Skin of my teeth.
My tiered goals for November were: 250/275/300K steps and 100 miles.
November totals*? 255,599 steps and 105.71 miles.
Never stressed so hard for 250, although July was close. But I did it. Thanks to some temperate weather days.
*Subject to minor additions as I putter around the apartment
Totals for Q4 so far: 556,734 steps // 229.75 miles. Well on track for 750K // 300 miles that was my Q4 goal. To be honest? I don’t know that 250K is going to happen in December due to work, weather and travel, but I’m going to try. My tiered goals are 225/250/275K although I’ll be tickled pink with hitting 250. Keeping mileage at 100 even though I only need 70+. 100 may be iffy but we’ll see.
Now to think about 2015. Steps wise and book wise. I’m at 43/45! 2014 has been good for goals. Well, some. I still haven’t hit Goal.