a funny thing happened on the way to goal

By | October 3, 2021

One of my 2021 goals:

Start the year on pace for 900 miles. That was originally my hard goal for 2021, but as I mentioned, I have no idea what running will look like once we return to the office. Even if I’m ready to return to the gym to shower at that point, there’s not really a branch close enough to facilitate run commute. So 75 miles/month until we return to the office and then re-evaluate.

In 2019, I ran 862.97 miles while marathon training. Injury rehab and a pandemic taught me to be a consistent runner and in 2020 I ran 790.67 miles despite essentially taking April off. Three quarters of the way through 2021?


But that isn’t exactly a surprise. At least not one that hit me on September 30. About a quarter of the way through 2021 when I realized I was exceeding 75 miles even with pre-vaccine travel quarantine and a return to the office wasn’t on the immediate horizon I began shooting for 83.333 miles/month? Why so random? I realized I could sniff 1,000 miles run on the year which is just unfathomable. Or was.

Hence secret squirrel like my first Half Marathon. Liz has been my running secret keeper since the beginning, so it was only fitting that she was in on my revised goal.

2021 has featured three 100+ mile months (including September-my first 30 day one), and a whole bunch that were just shy. I love how running has truly become habit. There’s no thought on Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. Thursday sometimes wobbles between morning and evening but that’s less thought and more variety.

September #GoTheDist even though it’s mostly just the running miles I focus on now:

  • 469,999 steps (LOL!)
  • 217.6 miles run/walked
  • 105.6 miles run


  • 1,339, 898 steps
  • 615.88 miles run/walked
  • 305.94 miles run

2021 Year to Date:

  • 3,648,009 steps
  • 1669.59 miles run/walked
  • 854.39 miles run

September finally brought back the morning walks which are a huge difference maker, mental health wise. Logging steps only once a week really helped with the spreadsheet breakup.

something’s got to give. Oops

According to Goodreads, I’m still up by 12 books on the year so *shrug*

quilt is on the bed!

towel rack still doesn’t have a home

and the bed is in a different place! Halfway to pulling the bed out to change my sheets (alas not yet to the new Snoopy ones!), I decided to see if my bed would fit long ways in the room giving more of a path to the bathroom? It does indeed. Meant some furniture jenga moving the nighttable, but I think I like it. This is where I wanted it when I moved in, but the TV used to be on the other side of the wall to the right and when I had people over and they stayed up later… now the TV is moved and the lights for reading in bed is way better.

Also inspiring the rearranging is this awesome new to me towel rack. Well that’s what it was at mom’s. It got some new paint and is on to new life as… something. Any suggestions? In the running as a nighttable but its a little too short.

Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah:

sun had a case of the Mondays

I went shopping.. for sheets

  • never miss a Monday: what a gorgeous run. I could call the shirt an impulse purchase, but to be honest so were the sheets. I have no idea when I became a fan of busy, but I also gave Bob three goodwill bags when he dropped off the towel rack so doing better in the clothes out department. I promise not to wear the mask with the shirt in public. Much
  • Tuesday: couple of strength classes but otherwise off. Mental health day.

I missed you, Abe!

#NotoriousRBG at NY Historical Society

thanks, as always, Central Park

  • Wednesday: a long sleeved run! And then a walk across the park to the New-York Historical Society for Notorious RBG. Being back in a museum for a press preview? AMAZING. This exhibit opening just after the one year anniversary of RBG’s death? Hit me harder than I expected. The exhibit opened at Skirball and made a stop in Philly, where RBG was able to see it. She’d planned to come to the NY opening due to her ties to the city and the museum, but then COVID and well. We all know what happened. A beautiful tribute to an amazing trailblazer.

does it matter if sunset is a bust?

  • Thursday: after work solo miles due to run group schedule. Love running with friends, but wouldn’t trade this view-off our normal route-for friend time.

hi again Friend

  • Friday: couldn’t sleep for no good reason, so five mile walk before work. Ended up a good decision with a crazy busy day. A day that starts with a walk or run so often feels better than one that doesn’t.

Saturdays are for shenanigans

sunrise to sunset

  • Saturday: NYRR 18M run in Central Park. I never did that when I was marathon training and surely wasn’t today, but wanted to see and support some friends so ran against the flow in the outside lane and saw three and did a mile or so with Elizabeth into her 3rd loop. Everyone looked strong and if you can do 3 loops of CP you can do any marathon. I haven’t felt FOMO as the run groups are out in the park and I wondered if this race would cause it. Nope, not remotely and grateful to be done after my miles. Still not ready for another marathon. Best way to recover from ten miles? Sunset Greek picnic.

good morning King!

  • Sunday: morning walk in the park, brunch with a friend and watch the Giants lose.



23 thoughts on “a funny thing happened on the way to goal

  1. Chocolaterunsjudy

    I love your optimism in the last sentence, LOL (obviously I am not a football fan & no idea how they are doing — although they were my FIL’s team — not my husband’s though).

    I think the best thing about the whole post is how comfortable you are in your own body. You clearly know what feels right for you — and that’s an awesome thing.

    1. cari Post author

      I’m playing catchup now since I somehow lost this tab. The giants won that day, but stink, stank, stunk is appropriate.
      Life’s too short to stress what we can’t change, or hate ourselves

  2. Jenny

    I’m not surprised you’re closing in on 1000 for the year- your running has been really consistent. Sounds like you had a another great week, full of running, walking, friends, and a cool museum exhibit. As always when I read your posts, I’m reminded of what an incredible thing it is to live in NYC. Enjoy your Sunday!

  3. Liz Dexter

    You’re doing so well with your mileage and being well on it, too, which is so important (says the woman who overdid it, two decades into her running journey …). Having said I won’t sign up for next year’s Reykjavik Marathon, I might just have entered the London ballot (it’s in October again next year). Oops!

  4. Kimberly Hatting

    Welcome back to morning walking 🙂 You probably know I’m a fan. Our flight out of DC was delayed, and with switching our connecting flight, I’m really feeling antsy. We won’t be home until well past dinner time, so I’ll be walking in the dark probably, but that’s First World world probs, right? Great job with all your miles!

    1. cari Post author

      I so missed walking while marathon training. There was absolutely no reason not to bring it back. The subsequent occasional office return has also brought back the morning walks. 2.5 miles isn’t enough of a run most days, but it’s perfect for a walk

  5. Lisa @ Mile by Mile

    It sounds like you are having such a great year of running! Congrats on almost surpassing your original goal! Looks like it was a great week for you. I love getting outside more this time of year.

  6. Kim G

    That’s awesome that you’re closing in on 1,000 miles for the year! I haven’t set a yearly mileage goal for a few years, but I always try to get in at least 50 miles a month.

    So nice of you to run some of the NYRR 18m in reverse to say hi to friends and cheer them on. I’m sure it gave them a very nice boost as they come into the last weeks of marathon training.

    1. cari Post author

      It reminded me of how much fun cheerleading/spectating can be. Especially in the last two years, there hasn’t been enough of that

  7. Wendy

    You’ll have no problem hitting 1000 this year! So exciting. This year is kind of a bust (pun intended) for me, but I’m excited to have a challenge on the calendar for the month.

    We just did some rearranging in our house and truly, it feels so fresh! Do you live in a one bedroom or a studio?

    Keep those sunrise/sunset photos coming. I love them.

    1. cari Post author

      I’m in a one bedroom. It’s spacious by NYC standards but I’ve been here for 9+ years and have way too much stuff

  8. Lisa @ TechChick Adventures

    Beautiful reflection pictures! I haven’t resorted to a long sleeve shirt yet, but I’ve worn my arm sleeves a few times. I end up getting over heated usually so the arm sleeves give me more options.

  9. Deborah Brooks

    You have been so consistent and smart about running this year. I am excited for you and can’t wait to see you crush your goals. Your IG photos were spectacular this week keep them coming

  10. Jessie

    Happy your running has been so consistent! Way to go!

    Rearranging a room can make a bit difference.

    Great photos as always!

  11. Darlene S. Cardillo

    Great job on the annual miles. My goal is 1000 but I’m sure I’m behind you.

    Yes. No marathon yet. Maybe again. Maybe not.

    13.1 is still a challenge.

    Love your NYC photos. FOMO.

  12. Michelle D.

    Great work on the mileage – 1,000 will be no problem to achieve. Thanks to my cranky hip my 750 goal is probably off the table…but I suppose I should see where I am.

    I love the description of furniture jenga…a little rearranging can make everything feel so fresh.

  13. Coco

    You’ve had such a great year of running! LOL on the furniture jenga. It’s been ages since I’ve rearranged anything but I used to rearrange rooms all.the.time. It’s fun to mix things up.

  14. Katie

    I’m a Saints fan and had to laugh/cry at your last sentence 🙂

  15. Marcia

    Great job with all the consistent miles! I think hitting 1000 for the year will on problem at all. I can relate to the Jenga, except mine is INSIDE my new kitchen cabinets. I’m determined NOT to overload them so I don’t have to hunt for stuff.

  16. Jenn

    The Dolphins and Hurricanes have both been pretty disappointing, so I’ve quietly withdrawn from watching. I don’t need any more stress in my life.

    Love your new comforter, and your new shirt.

    I bet the RBG exhibit was amazing. I’ll be going to my friend’s art show (it’s a faculty show for the university at which she teaches), and I’m so excited. Actually, next week is totally my cultural week with Hamilton and the show.

  17. Pingback: Fabulous Fall Fun – travellingcari.com

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