Crazy, hot, gross week.
Just stumbled upon the Ten Commandments of Running. All useful in their own way but my personal favorite is
“Thou shall not compare yourself to others on social media, their likeness is most likely false anyway”
Was updating my spreadsheet and realized that barely halfway through the month I’ve topped last July’s mileage. Granted, that was an easy month as I battled a minor PF re-flare and a fall, but amazing the mileage that comes with even a low mileage training plan.
Weekly run down with Kim and Deborah:
- I missed a Monday, but that was planned. Can’t run three days in a row and although I’d hoped to sneak in a gym visit, the book signing ran late and then Whole Foods on Prime Day was predictably a disaster. The latest Gabriel Allon book was amazing, review
comingis live. - Tuesday: quick hot, gross run before work. Yoga, PT exercises after.
- Wednesday: Rogue Training. The prescribed workout:
The Workout: 3/2/1 FartlekWhat? Runners will do 1-3 sets of a 3-2-1 fartlek with 3 minutes of easy running between sets. Each set consists of 3 minutes ON at marathon effort + 3 minutes easy + 2 minutes ON at half marathon effort + 2 minute easy + 1 minute ON at 10K effort + 1 minute easy + 3 minutes easy and repeat.
The goal is to progress in pace within each fartlek and then across the sets as runners warm into it. This will be 12 minutes of work for 1 set and 27 minutes of work for the 2 sets, (including the 3 minutes easy in the middle,) and 42 minutes of work for 3 sets.Why? The 3-2-1 fartlek is a versatile workout that can be used in a lot of different ways. In this case, we are using it as a recovery workout or a ramp-up workout that works multiple systems and keeps the runners primed for work to come. It teaches runners to gauge and measure their efforts, trying to work on feeling the nuance between the various efforts and paces as they progress through the workout.
- the reality was not that. Even though one of the coaches showed us how to set the one minute intervals on the Garmin, it was too much to keep track of. We had to remember our paces and then keep track of the timing. Four of us settled into a keep moving, keep pushing and called that good for 3+ miles. According to my paces I was running at nearly 10K pace for the entire thing, including rest intervals. So fail, but not totally. Got caught in a flash flood on the way home aka Mother Nature saying “don’t go stinking up the train“. Bliss. A pleasant surprise, how quickly Cascade tried.
- Thursday: I was all over the place. I planned to go to the gym after hitting the NYRR Training Expo, which was a lot of nothing. But it was surprisingly “nice” (72, 90% humidity) out and there was a breeze, so I decided to go home and run along the river. I’ve been living there this week and don’t mind it one bit. It started to rain at the halfway point and that felt delicious.
- Friday: off. They cancelled the NYC Tri due to the heat but the Expo was still on so I hit that up before heading up to the Bronx for a Yankee game. I got a cute pink hat because I thought I’d lost my purple one. Of course I soon found it, but two isn’t bad, and I like this size adjuster better. I also picked up a lemon-lime UCan hydration sachet.
- Saturday: the group long run was officially cancelled due to the heat wave, but my plan was to go out at 5. I woke at 4 and looked at the weather. NOPE. I rolled over and went back to sleep until 6, which would get me to the gym for opening-ish. I survived my first ever treadmill double digit run. It was mostly in one go save for the end of each 2-3 mile interval (above, with timing, so I could track) to refill the water bottle and have a chew. It was still hot even with the AC on high and I was a sweaty, dripping mess. But I did it! How? The Running Rogue podcast helped. I listened to Choosing a Coach, in which they shared the key elements in finding the right coach and Building a Training Plan. The latter really helped understand the Rogue Training plan. If I’m going to be doing more treadmill long runs I’m going to need to figure out how to be a tablet TV watcher as there is nothing on Saturday mornings. Interesting thing to see was the pace I maintained in AC — so recent drop in speed is indeed weather related. Nice realization.
- Sunday: off. I escaped down the Shore. I had my running gear, but it was 90 at 8 am and there’s no shade. Wasn’t safe or smart. I’m A-OK with this decision.
Total Mileage for the Week: 20.7
Cycle Mileage: 88.45
Plan for the Week:
- Monday: Run
- Tuesday: off/cross
- Wednesday: group workout
- Thursday: recovery run
- Friday: off
- Saturday: 12 miles (!)
- Sunday: off/recovery run
I wished I could get into pod casts (or even books on tape),but they’re just not my thing. I don’t even like reading books via a tablet…I know, I’m old school with technology stuff LOL Congrats on that big treadmill run! I don’t think I could ever do that…I’ve made it to five miles, but really don’t think I could push to go any longer…
I do better with podcasts than I do books on tape. I think it’s more because it’s OK if I zone out – I don’t need to hear every single minute of a podcast whereas with a book you can miss something key. We did two books on tape on the drive to Florida in January and that’s a high for a year. I don’t mind reading on the Kindle at all, but it was nice to read three dead tree books this weekend too. I’m such a book worm that I’m surprised I never got into audio books.
I’ve done 7 miles before on the treadmill. I’m glad that I needed to get off to refill the water. It gave me the mental breaks I needed — and that it wasn’t an excuse — treadmill would have had to re-set at an hour anyway.
sounds like a smart idea to sleep in and go to the gym. It was just unbearable last week. Way to get those workouts in despite the weather. Thanks for linking up
There are times I can do 4a wakeups, a run that isn’t going to go well isn’t one of them
Good mileage and good self-care in this weather. Heat and humidity definitely affect pace – last summer when it was really hot I had to jeff through most of my runs with attendant loss of pace. Ugh. Amazing work on the treadmill!
No fail if you run. That workout sounded insane.
Double digits on the treadmill. You are incredible. I can barely manage 3. Podcasts while I run help a lot.
My plan is still on the easy side. It only called for 5 but I did 8 since I have an 8 mile race in 2 weeks.
Jealous of anyone at the beach. I’m settling for the lake. But it was wonderful. No running yesterday.
I think we have rain and a cool down in the forecast.
I heard the Tri was cancelled – wasn’t that the second year in a row? Double digit treadmill runs are mentally challenging, so way to get it done! I hope the heat is better this week
yeesh – all of you doing long runs on the treadmill last week… insanity. but I get it. even *I* did a treadmill workout last week!
are you able to program your garmin directly on your watch and add the pace? usually it will beep at you until you get in the zone. Those types of workouts throw me for a loop as well though. my trainer liked to throw that at us occasionally.
I feel like so many events were canceled this weekend because of the weather… congrats on beating your June mileage already!!
The heat this week was no joke! Great job getting in your workouts. I don’t do many double digit treadmill runs but they really can be a struggle. The key is figuring out ways to pass the time.
I have never done a double digit run on the mill. Of course, my ancient one also huts down after 90 minutes so the engine doesn’t overheat. Good job! I prefer short runs on it, but it was definitely brutal last week.
Sounds like you also had some fun and that’s always good.
Lots of fun
Ours has a limit of an hour, or possibly an hour and five minutes with the cool down so there’s always a built in break even if I didn’t also need a water fountain one
This definitely was a weekend to stay inside. Wow on the double-digit TM miles. It’s been years since I’ve even tried.
That running workout does sound way too hard to do without a coach telling you what to do when. i get “lost” in simpler workouts than that. One reason I like Orangetheory is that I don’t have to remember what to do.
Hah! Clearly I should have caught up here before asking you that question in your Run Down.
I can either run or do math, not the two together.
I hope to have that be a first and last double digit treadmill run
Great job getting in the workouts despite the weather- and toughing it out on the tread!
Thank you! You are the master of treadmill long runs
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