a sliver of good news

By | August 16, 2020

that has nothing to do with running, although running was pretty good this week too!

I also don’t generally quote politicians here, but as I said, good news!

As many of you know, I love museums. I’m not sure everyone knows that this is also a huge part of my job, so I am thrilled for all of those I work with that they can safely welcome guests back. It’s a step in the right direction and this made for a wonderful Friday when the news hit.

Isaias’ mess

While it’s nothing like what poor Kim and others in the midwest are dealing with, we’re still cleaning up after Isaias here and there was more rain this week too. Luckily no more wind damage.

not all running,but hello consistency!

I switched to Runkeeper a few years ago from Map My Run. It was before I was a runner so many of these are bike rides, but this was fun to see. While I focus on Strava data wise, I’m glad I still recorded my runs there for the history. Strava tells me I’ve recorded 746 runs for 2,342 miles which sounds amazing/insane.

Weekly run down with Deborah and Kim:

do you let pigeon drive the bus?

this week’s creation

I love what the forecast. I don’t love a 90+ real feel after dark

  • never miss a Monday: first of three sunrise-ish runs this week. This is what happens when it’s approximately 940% humidity every day. This run felt good and I was determined to find more than four miles. It’s hard with the sink hole closures, but I did even if that meant I ran the ramps down to water level twice. Quads hurt after, but it was a good sore. No issue with the IT Band on my first real hills. Canned peas aren’t my thing, but they paired well with some lemon, rosemary, dill salmon in the instant pot.

random sidewalk planter

  • Tuesday: gross at 6:30 and did not want to go out, but a friend texted me from the Great Lawn and coaxed me to join her to sit and chat. We were rewarded with this view. I wish we could have scratch and sniff because there’s something great about fresh cut grass.

hi flooding


  • Wacky Wednesday: my routine for runrise is to run, shower and come back for a power nap before work. On Wednesday I couldn’t fall asleep during that nap and got up to stretch and roll. It rained after sunrise and can you say saturated low-lying area? The days are getting shorter, and I’m really going to miss my after-work reading nook.
  • Thursday: bupkus. Like a few weeks ago with the heat and humidity, I was just d-o-n-e. Didn’t even go out for coffee before work but walked to Target after. The rain during the day had cut the heat slightly, which was lovely.

hazy sunrise

resting the tootsies

  • Friday: 3rd runrise of the week. Like Monday I managed to stretch it into five miles with two ramp runs and a few dinosaurs for company. My quads weren’t as sore after and I spent the afternoon/evening in my favorite reading nook. With all the rain this month, my flip flop tan seems to have stabilized.

Dene Summer House – Central Park

never truer than this year

  • Saturday: lovely walk exploring parts of Central Park I don’t typically, culminating in this sign, which is so true. I briefly contemplated moving somewhere, but why would I leave this neighborhood. I have the river two blocks away, Central Park five. Is this apartment ideal? No, but it works and in normal times, I don’t literally spend my life here. It’s fine and the neighborhood more than makes up for it.   The weather was perfect and I could have walked forever, except I had plans to meet a friend for dinner. 5 hours later… catching up is so wonderful. Also realized it was Darlene’s and my 2nd meetversary. Runner friends are the bestest.

always make time for Fred (no, the glasses didn’t last in the rain)

  • Sunday Runday: two of the last three weeks I’ve actually done a Sunday long run. I was a  Saturday long run person during marathon training and liked the recovery day, but since I’m not doing crazy long runs, I don’t mind moving it around. No plan, just get up and go on a beautiful (66F at start) rainy day. I said hi to Fred, as you must, and Elizabeth and I met up for a few miles during her 14m and I headed back east at ~7 miles to finish somewhere between eight and nine. When I hit eight I realized I was 12m from two hours (this was walk/run/meander) and so I knew my target. End result was 9 miles, 2:00:31. Wish I’d seen it sooner and could have come in under two. Don’t care about pace, but I like round numbers. Had an unplanned nap when I got home and it’s still raining so plan is to do the living room re-arrangement I was supposed to two weeks ago.

36 thoughts on “a sliver of good news

  1. Coco

    Yay on the museums reopening. The ones that have opened here seem to be handling it well. I’ve been loving your runrise photos and missing mine. The angle and timing just isn’t cooperating for me — sunrise over the freeway doesn’t do it for me. 🙂

    1. cari Post author

      that’s how I am on sunset. Looking down a street just isn’t the same. Always love yoru Scooby pics though.
      Some of your museum folks are on my weekly reopening call (as we have two Smithsonian locations here) and it’s nice to hear what they’ve managed.

  2. Deborah Brooks

    That’s great that the museums are opening up again. I just saw a photo of mid town w all the stores still boarded up. That’s so upsetting and not the NYC I love. I hope those can open back up soon! Another great week of photos for you!

    1. cari Post author

      I haven’t been to midtown in part because I don’t want to see that, it’s just so depressing and upsetting. I wanted to get to the New Balance store at the run hub, but just didn’t happen calendar wise. I’m glad they were able to re open and I hope more follow suit. They were boarded up here early (and near your hotel) but luckily demand has returned.
      Thank you!

  3. Wendy

    Fingers crossed that the museums can stay open. It’s just such a challenging time right now. Nice work on the miles and I’m so glad to hear that your ITB is behaving!

    1. cari Post author

      me too on the IT Band. It’s like it’s finally happy and quiet. Hope so on the museums. Such a necessary outlet and educational opportunity

  4. Kim G

    That’s awesome about the museums re-opening. I know that things are taking a while to re-open in NYC but I like that they are really trying to be safe about it, and it seems like they have a great plan for re-opening.

    Happy to hear that your ITB is playing nice 🙂

    1. cari Post author

      Yes, I think/hope so too. I’d rather wait for it, then get it and lose it again due to a spike. Was glad to see some restaurants found a way to stay open today in the rain too. It’s the little things

  5. Lisa @ TechChick Adventures

    That is great news about the museums reopening! I wanted to go to ours on Friday night, was we have in the past, and then realized it was only open until 4pm 🙁 Guess that will be a day trip next time! We did go to the zoo today though. It’s so nice to see some of the “good old normal stuff” again. Hope you will be saying more of that soon!

    1. cari Post author

      the reduced hours are going to take some learning. A couple have opened outdoor installations here and that has been a nice dose of normal. There’s a small zoo in the part of Central Park I was in yesterday, but didn’t quite have the time. Glad you were able to get to yours.

  6. Beckett @ Birchwood Pie

    That’s excellent news about the museums. I love NYC dearly and it’s been way too long since I was there. I swear as soon as this pandemic is done that we’re going to spend a week on the beach and then go to NYC.

    1. cari Post author

      Oh yes, sorely missing the beach too. There are three city ones and one I could get to via ferry, but not sure if the amenities are open and my bladder isn’t that big! LEt me know if you do end up visiting

    1. cari Post author

      Thanks! did you get Popeye there? “I’m strong to the finish ’cause I eats my spinach” is what I’ll credit as I’ve gone back to green drink, although less than pleased.

  7. Shathiso

    Runner friends are indeed the best! I think that’s something I’ve missed so much in the last few months. So glad to hear museums are reopening! Slowly but surely…

  8. Chocolaterunsjudy

    Sounds like a great week other than the heat & humidity & you know I feel you on that one.

    Not in love with my house, either. Or this city. Someday . . . someday we’ll be ina different state. Now to just pick that state.

    1. cari Post author

      I’m lucky to love my city — and the issues with my apartment are manageable. Hope you find a solution soon.

  9. Zenaida Arroyo

    Your comment about the fresh cut grass made me smile. I also closed my eyes and tried to imagine the scent. Thank you.

    Once things are better I am taking a trip to NYC. It’s been too long!

    Great news about the museum! I think ours are open too but am not sure. Haven’t been to one in years.

    1. cari Post author

      Definitely let me know when you come here. We’re lucky to be in two great cities. Museums are my passion. But yeah they don’t work for everyone

  10. Jenn

    Oh, that is wonderful news! What a great way to start the week!

    The salmon sounds delicious. We had some blackened salmon last night and it was just super yummy. I could eat all the seafood every day.

    1. cari Post author

      yes, me too. Product of growing up near water, and I so missed it when I was in Prague.
      Blackened salmon is making my mouth water.

  11. Jessie

    Our museums recently opened to similar ticketed times and restrictions. I hope it works out and people stay safe!

    I used to love salmon but I think I actually overdid it and now I never want to eat it 🙂 But yours does look well-cooked, hehe!

    1. cari Post author

      Salmon is the one food I don’t think I could ever overdo. I’d happily eat it daily if it were cheaper.
      Me too on the museums — I think we all need it

  12. Marcia

    That’s so great the museums are able to reopen! One step closer to “normalcy”, whatever that will look like. Wow well done on 9 miles! That is long for sure!

    1. cari Post author

      9 is longest I’ve done since Bermuda. Think I’m going to hang out at that distance for a bit, at least until it reliably cools off. Yesterday 6.5 felt harder than the 9. Thank you!

  13. Darlene S Cardillo

    Hooray on museums!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love your runrise pics…keep them coming. I’ll get back someday.

    I run on Saturdays if the weather cooperates. So far so good. That may change in the fall when boating season ends.

    1. cari Post author

      I go back and forth on Saturday v. Sunday if I do MWF or TTH, but I love the flexibility to move it all around.

  14. Michelle D.

    Oh, that’s great news about the museums! I’m always happy to hear any news of a return to normalcy. Fingers crossed they get to stay open.

    Great job on your runrise runs!

    1. cari Post author

      Same here. We need these signs that eventually we’re going to see the other side of this.

  15. Kimberly Hatting

    Such fab news on the museums!!! Aren’t the sunrises just amazing? I feel obligated to document every one of them, on four and on wheels. Glad you’re feeling great!

    1. cari Post author

      Yes! They are really growing on me, and I’m getting some serious FOMO if I opt out of one.

  16. Debbie @ Deb Runs

    I agree, fresh cut grass is the best aroma out there (well, other than freshly baked chocolate chip cookies). 😉

    How exciting that your museums and other things are starting to open back up in NYC!

    1. cari Post author

      oh yes on cookies. Indoor and outdoor winners.
      Me too – glad you popped up.


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