I don’t over spoil my biological niece, nephew or my college rooommate’s children who are functionally my niece and nephew, but is it possible to say no to Disney for an eight year old’s birthday? Did I even want to if it was indeed possible? Probably not.
Related runfession, I ran on the treadmill twice while in Orlando and… dare I say I miss it? I’ve had access to one at a hotel gym on a few occasions but mainly used those for walks (Half, 10M recovery). I joined Coco for Camila Ramón’s debut run class, the first time I’d run on a treadmill since March 2020. I don’t think I’m ready to re-join a gym, but there’s some accountability even when it’s not a live class, and this is the first time I’ve even seriously contemplated it. And because I’m 2.5 years removed from running on a treadmill, forgot to hit Indoor Run on my Apple Watch and hilarity ensued. I have the distance and it’s fine, but I had to laugh. I’m most amused by the random outlying pieces and wonder what my watch picked up.
Linking up with Kim and Deborah to have a look at this fun week.

MoMA’s Barbara Kruger show as seen from entrance to Just Above Midtown gallery
- never miss a Monday: fall arrived on the heels of Ian’s incessant rain bands and almost skipped this run. Come Tuesday, I was glad I didn’t because the weather was much worse. Mondays are also for museum hopping as I went to the preview for the Met’s amazing Tudors exhibit and MoMA’s look back at the history and legacy of Just Above Midtown. Was glad to have walked between the two as the temperature dropped and walking home after dinner in an icy rain was out of the question.
- Tuesday: no exercise to speak of as it was a cold, wet rainy day and I was at the office late tying up some loose ends before my Florida escape.
- Wednesday: travel day, poolside reading. If you’re someone who enjoys reading about running, Lauren Fleshman’s Good for a Girl is a must read. I’d actually argue that’s true even if you don’t enjoy reading about running. She doesn’t have the profile of her contemporary runners, but she raced against Shalane Flanagan while they were in college and while her story isn’t as heartbreaking as Mary Cain’s, she shines an important light on the issues around women’s running even long after the passage of Title IX.
- Thursday: somehow, Jenn and I had a conversation about twinning with Brooks’ cereal lineup. Running is absolutely better with a buddy and therefore hot dogs are honorary cereal since I didn’t bring my Glycerins to Florida and NYC is most definitely not tank top weather. Love these Brooks tanks, which have taught me I do like some kinds of sleeveless shirts, and grateful that they come my way via Deborah. Runners are the best people. Side note: I have no idea why I look like a serial killer in so many selfies. Thanks to it being 70 and 82% humidity, that was one of the more challenging Team Wilpers workouts. After some pool and reading time, I headed to dinner with the rest of the crew via Disney Springs. I Mousefess that I am not a Disney person, and stayed off property. I was walkable to Disney Springs, which made meeting up with them so easy.
- Friday: and when I landed in the pool, Loly (4) tells me I don’t have to hold my nose if I hold my breath. I love these kids. They weren’t doing a Park so I spent the day and their pools: water slides with the kids, and some reading time at the adult pool when the kids were resting before their evening at Magic Kingdom. When I got back, I opted for a treadmill run as it was far too sunny and hot, and I knew I didn’t want to run Saturday and Sunday. (Yet somehow running three days in a row made more sense?) Had to do a Peloton Disney run and wow. The treadmill makes it easier to actually do the prescribed intervals, but I forgot what the pounding on the knees is like especially for speed intervals. It was fun to realize that I am capable of some of the longer hill runs and faster intervals, but I’m also not sure my knees can take the pounding. I’ve had a strong focus on strength training and PT, but I also wonder if some of the mostly pain free running is not using a tread mill regularly.
- Saturday: travel, pool reading, Wawa walk for snacks. A good, quick trip.
- Sunday: I was planning to run ten to do the Army 10 Miler virtually with a friend running it in person, but I felt some soreness at 6 and called it good at 7.15. I’m almost positive it was poor run/stretch hygiene, but saw no need to push it. The weather was absolutely perfect and I ran Cat and Harlem Hill and most of the Three sisters with a detour to see the turtles. A solid run. Ted doesn’t have the Harlem Hills, but it’s nice to get in the habit in case I run Fred.
When I saw your mill pix, I figured you got away. So fun to celebrate with your niece and nephew. They’re only young once.
I though of you today, the anniversary of our 13.1 + in training for NYCM.
See you next Sunday….
No one can pass up a quick Disney trip! Looks like you had some fun family time!
A trip to Florida, relaxing poolside, getting in some workouts, time with family, all without stepping into the park sounds like the perfect Disney trip to me, too.
It’s funny, I had some major knee pain when I’d try to run on the treadmill for a couple of years and then it just went away. Who knows what changed… Hope your knee settles down quickly.
Sounds like fun! I would also avoid the parks if at all possible (although I’ll go to Universal any time!) Lauren Fleshman has been described as the best runner who never made the Olympics. She really had some bad breaks. This book sounds good- I’ll check it out.
I have to admit I kind of like treadmill running too- but I hardly ever do it. When I belonged to a gym I did speedwork on the treadmill once a week for a while- it was great! It might be hard on your knees if you did it all the time though.
Wow! I’m so impressed you spotted me in Camilla’s class! My leaderboard list was flying at the start, and then there were so many milestones on the other tab (the x day streak ones really fill it up).
Sounds like you had a good time in Fla. I haven’t been on a waterslide in ages, but it brings back fun memories. Did you go to Magic Kingdom at night too?
Funny, I think my tread is easier on my body than outdoors, but I did invest in the “orthopedic deck” which has extra shock absorbers. Poorly maintained gym treads could be another story ….
Preach! The treadmill ALWAYS feels tougher on me than the hard cement outdoors. Always. It really jacks up my stride length and doesn’t offer any variety of terrain like the great outdoors. BUT, I know that is a god-send for most others. I’d love a Disney trip!
What a fun little getaway–I could never say no to that! I could say no to the TM, though!!!
I haven’t started Lauren’s book but I’m glad you gave a preview. Looking forward to it!
oh, so fun!
The parks are a lot, especially now. A wants to go back at some point, but there are so many other things to do.
I’m glad you had fun, and I will twin with you any day!
I’m not the biggest Disney fan that ever lived either, but there’s something about seeing it through the eyes of a kiddo. So special!
Sounds like a great getaway to Disney! We are going in November to the parks and I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts and stuff on YouTube about the new Genie+ stuff. It’s been a really long time since I’ve been to Disney. So fun that you went on water slides!
I find the treadmill taxing, well, did, I haven’t been on one for decades. Something about the unremitting sameness of it, maybe. Lovely family getaway and some warmth before the onslaught of autumn chills. Love the bird friend of course!
Sounds like a nice getaway!
I so agree with you about the treadmill – I always feel like my body pays the price for those runs. I hope your knee settles down quickly.
I need to read Lauren’s book, I’ve heard many other rave reviews. Adding it to the kindle for my tube reading 🙂
What a lovely getaway! Thanks for sharing all the fun pictures Cari 🙂
Lucky kiddo to go to Disney at that age! I was a tween, I think — and the park still wasn’t completely built, LOL! At least you weren’t IN FL for the hurricane. That would be no fun!
I would definitely miss my treadmill, but you already know that.