Oh pink! I was actually planning to wear a different top this year, but it didn’t work with the skirt and for some bizarre reason I cared about matching.
Linking up with Kim and Zenaida to recap the 2019 Women’s Mini 10K.
I knew a course PR wasn’t in the cards, but wanted to get a feeling for it. I briefly looked at last year’s recap on Friday to get a feeling for the race as all I remembered was it sucked. After the re-read, my race plan was as follows:
- don’t be an idiot and go out too fast
- drink more than you think you need
This is one of the few races where I don’t run to the start – it would have to be the last mile ish of the course and that’s a part I already know I don’t like. So I just trained to the start and “warmed up” with a walk up to Central Park South where I’d arranged to meet a new/old friend. When I know someone so long online, it’s hard for me to consider them a new friend. It’s similar too to what I love about Facebook. When you see someone after a long-ish while it lessens the need for the whole “so what have you been up to?” conversation. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to connect with Elizabeth but we planned to meet up after.
Part of why I love this race is the quirky route of running up Central Park West and then turning into the Park vs. being all within the Park. It totally makes sense though given how quick the lead runners are and how long it takes to clear the start in a race this size. It took about 15 minutes to cross the start and in that time I eyeballed my path through the starting mosh and was ready to go. Mile one went by quickly and before I knew it, I was turning into the Park at W. 90th. I was pleased with my pace at 11:xx and continued on with that through the northernmost of the Three Sisters and into the Harlem Hills.
Although I haven’t run the Harlem Hills in this direction, training clockwise has overall been good and I felt way less disoriented running in this direction than I have in years’ past. Harlem HIlls went by relatively quickly and like last year, even the hill behind Lasker Rink wasn’t as bad as I imagined. I took time to drink extra as it was more humid than I expected, and I think this was the difference maker.
While there weren’t as many Achilles runners on the course as typical (I personally think the NYC chapter skews male, at least those I see racing), I did chat briefly with Hannah Gavios who always amazes and inspires me. She’s a lovely reminder that for many of us, not going out for a run is a choice we make when others can’t.
I began to tire in mile five which wasn’t surprising given my lack of long runs lately, but I was remarkably consistent.
Mile Splits:
- 11:13.4
- 11:17.9
- 11:15.2
- 12:04.9 (two water walks)
- 11:13.1
- 11:25.1
- last .3 at 10:12
Total: 1:11:31.5 for 6.2 or 11:22 per Garmin. 1:11:55/11:35 per NYRR.
It’s slower than last year, but it really feel like a course best because it felt so much better. I didn’t feel trashed and wasn’t dragging to the end. In fact, I was still up for Ham around the 8K mark

caught on the course by Rachel Spurrier
I ended up running with my iPod and water in my hand. The iPod because I was, for once, running with my phone to meet up with people and water bottle because I couldn’t find my belt after not running with it since the NYC Half. Not ideal, but it worked. It also let me curate the playlist somewhat when the song wasn’t right for the moment.
After meeting up with Elizabeth at the finish I even did part of the 305 Fitness class while waiting for the raffle drawing. That is unheard of for me for many reasons. I also took a few moments to do the Meet & Greet
I’m rarely feeling this good after a race
Would I run this again?
Yes, absolutely. There are some women who have run it upwards of 30 times. I don’t think I’d go that far, but I could see myself turning Crazylegs.
What would I change for the future/next year:
Honestly, nothing. Maybe cold instead of room temperature water but that’s so weather dependent. I feel like I had the perfect race “plan” and it came together perfectly.
What’s next:
Pride Run, or maybe Achilles.
Feeling good when you finish a race is a fantastic thing! Nice job out there! Central park was so much hillier than I expected it to be
It’s way hillier than it looks. Especially the Three Sisters on the West Side.
Prospect Park’s Battle HIll is allegedly worse, but it doesn’t feel it.
Feeling good after a race is a priority. I definitely want to run this race sometime. All women’s races are the best. I also prefer one loop as opposed to Shape.
Oh yeah. I think Shape or Lebow in this direction would be interesting because then the Cat is downhill
Congrats on a great race! Sounds like everything went perfectly and there is no better feeling than that!
Great job! So nice to feel good after a race!
Awesome job, Cari!!! We all need races like that 😉
Anytime you can finish a race feeling good is a great day – congrats!
Great job on your race and for finishing a race still feeling good! That is not an easy thing to do. It rarely happens. 🙂
I don’t mean to say that it rarely happens to you but that it rarely happens overall. Sorry.
Oh no, I totally agree. I don’t remember the last time I was this happy after a race. It all clicked, I had fun and I had energy to sort of do a class v. wilt.
Woohoo! It’s great to have followed a plan and had it all work out! What’s up with all this matching? Who are you? 😉 I hope you find your belt!
Congrats Cari! This sounds like a wonderful race and look at those luminaries at the meet and greet! That’s awesome you felt so fresh afterward.
Congratulations! I’m glad you had a great race. Don’t you love when everything just feels right? Love the pink too!
Feeling good at the end of a race is always a win! It’s always a bit disappointing when we know we just haven’t been able to train the way we’d like to.
I used to run with a hand held water bottle. You name it, I’ve probably tried it. But my phone & water bottle (for shorter races) are in my pockets. Fill your water bottle halfway and freeze it overnight. Then top off with water in the morning. Depending on how long it takes to start, you’ll still have cold water.
It’s easier in the suburbs, where I can also place it in a pack it bag to keep it cold until almost right before the race.
YES! I have done that too with the super hot races. It’s a wonderful treat. Plus it in my belt (when I can find said belt) is a nice cool down for the core. I had all the things, which meant too many things. My iPhone actually fits in Cascade pocket without having them slide down, but it and iPod don’t. So it was keys and metrocard in one and iPhone in the other. I tried the Skirt that theoretically fits water bottles, but I don’t have the right bottles yet. It does fit my Gu flask, which is nice.
The small flipbelt bottles fit nicely in the pockets. I have a small cell phone, so sometimes I double up a cell phone with a water bottle.
So far, knock on wood, I always have my race belt with me in a race — that’s where my keys, id, and some cash usually go, freeing up the pockets for the phone & water.
Super Girl tanks are great because they have those 3 back pockets (but of course they’re a tank).
Brilliant – Hamming within the end parts of the race and feeling good after = a win in my books! And yes to the iced water thing above!
It sounds like you had fun and felt great at the end of your race! Congrats! I love your medal shot. Those are always fun to take.
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