um, who stole May?

By | May 30, 2021

or really who stole 2021? This year is absolutely flying by. Not complaining, I’m just not sure how it is Memorial Day Weekend already. Of course the weather to end the weekend also brought back this theme from early May last year. Give me unseasonably cold over last weekend’s unseasonably hot any day.

Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah:

what a gorgeous morning

  • I’ve always stolen “never miss a Monday” from Kim, but I’ve adapted that lately: Matty Mondays. A double dip of Matty Maggiacomo runs as I stacked a 45m and a 20m run. I was up and perky early and wanted to do 10K ish, but the route was blocked at 70th Street and I didn’t have an interest in running on the road during rush hour (noise, not safety), so I cut the southern end short and came in around 5.4 miles. Nice lengthening of weekday morning run, although I fat fingered the watch when pausing to mobile order my coffee and it ended up in two segments. Oh well, worse things have happened!

Turtle Power!

  • Tuesday: a lovely morning walk through Central Park and an evening spent reading by the river. It’s amazing to realize it has been a year since George Floyd’s murder. There’s a lot going through my head about whether we can or should go back to pre-pandemic life and also the state of the justice system, but that’s a topic for another day and likely place. I found myself unexpectedly surprised when Kim mentioned on Friday that Mollie Tibbets’ murderer was found guilty. Is it bad when what should happen surprises us?

peony time!

  • Wednesday: if Monday was perky, Wednesday was the anti-perky. My get up and go got up and got up and went, but I got in a few miles with the flowers. It was the first of two back to back long Zoom days, so I was glad I went out even if I was sleep running. My run total was 4.01 and my total mileage for the day was 4.83. yep, desk day

tree hugger!

  • Thursday: office run group, belated Earth Day edition? So needed this run after Zooms from 9-445 straight. Screen fatigue is real!

suburban peonies

childhood bed

  • Friday: after work I headed to spend the night at Mom & Bob’s. Got out in the only dry window and had a chance to explore Mom’s peony garden. There’s also something to be said for my childhood room still being mine and not a guest room. The sheets usually do match though, but if you can’t find the pillowcase? Of course the answer is dinosaur.

painted rocks by Nyack Hospital

the old High School, which was a middle school when I was there for two years

hi, Dad

happy drowned rat

  • Saturday: dry window? Well there was one early, but it was also mid 40s and the bed was comfy so I didn’t get out until about 8a. As I mentioned, there are: 5 (Hook Mountain), 6 (the trail) and 7 (the Bridge) mile routes I can do from mom’s if I don’t want to drive to run. The trail was out due to the rain (and likely washed out too) and there’s no upside to the bridge if there’s no visibility, so the Hook it was. I first modified that route while marathon training for some hills, and did so further this time although not necessarily for hills or distance. On the plus side, the modified route took me through the hospital campus and I finally got the painted rocks so many of you have posted about. I was running by the old high school when I realized that the track was open for the first time in years. Of course I needed to do a lap. On Friday when we were running errands, mom mentioned wanting to go to the cemetery to check on dad’s flag which she’d replaced due to the prior one going walkabout (grr, stupid vandalism). We didn’t get there, and it’s just behind the high school so I ran up and hiked UP to dad’s stone-seriously, you don’t realize the altitude when you’re in a car! to say hi. The flag was still there despite the wind’s efforts to assist in vandalism. I then returned to the route and accidentally stumbled on River Hook, a nature preserve that wasn’t there or at least wasn’t marked before. A nice find at the turnaround point. I won’t lie, the rain got heavy at this point and I contemplated calling Mom for a lift home, but I was soaked already and what’s more wet? Let’s just say she lay down a towel so I should shuffle into the bathroom without leaving a trail. I dried out and while our BBQ moved indoors due to weather, temps, we had a fun visit with my brother, sister-in-law and their minions.
  • Sunday: it’s pouring, which is part of why I came back late from mom’s last night. It’s not a bad train/bus trip, but in the rain it’s just not fun. I’m not leaving my apartment. I slept in and will probably cheat and start a #20BooksOfSummer book since I don’t have any two-day reads on Mt. TBR.


39 thoughts on “um, who stole May?

    1. cari Post author

      I think acclimating would be easier if we picked a season, but I just don’t find this weekend’s temps pleasant either

  1. Jessie

    Sounds like a lovely week despite the rain!

    There is an article on today about manatees dying in record numbers… so tragic! I thought of you though and your love for the chubby mermaids! I will gladly fundraise for that cause again.

    It is wild that its been a year since George Floyd’s murder. I would love to hear your thoughts on it all! But I understand that’s its hard to put it all on a blog for the world to read đŸ™‚

    1. cari Post author

      Oh no on the manatees. Just read that article, thanks for flagging. I’m so glad you posted about that virtual race to begin with.

  2. Chocolaterunsjudy

    Ah, my childhood home is long gone now. Glad you still get to revisit yours (and of course Mom & Bob).

    I have managed to make it out during the rare dry spaces in the last few days, but man, trying to figure out what to wear all week was sure a puzzle!

    Other than walking Bandit & some weights in a bit, it was an off day off for me.

    1. cari Post author

      Major weather whiplash. We badly need the rain, but it can be such a challenge.
      So sad re: your childhood home

  3. Wendy

    My childhood home is now inhabited by some very sketchy characters–it’s out in the country and they build a giant stockade fence around it. My parents pulled into the driveway to check it out and were not so nicely asked to move on. I wonder what the owners are doing there? I do still go to my hometown to visit my parents and my friends. It’s changed so much!

    Enjoy your day inside and do share your book list! I just read a really good one: “Too Good to Be True: by Carola Loverling. A real page turner!

    1. cari Post author

      On my wishlist, thanks for the recommendation. I posted a little more this week on the summer’s books.
      Too sad re: your childhood house, but glad you’re able to at least visit your hometown.

  4. Kim G

    I grew up in an apartment in Rego Park, Queens. I’ve never gone back to the actual apartment building but I went back to my block many years ago and it had changed SO much – it made me kind of sad!

    The weather this weekend is perfect for staying inside. I did go out early in the morning yesterday and today, but have enjoyed a lot of time indoors catching up on emails, blogging and watching TV.

    1. cari Post author

      Rego Park seems to be in a state of permanent evolution even now, can’t imagine how much that’s true over 30+ years. I haven’t been out that way in some time even pre-COVID as a friend who lived there moved and the Kohls closed. Kohls (and Target!) in Rego Park in itself was a huge change.
      Ditto on the digital catch up

  5. Coco

    Love the peonies, and the dino sheets! That’s a nice assortment of painted rocks. Even I’ve been reading this weekend — not on the beach but under a blanket!

    1. cari Post author

      this is perfect blanket/cozy weather. I slept so well last night, it was delicious.
      Mom has a whole peony garden. I hadn’t seen them in peak before and we weren’t sure what they’d look like with the lack of rain. Apparently Momma N took that query too seriously

  6. Darlene S Cardillo

    The last time I went to LI, I drove by my childhood home…didn’t look the same at all!

    I had a few days this week where I had less 2k steps. Yup desk days.

    Today was miserable. That’s all I can say. Too bad. The route of the race was awesome and everything was so well organized.

    1. cari Post author

      Glad the race pieces were good so you’re hopefully interested in it next year

  7. Marcia

    I’m so glad you got to get away and spend the holiday weekend with your mom in your old stomping grounds. My mom still lives in the house we moved to when I was 5. I’ve no clue what may be going on upstairs in my old room. Ha! Ooooh peonies. Those and lilacs are my favorite spring blooms! Miss you!

    1. cari Post author

      Miss you too <3
      My brother's room is a guest room and mine probably should turn into one for the kids but... it's mine
      I love lilacs, my allergies don't. Luckily peonies are more nose friendly

  8. Deborah Brooks

    Glad you got away for a few days! A change of pace is nice. I know you have been thinking of your dad a lot lately so hope it helped to visit his stone. This month sure did fly by!

    1. cari Post author

      it did. I’m so glad mom lives so close so it’s feasible to visit-kind of surprised I hadn’t thought to run there before

  9. Jenny

    Ah, I would love to spend a night in my childhood bed! Not a possibility anymore though. It sounds like such a nice weekend- nice run on Saturday and staying in on a rainy day and reading sounds perfect.
    Everyone is talking about rain this week- send some our way! We really need it.

    1. cari Post author

      we had a very tropical week with the afternoon storms on Friday. Surreal with that storm light.
      I’m a happy bookworm

  10. Katie

    I think we touched base once about The Great Deluge book, and I can say my childhood home exists no more due to the dramatic Hurricane Katrina destruction. Not your typical “you can’t go home again” story! Just thankful my friends/family were ok though!

    1. cari Post author

      Oh no, on your house, but so glad everyone was safe. I do remember our chat when I read that. Here or maybe Goodreads. How hard. Hugs

  11. Michelle D.

    Sounds like a nice escape to your mom’s – the neighborhood in which I grew up in Boston has changed so much it’s not recognizable.

    Love the peonies – some of my favorites. I wish they bloomed more often instead of being once and done.

    Looking forward to hearing which books you pick for your 20.

    1. cari Post author

      Same. Peonies and cherry blossoms are just so fleeting.

  12. Kimberly Hatting

    Yes, May certainly flew by quickly. My childhood home looks the same (in a different town, in extreme NE Iowa), but looks really small to me now. We’ve been back to Michigan a few times, since moving from there in 2001, and I have far more nostalgia for that house than any other I’ve lived in . When the hubby called me, to tell me about the Mollie verdict, I was in total shock. The creep deserves that GUILTY verdict, but it still was hard to find comfort in that knowing what he did. It took me a good 45 minutes to get my composure back after hearing the news.

    1. cari Post author

      Hugs! I was thinking of you through the weekend after you told us.
      It’s funny – my house seemed bigger but I think that’s because I’m in an apartment and mom’s house is a four bedroom

  13. Zenaida Arroyo

    I love the idea of Matty Mondays!! Years ago my mother and I drove by the apartment building she owned with my dad. They sold it around 1987-1988 and the area did look a bit different. So many memories there!

    1. cari Post author

      oh wow, that had to be an interesting trip/memory lane
      Matty Mondays have been fu n

  14. Zenaida Arroyo

    I love the idea of Matty Mondays!! Years ago my mother and I drove by the apartment building she owned with my dad. They sold it around 1987-1988 and the area did look a bit different. So many memories there!

  15. Jenn

    I love seeing all those beautiful flowers, and I’m so glad you have your childhood room waiting for you. That’s so comforting <3 The dino pillowcase is just the perfect touch. The year IS flying, and I need it to slow down because I have a lot of things I want to do.

    1. cari Post author

      Same. As much as I don’t like summer weather, I don’t want the long days to go too quickly.
      Dinos are just necessary

  16. Renée

    how lovely to get home to visit mom & bob and go to your dad’s resting place. I understand the dry window and what the reality of that is all too well. we had sooooo much rain. but now it’s green and there are pretty flowers everywhere.

    I don’t really have a childhood home. There are a few places I lived but we moved too much. I remember one address in Elgin, Illinois; maybe I should go out there again when we go to Chicago.

    1. cari Post author

      yeah, I was thinking of your Noah’s ark post from a few weeks ago
      Mom & Dad bought this house a few years before I was born so I’m lucky

  17. Debbie @ Deb Runs

    Awww, I love your Dad’s Yankees flag. My dad was also a huge Yankees fan even though he was a good enough player to make it to the Brooklyn Dodgers training camp before getting cut from the team. We have a Virginia Tech Hokies flag next to his tombstone.

    Glad you had a nice visit with your mom. Isn’t it nice being able to visit again?

    1. cari Post author

      Oh that’s an amazing story that I’d love to hear more of one day.
      So nice to have these pieces of normalcy

  18. Liz Dexter

    A good weekend and I love the dino pillowcase too! And the rocks! I remember seeing a great collection when I was on that scary early morning trail run with my friend Karen – no idea where they were!

    1. cari Post author

      It’s funny how they’re an international thing

  19. Rachel

    I’m not sad about this year flying by to be perfectly honest. 2021 is shaping up to be just as stressful as 2020, though in a much different way.

    And I’m OVER this unseasonably cold and wet weather we’re having, too! I need warmth and sunshine ASAP!

    1. cari Post author

      Yes, re-entry is more stressful than I expected. So glad you’re back
      LOL, can you and Kim keep the summer weather in the midwest-ish please đŸ˜€


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