peeking back in

By | April 16, 2023

peeking in. (c) Wikipedia Commons

I was all set to post my Cherry Blossom recap for this week’s run down, but…. that’s not done. Also in the queue, reviews of both Des Linden and Kara Goucher’s amazing books. I said somewhere that I was grateful to both for giving us some space between their publication dates, and then I read both in one week.

I am here. I am back running and I am still trying to play catch up after launch of our big culture program (on the heels of our rebrand!). I can’t believe we’re halfway through April, but it has been a great month so far with time in Virginia/DC and Florida. Loving this old normal, but guess who still hasn’t learned to blog on her phone?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah to share this week, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish we were all sitting in Deborah’s living room again. Such a fun weekend.

bonus Delray sunrise

  • Monday: 7:15 AM flight back from Florida. Ran both Saturday and Sunday and hoofed a shoulder bag. Calling this a well earned day off.

twilight blossoms

  • Tuesday: WFH. The Florida runs, free from allergens with everything having bloomed, were better but I wasn’t sure that would hold. Was pleased with the pace overall, and it was not positive splits, it was blossom splits. They’re so pretty, I can’t resist.

morning walk


hello sunset

  • Wednesday: we’re having summer, so it was an easy decision to walk to and from work. I didn’t intend to stay in the park that late, but how could I resist.

for the love of running

and sunset

  • Thursday: no office run group, and it was slated to be 88 so I was grateful for a reason to run in the morning. As I mentioned, it was one of those runs where I really did love it. A short warmup, and 6×400 to see what was in the legs after shutting it all down when the calf pain flared before the Half. Nothing big, but it felt good to see where I was. Having had a short run in the morning meant I could sit and watch sunset after work. Oh so grateful for the oasis that is Central Park.

spring or summer?

  • Friday: oh hello summer. Cherry blossoms still blooming and it was warm enough to sit at Pier I. This weather is so very broken, but I’ll never say no to the river followed by some time with a friend and her pupper.

not actually cherries, which I thought, but flowering crab apples

  • Saturday: slow day. Lots of little things around the apartment after two weekends away. Finally scooted out for a run. A little longer and faster than prescribed, but that’s what a 20 degree temperature drop will do even if it’s humid.

I have zero expectations about a 10K at altitude, but I’m going to enjoy the training. I think I’m actually really going to enjoy not having to run double digits especially if this crazy weather keeps up. It also takes the pressure off the week before when I’m at a conference and hiking.

and now for some memes, Kookyrunner style:


probably more fun too. Also, nice to see we’re just like pro runners in one way


18 thoughts on “peeking back in

  1. Wendy

    Sounds like you had a nice week! It was summer-like here too and while it felt great, my runs felt hard! This happens every year, it seems, and then we reacclimate. But we’re going back to winter for a few days, so yeah, so much for acclimation!

    I had to laugh at your comments about Kara and Des’s books! I did a full review of Kara’s book because–bombshell–and I included Des’ in my monthly mini-reviews. But both were excellent.

    Good luck at your 10k and have fun while you’re there!

    1. cari Post author

      yeah I think the hardest thing about instasummer was it was the weather bounces. Not our first, but never get used to it, because we blink.
      Have yours linked whenever mine gets posted. Have had your Kara one open the whole time so I could find it again to read when I finished. Kara’s to me was the biggest surprise

  2. Kimberly Hatting

    Ha! That song lyric meme is ME! I love all the pics of those pretty blooms! Although the spring weather is quite temperamental, the blossoming trees are such bliss.

    1. cari Post author

      me too. And the songs are much more fun than ‘I need milk for my coffee”
      I hope you avoided the four letter S word!

  3. Chocolaterunsjudy

    Ok, so I seem to have missed it — what 10k are you doing? I know you always have fun no matter what you do!

    I distinctly remember how warm it was the day we moved in here, very unexpectedly — I got sunburned standing outside and directing the movers where to go! But usually it snows, so even though the sudden heat was tough, I definitely prefer that to gloomy and snowy!

  4. Darlene S Cardillo

    Both of those books are on my library hold list.

    Sorry I missed you last week.

    Maybe on Wed this week?

    When do you leave for Wy/CO?

    1. cari Post author

      Not until May, I won’t be here for Brooklyn. Should be around on Wednesday. Maybe running, maybe not (Story of my life!)
      Liz got me Des and then I had no patience and bought Kara, library didnt have it anyway

      1. Darlene S Cardillo

        My plan if I get to the city early is hop the subway to Brooklyn and then meet you after your work in CP for a walk, run or dinner/drink.

  5. Jessie

    Beautiful photos Cari!

    You are a speed reader 🙂 I feel like I am as well but usually only on vacation! Interested to read your reviews!

    1. cari Post author

      Thank you!
      To be fair, I had two flights and two train commutes to JFK that greatly enhanced my reading time, along with Friday afternoon and a pool afternoon. So very vacation-ish. Not a normal work reading volume at all.

  6. Susanne

    Oh yes, those flowers are stunning. Sadly I missed our cherry tree blooms this year because the weather was too bad.
    That about remembering song lyrics is so spot on!!! Or tunes and names of tunes.
    How fun to train for a 10k. Enjoy both the training and the race!
    And about blogging on the phone – I’d never be able to do that! I barely do it from the iPad. I only use the phone to read things or possibly type a blog comment or a text message. The small keyboard is too annoying for me and I can’t understand how some people manage to do everything on their phones.

  7. Coco

    Love that Del Ray sunrise! And all the flowers in NYC. Our trees are fading fast now.

    I’m not likely to read the books, but NPR has had long interviews with both and I’ve enjoyed listening to them.

  8. Deborah Brooks

    Your photos from this week were really nice. Sounds like you had a great week of relaxing and running and travel. 🙂 Feels like we missed spring and went straight to summer!

  9. Michelle

    Love all of your photos! And it sounds like a great week all around – I do agree about the broken weather. It’s curbing any desire I might have to run double digits these days.

    I had to chuckle at that song lyric meme – totally me LOL

  10. Marcia

    You’ve had some fun travels lately and I kind of love that you had summery weather too. So nice! Love the memes. I can definitely relate!

  11. Jenny

    Once again I’m glad you got out of South Florida in time! Crazy weather everywhere.
    i listened to the Running Rogue podcasts with Kara and Des- I have Des’s book on hold at the library, and I should put a hold on Kara’s as well. They both sound amazing.
    I can’t remember- what 10K are you training for?

  12. Jenn

    I love how your shoes match that heart!

    Yay for 10Ks! I haven’t done one in a while and am considering one in May.

    So glad you had a good trip. I hope the wet weather cooperated for you.

  13. Liz Dexter

    Love all the blossoms!

    Your memory meme reminds me that watching Ted Lasso Thursday night I confidently announced that something was called Total Football, invented by the Dutch – and it was! Can only have picked that up from the football book I worked on a few years ago, didn’t know I knew!


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