this belongs in either runfessions or coffee talk, but the odds of my getting a post together for those? About as good as waiting for the library hold on the new Daniel Silva — I made it five days and bought he book.
No, I haven’t traded in my coffee mug. I will always be a coffee girl but on some hot walks this summer I discovered Starbucks’ iced teas, which are always more refreshing than iced coffee and give you way more for your money. Then due to Starbucks being out of everything, I changed from the iced tea lemonade to the honey citrus mint tea which I had them make iced, leave out the honey. Magic!
Fearing that they’ll soon run out of that too and really not wanting to spend $4 all the time, I invested in a kettle and made my first “iced” tea on Monday. If you’ve used a Zaki or another similar, you know why it’s “iced”, don’t you? Poured over ice and put in the fridge, yep, Zaki kept it perfectly warm. Lesson learned, and it wasn’t bad warm either.
On Malibu: RunMalibu sent us an email with training plans and their intermediate half actually seems manageable. Guess it was good that I hadn’t gotten too far beyond I should find a plan or see whether someone wants to be hired to write one for me.
Weekly run down with Kim and Deborah:
- never miss a Monday: oh, it’s going to rain. I’ll sleep in a little. Oh, it’s not raining, but it’s pretty cool, I’ll still sleep in. 7:15, 72 and what I neglected to look at, 93% humidity. Oops. 3.5 miles is better than nothing and these two snaps just spoke to me–it really is a matter of perspective and point of view. Also gives truth to the old adage: if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.
- Tuesday: a short morning walk as I knew it was going to be a busy day. Work/social events are really picking back up and this was one I was really looking forward to, New Yorkers for Culture & the Arts’ annual FUNdraiser. A street party with stilt walkers and steel drums is way more fun than a rubber chicken dinner any day. While it was cooler than last week, it was still too humid to even contemplate work pants so I got to wear this dress for the first time in two? years. Might summer social events turn me into a dress wearer?
- Wednesday: never did find out what that interview was about. Guessing the still-crumbling promenade, although she was midway between the most broken portions. Five miles in the fog before a museum preview. I hadn’t realized how much I missed those, and the Museum of Chinese in America re-opened with a timely and resonant exhibit about AAPI hate.
- Thursday: ios Widgets told me it was the three-year anniversary of reaching 9+1 and qualifying to run the 2019 marathon. Luckily I saw it before Bruce and I went out and I wore the shirt for some fun. The run was a walk/run as Thursday was the beginning of the seven millionth ridiculously hot and humid spell this summer.
- Friday: too hot to do more than the bare minimum, although I did sit by the river and read for the breeze.
- Saturday: original thought was to run to Riverside Park to see the goats. ~ 8.5 would be doable, but when I saw the forecast I decided instead for Randalls Island as water fountains are more reliable there. When I woke at 4:30, it was already in the 80s with 69% humidity and I knew 8 wasn’t happening. I did get onto Randalls for a small loop but called it all good at 6.5. It was just miserable out even with lingering cloud cover and at that point my desire to run was surpassed by my desire not to be an overheated puddle. Eerily similar to two years ago when I did my first (and last, to date) treadmill ten miler. Today I might have missed the gym for some climate control. Lived my best toddler life the rest of the day with a planned, indoor morning nap and an unplanned park bench one later when it rained.
- Sunday: I’m glad the tea tastes so good when I drink it, because it’s always an adventure to make it. This heat-resistant container wasn’t. I’ve been talking about going for Dairy Queen since Friday, today I really want some more reading time for the new Daniel Silva (whee!) and need to return something to the GAP Factory outlet, so a Staten Island ferry field trip is on tap.
and now you have me craving that Starbucks iced tea! I am going to start the Silva book today I think. I looked at your half plan. I don’t think I am going to go over 12 for mine this time. I personally do better a little undertrained than over trained and possibly tired. I cannot wait for Corning! Happy running
I’m so glad I was a bad influence iced tea wise 😀
I’m same re: undertrained and I am determined to stay uninjured.
I don’t think I’ve gone past ten before, but my base is better now so we’ll see. We’re going to kick ass!
I can definitely see how iced tea is more refreshing than coffee! The humidity has been ridiculous lately. Yes, its too hot for work pants but my office is always freezing! One of the many reasons I prefer working from home:)
oh yes, the return of the AC wars is going to be interesting when we go back. I couldn’t wear a dress or a tank in the office for that exact reason
Wow, what a fun filled week Cari! That street event sounds so neat.
I love both iced tea and iced coffee- but prefer the caffeine in coffee 🙂
same. Could never do iced tea as my sole morning beverage!
We have an old Mr. Coffee iced tea maker that works well, but not sure you want another appliance? Usually your NYC photos make me want to be there, but I’m still recovering from my drives over the GW Bridge. My son says they always take Tapenzee, so I’ll have to figure that out if there’s a next time.
Tappan Zee is the route I gave you. We did it most often going to NE since we lived literally within sight, but I also think it was better traffic wise. Nothing would have helped you in those storms though!
That was an interesting article about Starbucks! What ELSE is Covid going to wreck? Our Starbucks has been out of lemonade, which makes it hard to make a bunch of my kids’ favorite drinks. I do get those Teavana teabags from the store though, and they like those.
Loved the description of your Saturday with the super-hot run and then the “toddler life” naps. It actually sounds really fun!
Hope you get a break from the heat this week.
when I was down for my birthday I went to two Starbucks including the one on Atlantic, no dice on my favorite drink and that was before their large scale supply chain issues.
I recreated toddler life yesterday. It’s like marathon training all over!
RunMalibu? Have I missed something? Very possibly.
I drink my tea hot even in summer. I just don’t like iced tea. I guess there’s a feeling of comfort in a warm cuppa.
A street party is always fun!
I might never have posted about it. I wanted to do a fall half and stumbled on that one. If it’s cancelled, it’s not an issue as I have a friend there I can visit.
I get that – I’m usually iced coffee even in winter
So tell me why Starbucks is out of everything? I always brew my own tea. Pour the warm water over the tea bag, let it steep, and add ice. Delish!
Gosh, I remember when you did the 9+1 to qualify for NYCM!!! Seems like yesterday, because 2020 was a non-year.
It really does feel like it was just yesterday.
Will borrow your idea for tea making as I’m still trying to get the right strength and temperature
And I have never tried Starbucks iced tea…though I have had many a hot chai 😉 Those pics are so truth-bearing, where the sky looks completely different in just a few minutes time. When we went for our hilly ride (last Wednesday), we had bright sun and by the turn-around it was cloudy and dark…and we barely made it back home before the rain came. Weird!
While spring weather gets the rep for being changeable, I think it’s even more true of summer.
I like chai, but I don’t think I’ve ever had it from Starbucks
You just reminded me that I need to try out some of the new Starbucks iced teas. I tried one last year – I think it may have been a berry or pomegranate one – and it was so good!
The weather yesterday was just gross. I went to the supermarket early in the morning and couldn’t believe how soupy it felt outside at 7am.
They tried to convince me on a pomegranate one when they were first out of all of the things, but I’m not sure if I’d like that in Starbucks size
What a fun week.
It’s so funny how the weather influences everything.
I don’t remember in years past being obsessed with it.
Such a humid summer. Even when I thinks the temps are nice, the humidity is 90%.
I do like iced teas so I should try or maybe not (save my $$).
I may steal your plan but I would change Friday runs to Thursday. I prefer a rest day the day before a long run. I can almost train with you. I have a 15k on Nov 14 and maybe a half on Nov 20.
Same re: day off, I typically run MWRSa and knock wood, that has worked for me to stay healthy and uninjured.
When I lost the weight, summer became more manageable, but then when I got active they got gross again.
If you have a kettle, the tea is only $5ish for 15 bags so very budget friendly DIY
I love your photos and I’m glad you’ve been sensible in the heat. So glad your museum previews and work events are coming back now!
me too. A wonderful gradual transition back to real world
I am more of a coffee person. Iced teas are OK but not something that I’l like to drink. I had no idea Starbucks was out of many things. Wow! Wait, the water fountains are open? Lucky. Toddler life is the best! 🙂
Water fountains here are thankfully almost fully back, at least in the parks. They didn’t worry me from a COVID POV as I assumed drinking from then for the last 40 years probably gave me some good immunity to all the cooties.
Toddler life forever!