Because work has been utterly, wonderfully chaotic.
I was meeting a colleague at the Lortel Awards and she asked what I was wearing so she could be sure not to over or under dress and well, this was the result. I had four late nights in a row this last week (two fun, two work, all enjoyable) and I was tired.
Quick linkup with Kim and Deborah to discuss the gentle increase in running after the Half Marathon.
I didn’t really have the words for my return to running after the Half. I just knew I needed a mental break from “have to” and my legs needed a physical break from distance. On my run yesterday I was listening to Ali on the Run with Shalane Flanagan talked about her first time running Boston as a coach (awesome episode!) and at the end when they were talking about Shalane’s goals for running now, they jointly said:
“Stay fit enough to keep having fun and say yes to stuff”
YES. That.
While I have marathoner friends, they know that’s not a particular interest for me, but we’re frequently discussing 10Ks and Halfs and… I don’t want to have to say I can’t. Luckily I have zero interest in a warm weather Half, so 10Ks for now is just fine for all of my goals.
It’s been great too to double down on PT exercises so I didn’t have to take time off running the way I did in April 2020. Balance.
Week of 5/2
- never miss a Monday: plan was to run before going into work around 6. A crazy thunderstorm had other ideas. So I ran around 7 and then headed into work because I had a member gala Monday night. Nice to run along the river, which I probably haven’t done for a month and there’s just something about rain-kissed tulips!. We failed to get a photo, but I had to chuckle because the Lortel Awards (dress above) was what I wore for Jordan and Kate’s wedding and the Queens Theatre gala dress was the one I bought for mom & Bob’s. Yay re-wearable dresses
- Tuesday: couple mile walk before work from home. After some late nights, I could have slept in. Eyes had other ideas
- Wednesday: packed my clothes to run commute home, but couldn’t get the bag to sit right so I took the train home and went out for a gorgeous sunset run. Last of the peak pink and I enjoyed every step. I’m still not running any distance other than what feels right on the day.
- Thursday: what happens when there are sales and you have umpteen events? You order ten dresses and figure out what might work and what might not because women’s clothes size and fit make no sense. Batch one was GAP Outlet and three of the four work (for the office, not evening events). Office run group was schedule casualty so I literally ran errands to exchange one for size and return another. It was a beautiful run through the park and peek at Harlem architecture.
- Friday/Saturday: when did they move NYC into a rainforest? It did not stop raining at all and it was more than a little ridiculous. Headed up to mom’s for Mother’s Day and took advantage of her Macy’s / mall to return a couple of the dresses and get a pair of shoes I can actually walk in. The heel is a lot better, running wise, but the spur really impacts what I can wear and flip flops aren’t going to cut it for evening events.
- Sunday: the rain finally stopped enough to get in a short run, and walk before lunch with the kiddos. It was so nice to be together for Mother’s Day.
Week of May 9
- never miss a Monday: except I ran Sunday and my main recovery goal is to not run back to back days when I don’t need to. It turned out I could have also walked after work since the event didn’t start until 7:30 (!!), but I opted to walk into work. The Actors Fund event was a wonderful celebration of the entertainment industry and fun to see performances from a number of Broadway shows I hadn’t seen.

are you really in the office if there’s no bathroom mirror selfie? I swear I changed my shoes for the event
- Tuesday: because the event didn’t end until 11, we had some leeway in arrival to the office Tuesday. I got in a riverside run, said hi to my Bear friend and took an internal 9:30 call from the Park as it was an absolutely beautiful day. Lunch, and the reason why I was in the office, was the Women in Tourism luncheon at Sony Hall. My grandboss won and I was nominated along with two colleagues. While tourism has a good ration of men and women, the leadership hasn’t always been representative of gender and it was amazing to see the recognition of long careers of hard work. After work I hopped over to the Streiker Center for a book talk with Ali Wentworth and Brooke Shields. To say I laughed my ass off for an hour would probably be an understatement. If you need a laugh, I highly recommend this book. A note of caution though, it does deal with the COVID pandemic.
- Wednesday: busman’s holiday of the best kind. We hit MoMA for Matisse’s Red Studio (amazing!) and MAD Museum for a fun, small exhibit on clothes as a medium for art. After lunch we went to see Tavares Strachan’s The Awakening, which was a monumental piece of performance art. It was nice balance to have museum-gram instead of just running-gram as it has been for the last two years! Day off running, but lots of walking.
- Thursday: more museums! New-York Historical Society’s amazing exhibit on the fiftieth anniversary of Title IX opened and I got to see a Civil Rights exhibit whose opening I missed due to a conflict. It was starting to get humid with the rain coming in so this run wasn’t great. I took all the moments to enjoy the show that Mother Nature was putting on.
- Friday: oh look. It’s raining. While I love running in the rain, doing errands in it isn’t appealing so I changed over my closet and purged a bunch of clothes. I hadn’t done this in two years since we weren’t in the office with any frequency and it wasn’t annoying to have the wrong season in the bedroom closet. This also meant my usually reliable organization had fallen apart so it was therapeutic to go from chaos to organization. I still have way too many cotton tees and I forsee a purge coming. Also, I almost never wear solids.
- Saturday: slow start. Lazy day, but I was a happy kid in a mud run. My allergies have been awful to run through (yes, I tested. It was definitely allergies) and this run was so much better. 7 miles. It was a walk run to take a picture of every rain-kised flower and I loved every step. My shoes? Maybe not so much. I’ve given them over to mud runs since they never got clean after one and well, might as well go all out. This is why I don’t buy white shoes though. I didn’t plan on exactly seven, but with the detours on the bridle path it’s what it was. No plans. Just run.
- Sunday: maybe a walk, or sit in the park with a book if it ever stops raining. Maybe finish my folded clothes switch.
It’s fun seeing what you’re up to out and about in the city, although your Central Park photos never get old. I really need to go through my closet, but I need more time to decide if I haven’t worn things because of wfh or because I don’t like them anymore.
You have been a busy bee the last few weeks! Looks like some fun events you got to attend. It is nice to put on real clothes sometimes and get out there. Not training over the summer is my jam as well.
Thanks for the reminder about closet organization and purging…both of which I have successfully been procrastinating for a long time. You’ve had some fun and exciting events to keep you busy!
I am definitely in the mindset of Shalane and you now. I’m so looking forward to runs that I don’t ‘have to do’ or run a certain distance.
You have been busy! Lucky you–I’m going to check out that book!
You’ve been busy! So many exciting events (and cool photos — and love the dresses!).
I’m not even ready to tackle a 10k right now. I could, but I don’t want to push myself that hard. Everyone has different desires when it comes to running, & that’s just fine — there’s plenty to choose from!
The only race I have on the calendar is a 4M, but I might jump into the Mini. Basically want to have the option to say yes, even if I ultimately say no.
THank you!
Wow, they really did move NYC into the rainforest. Good thing you don’t mind running in the rain! Seems like you’re enjoying some casual runs without worrying about distance, and it sounds nice. You’ve got a lot of other work and social events going on too! Sounds like a great couple of weeks.
It really was, thanks
And yes. Something refreshing about the rain. Couldn’t do it on a commute of course but a Saturday play day? Why not!
So many fun events! I would agree that training through the summer is never fun…and yet I have a September half I want to run…oy. You’ve reminded me that I’m due for a closet purge.
Did you have a wardrobe change with the not so new anymore job? That , falling in love with dresses and shape shifting is part of what led to the need to purge. Next step is my running clothes but we all know we have too many of those.
I’m leaning toward an October half. I feel like if I keep it at 6-8 now, it won’t be a hellacious ramp up. Hopefully. We’ll see how that goes
So busy! Love all your photos and seeing you getting back to doing all the things!
I love your job. Just sayin.
I have a multi week update coming too.
You would liked the Lautrec exhibit. It was interesting to learn about him in his drawings.
I agree about longer runs so you can be ready.
Though I forgot to train for my half next weekend. Two 5k weekends in a row. Not worried because I’ll have fun.
Oh my gosh I LOVE Shalane’s goals for summer! Exactly that here as well. It’s all about having fun for me. I’m really really enjoying being in a place where I don’t “have to” run and yet I still do, just for the joy of it. Look at you with all those late nights! I’ve been doing the polar opposite. I had work at 4am this morning! Ha!
“Stay fit enough to keep having fun and say yes to stuff” – This is SO perfect and really fits into the motto I’ve had for the past few years.
I love your floral dress, especially the sleeves – so unique. I love a good closet purge! I usually do some sort of “spring cleaning” at least once a year so I’m due for one soon.
It seems like you’re making the most of being about to get back out and about, and I bet you’re having a blast! I LOVE your dress (or top – can’t tell from the angle) in the first picture!
You are having so much fun! I always love seeing your photos and imagining how fabulous everything is! They brighten my day for sure <3
Sorry about all the rain, though!
Great to see you getting out there, sounds like a busy time too.