What a wonderful whirlwind of a week. The city has been a rainbow of color, from Roosevelt Island to the main branch of the New York Public library and beyond. It also meant a super busy week of events culminating in a Guinness Book of World Records entry and Sunday’s Pride March.
Mini Race Recap
Saturday morning came early as a friend invited me to join a group of her friends for Saturday’s added mileage. With temperatures forecast in the 90s (ick! sorry Kim,but ick!) we decided to run before the race’s 8:30 start. I was a few minutes late to meet them but quickly caught up with them a few minutes after 7 on the Lower Loop of Central Park. We ran/walked a little more than four miles including this fun shot at the start line.
I left them for a bit to go use the (actual) bathroom and then headed for the corrals. With some 12,000 starters (and more than 10,200 finishers!) it was a little bit of chaos and took 25 minutes to cross the start. To accommodate the larger field
I’d lost Elizabeth, who I ran Italy with, in the chaos of the start but she found me between miles one and two. I’d decided early that with the heat and it being a long run I was going to take it easy, and that’s what we did. We walked the hills and ran shade/downhills. This was very much a fun run taking in all the ways people chose to celebrate Pride on the 50th anniversary of Stonewall. I also took care not to miss a single sprinkler!
There was much silliness at the end, fueled by popsicles. Speaking of fuel, ooph. I had a breakfast bar on the way to the park and had my cherry blossom chews with me but with the heat I just was not hungry. The time wasn’t good, but I wasn’t worried. 9+ miles in the summer heat is something to be proud of.
Quick run down with Kim and Deborah:
- Monday: planned off. Dinner with a friend in town for business.
- Tuesday morning, when I should have been running but was instead indoors courtesy of a giant thunderstorm, I realized it’s a damn small world. Again. Renee and Robby, one of my oldest twitter friends, were tweeting one another and I had to know how they knew one another. Made it to the gym following an after work event, but couldn’t get going. Just did a warmup and some strides before weights and the full regiment of PT exercises.
- Wednesday: 3 morning miles. Negative splits.
- Thursday: Wednesday’s Rogue workout moved to Thursday due to schedule and indoors because it was way too hot.
The scheduled workout: FartlekWhat? Runners will do 3 miles of 30/90 fartlek – alternating between hard for 30 seconds and easy for 90 seconds.
- The reality. Pretty much this. I wasn’t really clear on how fast hard was or how slow easy was. The gym was super hot and I was a sweaty mess early. I shifted the ratio to 40/80 to make it go a little more quickly as there’s nothing worse, running wise, than clock watching on a treadmill. Hard was 6.8 or 6.9 mph and slow was a walk. If it had been cooler I probably could have jogged the recoveries. This felt “comfortably hard” and I was impressed that I could maintain the pace of the hards.
- Friday: off. Didn’t even get step goal. It was hot. But I did get in a good set of PT exercises and in a pleasant surprise I ran into the manager of my old gym at the secondary branch (better AC) of my new gym.
- Saturday: a day of absolute sloth following the run. Happily so.
- Sunday: Pride March! All the steps. Original plan was to run after, but I didn’t get home until 9p and have happily sore tootsies. More on this Tuesday or Friday, but oh my, Gym Girl was perfect for this.
Total Mileage this week/$ raised: 18.26. Total for the month 72.69. By far my highest but smartly, I think.
Plan for the week:
- Monday: off/cross, depends on travel
- Tuesday: long run at the beach?
- Wednesday: Rogue Training
- Thursday: off, July 4
- Friday: run
- Saturday: long run with Jack Rabbit
Busy week for you, Cari! Gosh, that Pride Run was huge!!!
It was insane. Wonderful,but I think for future attempts they’ll do a staggered start like they do for the other mega races.
Wow, brilliant stuff, well done all round esp building the distance in that heat!
baby steps!
One thing I enjoyed about running with the group on Saturday was one asked whether the pace was OK — to date only one other person *you) did that. Otherwise it’s a different vibe. I love the acknowledgement that we’re not all the same pace. Or even if we are, that we’re not all it on a given day
Every year I want to do the Pride run but it always comes the day after a conference I go to every year so the timing just sucks. I’m determined to do it one year though!
I love that your Pride run was so enormous! What a fun event despite the heat. I think you executed your Rogue workout perfectly. I can’t stand when the gym gets so warm. As if treadmill running wasn’t hard enough on its own. Haha!
So fun to be in NYC this week. Great job on the miles on Sat. Glad you connected with Elizabeth. Hope to see you two in August.
30 seconds fast on a treadmill is hard! That’s such a short interval for a treadmill — not sure what speed I would’ve done (but speedwork on the treadmill can keep me more entertained than steady state).
Miles in the heat count double, right?
Love all the Pride! It must have been amazing to participate. There was an outdoor amphitheater in Boulder that was all rainbow-y. I was going to get a photo, but as I got closer I saw a lot of homeless people sleeping around it so I stayed away. :-/
Wow, that Pride run is HUGE! Amazing! What a celebration.
There is also a Pride run here but due to timing I never get to participate. Glad you had fun!!!
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