing up the South Nyack 10 miler as I remember going to it as a kid, but after my fall I realized what a challenge the course was and that I probably wasn’t ready. It didn’t hurt that I got Giants’ tickets for that day either. So next year, maybe.


36 thoughts on “TOTR: Fall Running Plans

  1. Lesley

    I did a 5k one year the weekend before Thanksgiving. I loved doing it that way, instead of waking up early on Thanksgiving. I feel like so much happens Thanksgiving mornings, and it was great to have my run done beforehand.

    1. cari Post author

      Same. I only got away with last year’s because I played the “it’s my birthday” card. There’s one the weekend after that I’ll probably do

  2. Marcia

    You have lots of exciting races in your future. I am so ready for some seasonal changes in the weather. The heat/humidity/rain has been brutal this summer.

    1. cari Post author

      Yes. and like you said on someone else’s today, never ending. I know a lot of three season runners who don’t do winter. I’d take winter all day over summer

  3. Darlene

    I wold love to run these races but none of them fit into my schedule.

    Plan on Re-scheduled Governor’s Island race and maybe the one on Roosevelt Island on Oct 28. Although I could be talked into Poland Spring one. I’m waiting to see if I have enough miles for a free hotel. I have tix for a Broadway show that day so will be in the city anyway.

    1. cari Post author

      Poland Spring is a lot of fun, nice to have marathon accoutrements up. I need to look up Roosevelt Island 10/28. Unless that’s the donut one? I’m bizarrely not a donut person so passing on that. What are you seeing?

        1. cari Post author

          ooh, you’ll have to let me know how it is. I gave up my tickets a week or two ago

      1. Darlene

        It is the Haunted one. I’m now leaning toward Polar Spring but I waver.

        1. cari Post author

          Leaning Poland Springs myself. Cheaper and easier, but need to figure out first if I”m in town

    1. cari Post author

      Me too! If I’d decided to do South Nyack would have been perfect – high is for 60s Sunday.

    1. cari Post author

      I was so bummed to miss it this year, so went the guaranteed route for one year

  4. Kimberly Hatting

    All kinds of fun possibilities! There are two 10-milers in my area, but BOTH are happening the same weekend I’ll be in Philly for the RnR Half Marathon. Totally not fair…I love the 10-mile distance 😉

    1. cari Post author

      Oh bummer. and bizarre they’d run them both the same weekend. Seems like they’re cannibalizing their audiences. Enjoy Philly!

  5. kookyrunner

    You have some great races lined up for the Fall! I’ve done the Bronx 10 miler twice and it has always been one of my favorite races.

    1. cari Post author

      Oh that’s good to hear. It’s not super popular among my circle so hadn’t heard much

  6. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets

    Sounds like you have a lot of great racing options! All we need now is for fall weather to arrive, and stay!

  7. Chocolaterunsjudy

    You have so many great races to choose from! I saw the Poland Springs — is that the same one as the Dash to the Finish Line? I did that once & did enjoy it, but I’ll be away that weekend anyway.

    I lived in TX 17 years. Did not miss Fall. Ever. Don’t get me wrong, I like Fall, but it’s the great slide into Winter I don’t like. 🙁 Oh, and I hate raking!

    1. cari Post author

      No, Dash is a run from the UN to Central Park. I’ve never done it, but I’m generally a bigger fan of park runs vs. city street. Poland Spring is all in Central Park which is just a gorgeous blast of color at that time of year
      Wow, you’ve lived everywhere!

      1. Chocolaterunsjudy

        I thought maybe they just changed the sponsor! I can imagine how gorgeous that must be in CP. After Dash, we walked around CP with my nephew (who came to see me run).

        I definitely haven’t lived everywhere, but I’ve lived in 4 different states. Also grew up in Poughkeepsie, went to school in Rochester, and now am in Albany — unfortunately, I’ve lived the majority of my life in NY! It’s not that I don’t like NY, but I hate the weather.

        1. cari Post author

          Dash is also, I think, day before the marathon. Poland Spring is the week before.
          I would love to snowbird, Florida winter, New england summer because even New York summers are too much. I can’t do Rochester in winter

          1. Chocolaterunsjudy

            Ah, I see — no wonder I was confused!

            My husband wants to be a snowbird some day. Unless we don’t have furkids, I just don’t see it happening.

            As far as winters, you do what you gotta do. I didn’t like Rochester, VT, or even Albany for that matter when it comes to winter.

            1. cari Post author

              Speaking of Albany – I’m doing Troy Turkey Trot as of this morning. Is that one you do?

                1. cari Post author

                  Yep, messaged her about it too. Hoping we’ll connect.
                  Happy hosting!

                  1. Chocolaterunsjudy

                    I’m definitely free the day after & the rest of the weekend, too. As far as I know. You just never know when something’s going to pop up, or at least it seems that way lately.

                    1. cari Post author

                      Not sure when I’m headed home yet, but will ping you if I’ll be around

    1. cari Post author

      When I woke to today’s monsoon I was so happy I was doing neither possible race

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