are those two connected? If so, maybe there’s a PR in my January future.
The run down isn’t much of one as I took it easy this week to get my calves, hamstring to calm the fuck down. Mission mostly accomplished. I’ll touch on it below but in the mean time linking up with Kim and Deborah to talk about Ted Corbitt and Robin Arzon’s #3for1 challenge.
Oh Ted Corbitt. The race that made me fall in love with the 15K/10M distance and running in the snow. Thanks to COVID and other cancellations, Ted is tied with the Women’s Mini and Frozen Penguin for the race I’ve done the most often at four times apiece.
What was that old jump rope song, First is the worst, second is the best, third is one with the treasure chest!? I’d add in a non-rhyming verse, fourth is the one with the per-son-al best!
I was not PR chasing today. And I mean truly not, not kind of but not thinking about it, or otherwise. I did not even look up my times on Friday night since I knew I was not in PR shape. I just decided to have fun and run, with walks if needed for cranky legs.
I ran to the start and got there at the most poignant moment: a moment of silence for Ahmaud Arbery. This was the first in-person Ted Corbitt since Arbery was murdered and, I think, the first NYRR race since the verdict. To honor his life along with the work of Ted Corbitt was a perfect pairing.
There were 4,071 finishers so it took a good ten minutes to clear the start area. This could have been problematic with a 66th St. start (same as 2019) and the lead runners coming back around and crashing into us. Luckily I didn’t get lapped until nearly mile two. Never thought of Ted as a destination race, but it really does draw some international racers. Winner finished in 44:25! and nearly three minutes ahead of second place. WOW.
The route was up the east side, across 102 and down to the bottom of the Park before coming back up the east side, crossing 102 and finishing on the 72nd Street transverse. It meant we didn’t go pass the marker delineating the Central Park loop in honor of Ted Corbitt, but I’m not sad not to have had to run Harlem Hills. 2x Cat and the West Side Rollers/Sisters was plenty.
I had a friend working as a course marshal at 90th Street and Elizabeth was at 72nd to join me for a few miles since the course wasn’t closed. I have to say, that’s a change I’m really enjoying as it keeps the park accessible to all users, which it should be. Funnily enough, this hat/sunglasses look made me accidentally incognito as a Strava friend thought he was serving me water at one of the water stations but wasn’t positive. Nice to have those bits of normal again and friends on a course that isn’t typically one with spectators.
The whole race felt good, but 4-9 went so fast having a friend to chat with and distract me from a slightly annoying calf and stitch that developed out of nowhere. I looked at my watch just shy of nine miles and thought it was off. There was no way I was averaging 11:17. Elizabeth confirmed her watch said same, and that she was pushing me a little. It never felt an uncomfortable pace, but I likely would have slowed more on the second time through the Sisters. I walked the water stations as I always do – especially in December no need to water myself.
Just before the finish, Elizabeth ducked out so as not to cross and meet someone she knew working the race and… as a surprise to get this photo of me. As you can tell, not one bit of fun 😀
As I headed east -no way was I running home after I stopped – I looked up my prior Ted results and realized that if my unofficial time held, it would be a PR. I was thrilled and absolutely surprised to see that. Cannot remember my last PR, maybe Grete in 2018? There is no question that taking this week very low key and the strength training from Peloton has paid off. Absolutely perfect 40 degrees with no wind helps too. Definitely the most mild of Teds. No layer under that 2017 Ted shirt, and was carrying my gloves by mile three or so. Glad to have had them though as the walk home was chilly!
Celebrated over sushi, as you do.
What was that about a January PR? Well more like February or April as I don’t think I’ll run Fred, but it’s Fred and that could very well change. While I don’t think it’s only Peloton, I know strength training has been a huge part of staying injury free too and want to keep that going into 2022.
Starting 2022 early/closing 2021 strong by doing Robin Arzon’s #3for31 challenge. Three miles or thirty minutes of movement every day. Hugely helpful on crazy days where I can barely get away from my desk (hi, hamstrings!) and end up with 155 steps on the day. Glad to have the movement time option as I am definitely not a streaker.
Have a decision to make on the gym front: Blink has ended the membership freeze and will begin billing again in January. I get this decision from their end, but I don’t think I’m ready. Would I like more weights and somewhere for cross training? Of course. Am I ready in January when it’s busy anyway with New Years resolutions? No thanks. Curious to hear whether they offer a paid freeze or I’ll just cancel. Blink’s staff is generally good, so not worried about that. Just not sure when/if I’ll ever want to go back. These two years have taught me I’m definitely not a fair weather runner, although I’ll never be a fan of peak summer running.
Weekly Run Down
- Monday: back to reality, wasn’t going to miss a Monday. I’m still not crazy about running by 103 where the woman was attacked and didn’t feel up for four miles so I went south to HSS and back up for ~ 3 miles before facing my inbox. This cafe and its bear always make me smile.
- Tuesday: consecutive 12 hour days are always a challenge, even when you love when you do, which I do.
- Wednesday: I’ve run commuted before, but never with my laptop. It took some adjusting before the run home, via the Pulitzer Foundation decorations, but the ~ 2.5 miles each way felt good and about the distance I felt up for. We’re in the office one day/week through year-end, but it will be interesting to see how I navigate the commute when the weather turns into true winter.
- Thursday: I woke really sore from a combination of things: Poor form running with laptop/carrying coat and a strength class on Tuesday. Already knew Office Run Group was off the calendar due to a colleague’s memorial service and opted not to run. Recovery for me does not include unnecessary back to back days running. I focused on stretching and rolling but did go for an exercise paced walk for my 30m of movement and because it was 55 in December.
- Friday: I contemplated a mile or two shakeout run to see how the legs felt, but opted instead to walk. The Great Lawn was absolutely stunning and a good paced walk probably did me more than a shakeout run would have. Walked back to the park later and stretched and rolled into the evening. Skipping these two runs really made the difference for Ted. I don’t think I run garbage miles, but 2022 goals are going to be a hard look at why I run the mileage I do.
- Saturday: aforementioned 15K
- Sunday: walk, football, stretch.
I love the 15K distance too. Long enough to feel like you accomplished something but short enough not to leave you exhausted or sore. Hope you all had fun! Re the gym issue-maybe just invest in some heavier weights and keep on the Peloton strength until you decide. that’s my 2 cents! Have a great week
Congrats on the PR! i like the 15k distance, altho I haven’t run one for a while. Glad you had fun.
I’m definitely not a fair weather runner. I’ll run in any weather. Today it was sleet and rain. But it was on the trails. We talked about that on our run today, too. My only deal breaker is -0 and wind and ice. All 3.
Yay for the PR! I love the 15K/10 Mile distance – sadly they are in short supply around here.
I’m not ready to return to my gym at this point so I’m on the hunt for a couple of heavier weights. Hoping they are easier to track down these days.
Hooray for a PR!
I came very close to hoping on a train to run it with you…but instead I registered for Fred.
A new, shiny PR!!!!! Go YOU!!! I got really lucky with my run yesterday because Iowa’s “warmish” weather was still making its way east, so I could enjoy it one day longer 😉 I heard it was cold back in Iowa yesterday, but today (after we returned back home) was very pleasant.
Congrats on the PR! Whatever you’re doing, it’s obviously working. And I agree that your photos of the Great Lawn are stunning! What a beautiful place to walk. Glad the calf/hamstring issue is resolved! Your two days of walking paid off.
Well done on the PR, brilliant work, and I love the photos, of course. Sorry to hear you’ve lost a colleague, though, unless this was a delayed memorial for the one you lost to covid last year. Commuting with a laptop or anything is hard but you can get used to it, it is a case of balance and making sure you don’t affect your form too much.
Those unexpected PRs are always the best – congrats! I also love the photo that your friend snapped too.
Oh, I love this for you! Congratulations! I love 15K but hate 10 miles. I don’t know why I can’t enjoy them both.
Run commuting sounds amazing. It’s just always too hot to do that here, but it must be nice.
Keep these positives coming!
Congrats on your PR! Even better when it doesn’t feel hard! Everyone is so different, some need lots of rest before a race and some will get heavy legs from the rest.
ST is always good. 🙂
Congrats on the PR Cari! What a lovely surprise!
I haven’t re-joined a gym yet…not sure if I ever will. I don’t mind working out at home, I don’t miss the hassle of the back and forth, especially in the winter!
Congrats on your PR – that’s amazing!
I’ve been back in the gym since June, but since it’s a 55+ community gym many residents are not comfortable going so it’s often just my client and me in the gym during our session. And of course when I train clients in my home gym, it’s just the two of us. Hopefully, they’ll let you keep your account frozen for a minimal charge until you’re comfortable going back.
My gym has been open for awhile now, and I’ve been going. But I fear they are in financial trouble. They had a sign posted on the door that they are behind on their sales tax! 🙁 Hopefully they will get some new memberships in January and that will get them out of trouble.