Merging the Weekly Run Down and Tuesday Topics this week because I never quite got enough computer time last week or over the weekend to write a post.
[bctt tweet=”If two linkups go walking, which one does the talking? ” username=”travellingcari”]
Tuesday Topics with Kim and Zenaida: What are some new fitness gadgets you’d like to try?
While I can be a gadget person, I don’t think there are any on my list to try. Why? I’ve been on a bit of a gadget-ish binge of late:
- the new to me iPod touch is amazing. It’s so easy to use and running with music again has been a real pleasure. I might even put email on it!
- Compression socks/sleeves: OK maybe not a gadget, but a new-to-me-toy. I’m not sold on them for daily runs (namely because I only have one pair), but I feel like they help.
I really, really wish someone would invent defrosters for glasses. Transition lenses were one of my best running-adjacent purchases, but ugh glasses + rain are a pain in the ass.
Weekly Run Down, week of April 15 with Kim and Deborah even if I don’t actually squeeze this into the linkup. Inching into base building and off my training hiatus. Eek. Marathon beginning to feel real, but week felt strong. How do I know there’s more outdoor running? That & travel are when my Instagram really wakes up:
- Monday: off. I think. This week was so crazy I don’t actually remember what I did Monday. I got step goal and didn’t get to the gym. I passed this wonderfully ridiculous fauxpiary while out and about.
- Tuesday: gorgeous day that I got out early enough to check my stuff at the Run Center and do five Central Park miles after work. So rare on a weekday night and so magical. Peak cherry blossoms and while I did the bridle path to avoid the worst of the hills and pounding, legs felt good. Finding this kiosk branded NYRR was a nice surprise, I’ve never noticed this on the weekend.
- Wednesday: office run group day shift due to schedule. Three miles felt harder on the calf and had some annoying foot numbness, but I pushed through and made sure to do all the PT exercises after at the gym.
- Thursday: off. Book group and nowhere near step goal. I needed the day off.
- Friday: no formal exercise but lots of steps through the park and in a museum before I headed upstate after some meetings.

om nom nom. For the record: he lost his head to the cooling rack. I did not decapitate him for a photo. And yes, that’s a dinosaur.
- Saturday: when you forget your gels, you fuel with a sugar cookie. Run was later in the day than I wanted due to a morning monsoon but still got in five miles running through my hometown. Nearly negative splits due to people I met & stopped to talk to in mile one.

pretty much last summer’s wipe out spot
- Sunday: curious if the trail was open with all the Shared Use Path construction still ongoing so I headed out for a shorter shakeout. I went as far as where it’s totally washed out/I became a real runner last summer and turned back. Legs felt good as did body in 87% humidity.

Runners’ Delight: awesome easter shirt from my cousin
Plan for the Week:
- Monday: cross train. Legs are feeling good despite two days running in a row, but I’m not going to be stupid. Again.
- Tuesday: unsure, crazy work day with before and after work events
- Wednesday: run before work
- Thursday: office run group
- Friday: off/cross
- Saturday: TBD, based on where I am
- Sunday: team captain for office group for the 9/11 Museum 5K run/walk. More community give back than a race and the course is narrow, but it’s always a wonderful day. Anyone else running?
Do you like to give back through running?
(Non race) shirts with words, yay or nay?
Are you a gadget person?
OMG, I love that shirt! I can’t resist clever t-shirts, even if I don’t wear them often, they spark joy when I see them in my drawers. 😉 on the other hand, I am not a fan of muddy trails!
Same. I have some tee shirts that I’ve turned into sleep shirts because I just can’t part with them
5 miles in CP = heaven
Yes on the compression socks. I almost always wear them and I didn’t yesterday and I can feel the difference (or maybe it’s cuz I ran 3 days in a row LOL)
Looking forward to Cherry Blossoms this weekend!!!!!!!!!!
Have fun on your Sunday run.
Not religious, but absolutely my heaven.
It was perfect weather
Looks like you’ll have overcast but good weather. Yay
Hope so. Rainy day today.
I like to try EVERYTHING. Food, gadgets, clothes . . . it is both a blessing and a curse.
The mentoring is the way I give back (although this is only my second year doing it). My hat is always off to the volunteers! I have volunteered occasionally, but not nearly as much as I ought to. OTOH, the mentoring is more than 2 months twice a week.
Same re: wanting to volunteer more
Ha that shirt is so cute! I love to give back by working with my Girls on the run group. Can’t believe we are about to finish our 10th season!
Wow. Didn’t realize how long running it was. Amazing
Your picture of you eating the dinosaur made me laugh!!!! I don’t wear shirts with words but I am liking the ones from Sarah Marie Studio Design.
Me too. She makes some great ones.
There are a couple I might get as a mug (also don’t need) because the cut of her shirts don’t always work for me.
I bought a dino cookie cutter for thanksgiving a few years ago. We now always have a dino and a penguin because I can spin them to any holiday
How much must those cookie cutters be! 🙂
I’m not much of a a gadget gal, and I am not much into t-shirts either (whomp whomp) 😉 I am a huge believer in giving back, though. I try to volunteer whenever our town has a race (even if that means missing the opportunity to run it myself).
You should do NYC races — all the summer ones are singlets I think
This year I’m going to be all Marie Kondo and not even take them vs. shoving in a drawer
I’m not much of a gadget person. I’m happy so long as I have my garmin! Sounds like a strong week of training even if you were busy!
Same really. And luckily the ones I want (like my new Garmin last fall or the iPod) are reasonable and not bucketlist pricing wise
I love your idea of defrosters for glasses – That would come in handy for me.
Also, I need that Runners Delight shirt in my life! It’s so cute.
She posted it for the kids and I said hey, I’d have ordered that. And then the Bunny brought me one. Isn’t it fun?
We need to get on this invention
Love the shirt! I have a “This is what a feminist looks like” one and then band tshirts, otherwise plain. Oh, and “Only happy when I’m running” which I wore on whatever day I did running so far.
Funny, I used to be a band shirt person but lately I’ve had no luck with fit. Did get a comfy for sleeping one from Garth Brooks’ recent Yankee Stadium concerts.
I need to get that feminist one. I have it as a pin