I cannot figure out where 2019 is going. Joining Coco and Deborah to see if we can figure it out over coffee.
If we were having coffee I’d tell you I’ve had way too much lately. Between the cold (almost 100% better, but you know how they linger), early PT and general busy-ness, I’ve reverted to my need for afternoon coffee. Luckily I’m still tired enough that it doesn’t affect my sleep, but I need to get back out of this cycle. Or at least drop back to office coffee so I quit keeping Starbucks in business. I’ll never give up my iced Dunkin’ in the morning. Starbucks’ white peppermint mocha is amazing crack though. I’m still trying to follow my advice to myself last summer. I am a much better human when I don’t live on caffeine and sugar.
This mug was a random find years ago at Christmas Tree or Bed & Bath and has nothing to do with running, but with the NYC Marathon drawing and NYC Half on the horizon it has taken on some fun meaning.
Although it’s eight months away, the NYC Marathon is beginning to feel real thanks to the social media buzz around the drawing on Wednesday. I’m almost positive I’m not going to make running it “Facebook official” until the day of. Ideally with a medal around my neck. When I ran Lebow last year I didn’t even tell my best friend, mom and brother until morning of when I sent them the tracker. I won’t do that for this, in fact my brother knows. I haven’t decided how I’m telling mom & Bob yet. Only one colleague knows and he knows I don’t want to talk about it. I generally don’t like being the center of attention and specifically not about running. I am planning to fundraise for an organization I have for some time, but as I don’t need to raise a huge amount it’s easier to keep quiet.
My lowercase g goals for the next month or so as they relate to the marathon:
- run the NYC Half (more on that below) to get an idea of current fitness and how much base building I want to do ahead of training’s start in late June.
- get my legs into a place of three or four run days a week. I think Tuesday, Thursday, weekend long run is likely. If it’s a Saturday long run, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday might be the best way to get to four days.
- decide which plan (probably Hal Higdon’s Novice 1, but still researching) I’ll follow and get the runs into my calendar. The latter worked really well for Lebow last year
- make the race-day decisions like bus or ferry.
I’m going to need a lot of coffee on March 15. When I upgraded my NYRR membership last week it opened up a volunteer slot for the NYC Half expo so I’m working that on Friday afternoon. Not sure exactly in what role, but I’m sure like last year’s medal shift it will be good for steps. Then more coffee on March 17 after the Half. Although I’m Wave V (yay, Turtle!), weekend morning subways and a start in the middle of Prospect Park are going to mean an early start.
I have no time goal for the NYC Half and didn’t even before the Achilles derailed the first two this year. I just want to have fun. Running over the Manhattan Bridge, up the FDR and through Times Square into Central Park is something I want to enjoy every second of.
I’m starting to plot out the balance of this summer’s race calendar and other than a new one to the NYRR calendar, I think they’re all going to be repeats. That’s a weird feeling to me as I still feel like a running newbie.
See you next month. Maybe. Friends in town that week so blogging iffy. I love this linkup when I can get to write it.
- What’s your goal race for this year? Is it new to you or an old favorite
- Outside of your blog, because I feel like there are few secrets here, do you tell friends and family about major races?
- Starbucks or Dunkin?
Starbucks – too much. At work, I started using k-cups to save $$. Still I have enough stars for a free something next week.
That is a great mug!!!!!!
No goals at all for NYC even before the injury. Now I just hope I didn’t make the wrong decision and my calf gets worse.
Goal races??? I thought it would be my April 13 local race… but not running now, I feel like I have lost my speed and endurance. I just want to run for fun now and be pain-free.
See you soon!
I’ve been doing Starbucks Hopscotch this month so I have points too. I do K Cups at home, but on the go is just easier to get something
If your experience is like mine, your endurance will be OK. It’s the speed that went for me — not that I had much to begin with – LOL. Luckily it’s coming back
I actually prefer the taste of Dunkin but it’s not convenient to my house so I end up getting Starbucks more often. I am excited for you to run the NYC half. Would love to get in next year! you have a fun and busy race year ahead
I prefer Dunkin’ iced and Starbucks hot. It’s weird how they differ.
I’m not sure if it’s sold out yet, but there’s a Strava/NYRR virtual Half that you can do for guaranteed entry to the 2020 NYC Half. I was bummed but not surprised we couldn’t double dip and get guaranteed entry for next year.
I don’t drink coffee, but obviously I’m a big fan of mugs & that’s a great one! Love it!
I have zero goal races on my calendar now. In fact, i have zero races at all on my calendar right now. Such is life sometimes.
I don’t like being the center of attention either, but I do think that having support is a good thing — obviously I told pretty much anyone that would listen that I was doing an 18 mile race.
Most of my friends are actually runners, because I didn’t know anyone when I moved here. Some are very serious runners, some not so much, but almost all of them run in some way. My parents always ask about my races, so I tell them, and my siblings usually express some interest, too. My brother has run some, but it’s not really his thing, and my sister tried it without any running shoes or knowledge, injured herself, and quickly called it quits.
My brother and SIL have both run marathons. I was lucky they didn’t run a Half so mom could post that she was waiting for her favorite Half Marathoner at Ft. Lauderdale finish.We have a good work group of runners, hence the office run group but most of my non-work friends aren’t runners. Many are active in some way or another – kind of fun to talk about our different interests.
Funny – had a tea conversation with colleague who had a “but first, coffee” mug, he laments a lack of tea pun mugs. So now I have an idea for office holiday grab bag
I’m not really into cute saying mugs — not that I don’t like them, there’s the whole space thing which is bad enough with my collection — but my collection does have great sentimental value to me & I do use them.
I always tell friends and family about races. In fact, they probably wish I would shut up! I don’t do well with keeping my mouth shut!
Good luck with NYC. I hope you got in.
Thank you! I am in, had guaranteed entry via 9+1 so that took the edge off.
Personally, I couldn’t function without my morning cuppa. But no sugar for me. I do love Starbucks, but I don’t do the heavy drinks. Just a little frothed milk on top and I’m good to go.
The excitement around NYCM is something else. I don’t know anyone who got in via lottery.
I don’t think I do either re: lottery. Assume some from my run group have, but I didn’t make it yesterday morning to see them
I can do black coffee with a sweetener, but sometimes I just need the sugar as much as the caffeine. Or I think I do and then I crash. Still working on this morning’s iced as it has bene one of those days
I’m much more of a Dunkin girl – love their iced coffee once the weather warms up!
The NYC Half looks like such a great race! I would love to through my hat in for next year’s lottery.
I kinda go back and forth on letting people know about my races – my family’s really supportive of my running, but I have a number of friends who are not runners so I don’t discuss my running a lot around them.
I’m an iced coffee all year round person, but I’m on a kick with their seasonal irish creme
I do share what races I’m doing, but not usually “goal finish times.” Although all of my runner friends would totally understand missing a goal, most “common folk” would not LOL It’s not worth having to explain that “finishing is winning” thing to them. My big goal race for 2019 is MCM…I think I have a bib secured so I don’t have to stress over the lottery
Yep! I literally had that conversation with a dear friend. Running is another language at times.
Way to go on MCM bib
I always try to cut down on coffee and it does work occasionally simply because the coffee at work is AWFUL. I used to work at Starbucks (the roasting plant in Amsterdam) and it’s just in my blood now. 5 years with an awful alternative helps cut back. Also? we have 1 SBUX in town and one “on the go” machine at a Shell gas station and both are inconvenient to get to so it’s usually only on the weekend. Sometimes though, I just feel like having an espresso in the afternoon. There are worse addictions I suppose.
I am pretty open on my blog about everything but that doesn’t mean I say everything out loud in person. I did keep Amsterdam marathon a secret last October because I had just DNF’d the Warsaw marathon. I wanted revenge in my own way, but also? I wanted to be able to decide NOT to run it if I wasn’t feeling it. I think the only thing I don’t talk about much, simply to protect the innocent
, is the challenges of being married to someone who has and ex and two children (the kids I have no issue with, and the husband also no issue… so maybe you get where I’m going here). I don’t want the kids to ever read or hear me saying something negative about their mother (no matter the problems). So that’s the only thing my mouth stays shut about.
My goal race this year is the Chicago Marathon. I’ve not run it before. I’ve done the RnR half in Chicago and as I lived a bit more than half of my American life there I am super stoked to have the chance to do the marathon there. My husband ran it in 2017 and I supported in various places around the course (my dad and stepmom came too and they were so excited to see Ron running – they were giddy like two little kids!).
In Liverpool (may) i’ll be volunteering since surgery in 3 weeks will have me on the sidelines for a little while! volunteering is so rewarding through – it’s great you’ll be doing that soon as well!
My original plan for if I ever ran a marathon was for it to be far away so I wouldn’t have the local pressure. Ultimately I couldn’t resist the call of the one I literally live on (well, one building between me and the corner – but close enough). I’m open here, but I’m also not sure anyone I know IRL, besides those who I’ve linked on occasion or those in the Wrap who I’ve met, knows the blog even though I’ve had the domain forever. For a while I filtered my FB posts on running, but my Instagram has gone from museum’gram to runnergram. It’s not usually explicit about training though.
I tend not to talk broadly about family on social either– not the interpersonal issues like you reference but just doesn’t sit well to me. Everyone has to do what’s right by them. I realized I might have taken it too far to the extreme though when some people I thought knew didn’t know my mom was remarrying because neither she nor I had posted. I just assumed her now husband had tagged her. (Love the guy — just didn’t post it because it wasn’t my news to post)
I hope your foot feels strong enough to volunteer. So glad you were able to move the su rgery up so it doesn’t impact Chicago. I’ve really come to love the volunteering, somewhat surprising to me as I don’t tend to be an active volunteer across the board.
I do get what you are saying. I used to be pretty private about my blog to my IRL people but now I just don’t care if it’s known (my cousin actually once shared some stuff to my mother, whom I wasn’t speaking to at the time and that really kind of pissed me off). There’s nothing there that can hurt anyone (including myself) and if I’m not sure I don’t use anyone’s name. I also tend to not be negative (anymore) about any work situation or talk much about what I do (except occasionally massage but even that is on hold at the moment) – even though what I do is not rocket science nor is it secret. I do talk about Ron and he’s ok with that
Good thing too haha!
I hope I can volunteer too. I don’t mind doing it at all but I’m also not so active across the board. Was thinking to volunteer again at Amsterrdam marathon, just not sure we’ll be home in time (also in October).
That is a great NYC mug! NYC is a great city running or not.
The chemist in me also thinks the first mug must have some scientific meaning, but I can’t figure it out.
I don’t really have a goal race. I DNS’d my first race today and am looking forward to my April races but am not training hard for them. 
Your brain goes to chemistry, mine always goes to C3PO despite not being a Star Wars person
Agree, such a fun one. I had bought a couple as gifts and then just had to buy one for myself.
Hope your ankle is starting to feel better!
I have that C3 mug. My friend got it for me when I started Wednesday Word since it looks like a scrabble tile.
I definitely tell my friends about upcoming races, but then, I’ve been running for sooo many years! I can’t wait to follow along on this exciting journey of yours!
Mom got them for each of us a few years ago. Fun to go with the kids’ cereal bowls since we all play Scrabble
Thank you! So glad weekly wrap has been reincarnated so I can share it with everyone
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I’m SO EXCITED for you as I know you will love doing your home mara. Even though my home mara was pretty horrible, I still loved it. And you know I’m here for you every step of the way.
So my goal races are the Liverpool rock’n’roll marathon in May which is really a training run for my 31 mile ultra in July. Then that will be me and racing for the rest of the year, I think.
It’s funny – today is two years to the day (date might be tomorrow as it’s not showing in FB memories) since I did my first 5K, you linked me to Runners’ Bookshelf and we found a whole new-to-us thing to chat about. Can’t wait to share this journey across ~3K miles.
I need racing for the kick in the ass to get out the door. Especially thr 18M long run for the marathon
The NYC half is so close! I’ll be there to cheer on my husband, but I still don’t know where I’m going to be – in Central Park? It would be great if we could meet somehow!
You’ve got great goals for the month! I’m looking forward to finally getting to a 3 run a week schedule.
I’m so playing catch up. Eek
If you do Central Park, they changed the course this year. We’re now going up 7th, east on 59th to 5th and into the Park there. You could watch at Grand Army or go up the Mall in Central Park and see him / us on the transverse just before the finish
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