Snow, root canal… What a week. Not much substance beyond the Wrap.
On the plus side, I crossed 600 miles run on the year and snapped up Inner Runner on a Kindle deal of the day and I look forward to reading that when I have some down time on vacation. Haven’t done any run reads in a while.

I need this shirt. That is me in a nutshell at the weekend.
[bctt tweet=”600 miles, running through cold, snow and root canals #RunTheYear” username=”travellingcari”]
Weekly Wrap with Wendy and Holly:
- Monday: Managed to avoid root canal thanks to a bite adjustment from my dentist who I adore & who got me in within an hour. I was still tender and did not feel like the jarring motion of running, plus I thought a day off running was smart. The rowers & LateralXs were full so I went to my old friend the recumbent bike for 9+ miles. Upside? Harry Potter. Order of the Phoenix is going to be the death of me, but I’m finally almost done.
- Tuesday: yeah, dentist’s fix wasn’t and my tooth / jaw was screaming bloody murder. I was at the office late and it was too cold to walk home, so I hit the bike again. It’s not really exercise in the way running is, but I treat it like I do walking home, better than sitting on my ass. 10+ miles and Potter 5 is done. I’m definitely taking a break on that series. I’m honestly not sure I want to finish it.
- Wednesday: didn’t even get step goal. Thanks, tooth.
- Thursday: root canal happened and what I loved? It finally stopped hurting. I was still numb after work so went to the gym for an easy mile on the treadmill and a solid stretch after. Was mostly a shakeout after two hours in the dentist’s chair. Oh yes, we had the weather almost all of you did. Lots of tree branches down due to the weight of snow on the leaves.
- Friday: off. Dinner plans and needed a mental health day. Came in just shy of step goal, but I was OK with that as a quiet night was what I needed.
- Saturday: my typical late start. I badly needed the sleep after this week. So nice to be able to enjoy my coffee without pain. I finally headed out late without a plan beyond getting in some miles for #TracieMadeMeDoIt, a great way to encourage Run the Year folks to get outdoors as weather makes it harder. I knew I needed to go to CVS so decided to run the long way there for 4.5 miles. Pace was all over the place (1st mile had lights), but it felt good given that I hadn’t really run since Sunday and I didn’t want to push too hard with a vague plan to still try to race Sunday. It was awesome to watch some of the NYRR 60K runners still out there at about the 8 hour mark. That’s some amazing endurance.
- Sunday: 4M Race to Deliver. As I mentioned last week, my plan was to try for a PR. But I gave that one up once my tooth kept me from running this week. Although I wasn’t sure I’d feel up to running this depending on how my tooth felt, I knew I’d participate even if I just walked as I love the work of God’s Love We Deliver. Because it was that weird in between weather of cold but not cold enough for gloves I wanted one of my shirts with thumb holes I wasn’t wearing anything NYRR and someone actually asked me if it was my first race. That was sweet. I tried to time my run to the start so that it would be an actual warm up and quick slip into corral, but it was a bigger race than I expected and it took about 13 minutes to cross the start, so I was cold again (and the winner finished just seven minutes later!). Mile one was slow due to crowds, weaving and Cat Hill and mile three was some wet leaf dodging, but otherwise the race felt good. 43:35 per NYRR, 43:38 per my watch (best thing about Garmin? It/Strava/Runkeeper match!) 31 seconds off Gridiron, but my second best NYRR 4 Miler so I really can’t complain. I’m actually not even unhappy that I didn’t PR, I pretty much knew it was gone from mile one. I stayed at the finish festival for a little while but then ran home because it was cold, moisture wicking or not. I crossed 600 miles run on the year and am really happy with that, even if 700 isn’t going to happen. I might pull out 200 miles more than last year (472.71), but even if I don’t I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished this year.
Needless to say, I didn’t start the NYRR Half Marathon Training and not sure I will. I can’t add one more thing to my plate right now. I think it will just frustrate me. I’m OK with keeping up as is for Lebow and pushing the “formal” training to the NYC Half even though my only goal for the latter is to have fun.
Plan for the Week:
- Monday: cross train
- Tuesday: run
- Wednesday: depends on how much time I have between work and my train. Hopefully at least quick run.
- Thursday: Troy Turkey Trot 10K where I’ll hopefully see Darlene
- Friday: Birthday. I want to do some celebratory miles, but not sure what. Maybe 3.9 since 11.23 and 7.9 aren’t happening. Will also depend on travel schedule.
- Saturday/Sunday: TBC based on work, our major event is 11.28 and I’ll likely work most of this.
Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans in the wrap. I’m thankful to know all of you, you’re wonderful additions to my running journey.
Ugh so sorry to hear about your root canal this week 🙁 You were definitely a trooper to still get in runs despite the pain.
Thank you! In the early part of the week I didn’t want to run from pain, but once that was resolved I was up for it
I read The Inner Runner a few years ago–I reviewed it on the blog. I think you’ll like it!
Glad to hear you got the tooth taken care of. And that you were able to run your race in spite of it!
Me too! It’s not 100% yet but it feels so much better than it did.
I have a feeling you’re why it was on my wishlist. When I first found your blog I went through your list and added all to my wishlist. It looks like a good read. Trying to find a balance of not reading complete crap while at the beach.
I have never had a root canal- sounds intense! Take care of yourself!
May you never need one. On the scale of one to your broken leg, probably a 3-4. Although the root canal gets a rap as painful, it was the tooth pain leading up to it that I was so glad to have end. I have bad teeth but had been lucky enough to be stable for some time. Thank you!
So sorry about the tooth troubles this week! Glad it didn’t prevent you from doing your race this weekend. Have a great time at the Turkey Trot this week!
Thank you! So glad it’s in the rear view
Roots canals are not pleasant but oh what sweet relief! I went through months of dental problems this past winter but didn’t test that I needed a root canal. Finally, after TWO — I got my relief. You did great at your 4 miler race, and after having a root canal too! Congrats. Thanks for linking!
Yes, sweet relief is the perfect description of it. Glad you finally got yours. It’s trial & error but I love my dentist
I’ve never had a root canal but it sounds dreadful. You pushed through it though, I hope this week is smoother sailing for you!
Thank you! I hope so too
Root canal is complete relief after the pain that leads to it. Root canal itself is mostly annoyance from tools’ poking , but I’m glad it’s over.
PS: you got me craving chili 😀
Glad the tooth pain is gone.
I decided to drop down to the 5k on Thanksgiving. I plan to be there early or I won’t get parking.
I’m pooped from work and have a wicked hilly half on Sat so decided not to push it.
I’ll look for you on Thursday.
Just saw your post about that. Hope to connect.
Good luck with the Half, although I’m sure we’ll chat on someone’s comments before then 😀
Dental things are never fun! Hope your tooth is feeling better now. I put my name into the lottery for the NYC half next year. Fingers crossed (I think). If I get in maybe I will do that virtual training program did not know they had one.
Cheers to having that root canal done with Those are so not fun. I don’t think I can trot on Thanksgiving as we need to be at BIL’s house by noon. So freaking early.
Uggh! Sorry about the tooth troubles. Hopefully next week will be awesome for your birthday! Hope you get in a celebratory run!
Thank you! Me too
I have never had a root canal, but they sound intense and painful. UGH. I’m trotting as well on Thursday…always fun coming back home to a delish-smelling house 😉
They’re supposed to be painful but considering it zapped the nerve and therefore the tooth couldn’t feel pain any more I’d just consider it to be a nuisance from poking around.
That’s how I feel re: scent on Christmas. I help mom prep then go pick up my aunt before dinner. I’m only gone for ~ half an hour and the house just somehow transforms to magical to my nose.
So sorry to hear about your root canal! Great job on your race!
You’ve been epic running through all that dental work. I’ve had root canals and I wouldn’t want to run in the cold after one. What a star! And congrats on the 600, that’s brilliant! Not a distance I cracked until way into my running life. Love that you got to do your race, too. And a turkey trot – this makes me giggle as obviously we don’t have these, though there are turkey-themed runs around Christmas. Time to break out my Christmas leggings again? Too soon?
Sorry about all the tooth pain and dental work! That stuff can really be uncomfortable while running, Hope this upcoming week is better for you, especially with your birthday coming up!
I’m impressed with how much you did do, considering your tooth pain & all that ensued. And that’s a great time for a 4 mile race! Especially after the week you had.
I’ve been spending more time on my stationary bike lately. Step goals are really going to be hard this week with the cold blast coming in (bundle up for up here!). It’s good to give your legs a break from pounding the pavement.
I can’t believe you did all those workouts before and after root canal. I hate dental work. The big downside of my NYC Half experience was breaking my crown on a Cliff Shot Block. I’m intrigued by the name of the race — what is the mission?
Ouch! Been there done that on Skittles a couple years ago. Good to be aware of for the gel blocks.
The race supports God’s Love We Deliver ( who provide healthy meals to the chronically ill. It was founded during the AIDS crisis but has expanded greatly. Their core mission is that you can’t be healthy without having access to healthy food. Because they’re a private c3 they’re less directly impacted by cuts to gov’t programs such as Meals oN Wheels.
I know what you mean about needing a shakeout run after being in the dentist’s chair. I get so tense, even for a cleaning, I’m tired and achy after the appointment. It feels good to move!
Unlucky about the dental issue. The fitness is there though when you are recovered.
Oops, just found this in my inbox. It’s slowly coming back — thank you!
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