Review: My First Coach

I’ve read and enjoyed Gary Myers before so when his new book, My First Coach, showed up on NetGalley I was eager. I knew that there would be some overlap with Brady vs. Manning in both of those chapters, but I was pleased to see that this book covered the 2016 season so would be… Read More »

Repost: Hiroshima

As was the case with the Nagasaki post, this is my post from the January 2006 trip to Hiroshima. I haven’t yet found the April trip and not sure I blogged the 2001-2002 visits. This is the original post, reproduced below with only formatting changed. Current notes at the bottom I’m amazed I manage to… Read More »

Nagasaki Remembered

I’ve been thinking a lot about Japan lately, and I’m not sure why. It’s not a milestone anniversary of my arrival (sixteen years next week, twelve years in November when I went back). Nor is it a milestone of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but I’ve been thinking a lot about them since Sunday. In digging through… Read More »

Happy Feet

I don’t want to jinx it, but I think I may be to the point where I don’t need to dedicate any Taylor Swift songs to my shoes. The shoes in the aforementioned tweet were OK but eventually went back because they were just cut too narrow. This is apparently a thing with recent ASICS.… Read More »

Fascia fighting Friday

So I have two pair of running shoes. One that were new models of the regular sneakers I’ve been wearing forever (always preferred to walk in running shoes) and one I’ve been properly fit for. Any guesses as to which gives me fits? Yep, that would be the properly fitted (and prettier) ones. They first… Read More »