I made a rookie mistake when scheduling my 7/7:30 AM PT sessions. I’ve done early dentist appointments, I can do this, I thought. Crucial difference? At the dentist you don’t have to, really can’t, talk. At PT, you’re supposed to. Note to self: coffee before PT.
I really like the staff in this PT center. They’re attentive, but also listen. They’re also not just treating the tendonitis, but working on the weaknesses that led to it. Trying to maintain the arch in my foot by making those muscles work may well be the death of me, but I’m loving the challenge. I also think the exercises will be helpful to me long term as I sometimes don’t know where to start.
Although I still haven’t made it to a Team MHRC workout, I love the group’s emails. In this week’s is this writeup of the new-new NYC Half course. No Central Park hills makes me very happy, a start in the middle of Prospect Park less so. That’s going to make getting to the start a fun adventure. Yeah, I’m thinking about the NYC Half when I haven’t survived Ft. Lauderdale yet.
Speaking of Lauderdale, the plan as blessed by my PT on Wednesday, is run if I can and walk if I can’t. That works for me. By the time this posts (if scheduled works), I’ll have finished it.
Weekly Wrap with Wendy and Holly:
- Monday: PT to start. Besides the stretches from last week, PT added
- Stability board
- Arch curls
- Single leg dips
- Side steps with a band (ouch, my glutes!)
- Clamshells
25M on the bike at the gym later as my achilles was pretty tender and there were no rowers available.
- Tuesday: lots of steps despite the snow. PT exercises but no formal exercise due to a book signing after work. I haven’t read COZY yet, but I have read her others. If you’re interested in a new way of seeing the world, the book is probably up your alley. I’m very curious to see how jury duty can be cozy! I have a new Kindle which works with Audible,
so I might have learned about this on the plane by the time this is published. Nope, I slept on the plane instead. Maybe on the way back. - Wednesday: PT. He videoed me running and it’s just so weird to see, especially in slow motion. He commented that I’m mostly a flat foot striker, my feet slightly flare out but that there isn’t anything in my gait that impacts the achilles. Yay. Beyond the above exercises he added:
- Laps of heel & toe walking
- Hip “crunches”. I actually don’t know what to call these. Basically lean up against a foam roller against the wall and move it up and down using my hip motion.
While some of this is driven by the fact that I’ve been running less, I love that the pain is much better and I am optimistic that these exercises will spell a better running future. After an after work event I squeaked in a quick mile and a half at the gym. I usually can’t run after events because I can’t run so soon after eating. Wanting to run is also a good moderation strategy. Also, was curious to see how legs would “work” after pummeling of PT. They were tender, but distance was constrained by gym closing time, not legs’ ability.
- Thursday: unplanned off day. Office run group postponed due to schedules and a friend suggested dinner. Haven’t properly caught up with her since September.
- Friday: travel day. Hoped to run after the expo, but the traffic from Fort Lauderdale up to Delray meant we barely got in on time for dinner. The expo was fun, and I acquired some new toys including new bib clips, a suitcase-sized Stick (finally!) and citrus flavored chews since I dare not try the gels in the humidity again. More on the expo if I recap the race Tuesday. PT stretches were wonderful to stretch from plane.

Gordon from Loggerhead Marine Life Center
- Saturday: a quick shakeout to (try) to acclimate to the heat & humidity before exploring the surrounds including this amazing loggerhead rescue center in Juno Beach. Lots of car time to rest the feet, but also some good walking to de-stiffen from the plane. Some of that was seeking new shorts (I know, I know, nothing new on race day) because I worried black capris would be too warm. Currently undecided on what I’m wearing. We shall see.
- Sunday: race day! 6 AM start. I don’t think they have a runner tracker system, but I’ll update twitter or instagram. Plan is to run smart, between the achilles and the heat. ETA: Done! Course PR, I think. I can’t find last year’s results since Garmin & Strava currently not on speaking terms. ETA 2: recap is up.
Week’s plans: active recovery, PT on Wednesday and Friday.
I’m anxious to hear how your race went! Sounds like you have a good PT–he’s working around your activity, not making you stop. Me likely!
Me too!
I found a great one, and am lucky
Oh I hope your race went well! Can’t wait to hear all about it. Definitely coffee before PT 🙂
I literally put Starbucks in my calendar before tomorrow’s appointment
I hope the race was fun! Trying to save data, so won’t be on my phone til I get home & for some reason my new iPad isn’t letting me log into IG.
I slept/listened to an audiobook on the way down . . .
Hah, that’s usually me with the data.
Recap is there when you get there — safe travels!
Got it. 🙂
I hope your race went well! You’re leaving all of us in suspense LOL
Unintentionally I swear 🙂
I really need to learn to blog from my phone
It sounds like you are working with a really great PT. I like that you mentioned that they really pay attention to detail and are always treating the cause of the injury – that’s so important.
I hope that your race went well today!
Thank you, it did. I crashed your winter essentials linkup with a dose of oceanfront running. *giggle*
And yes, totally agree. I don’t want the pain to (just) go away, I want to know why it’s happening so I can avoid it in the future
I hope the race went well! It sounds like your PT is really good. I have those side steps and clam shells in my routine too. And I did that toe/heel walking for PF. I figure eventually I’ll have had PT for all my body parts and then maybe it will work like it’s supposed to! Honestly, I do think PT makes a big difference that you will notice in your running.
It was like a lightbulb went on when he said the tight calves could cause PF too. Different foot than the achilles issue but our bodies really are connected.
I wasn’t as good with the clamshells while away but kept up with everything else. I am cautiously optimistic
I love your PT. I think I need it.
I think I went to that same Turtle rescue center.
I’m taking the bus to the NYC half start. I’m trying save up miles now for a hotel for marathon weekend.
Looking forward to all the details on this weekend’s race.
For me I think the Q should be fine. It’s just a little random in “make sure you use the right entrance” but no details on which that will be.
The turtles were fun, I wish the manatees had been home too
I hope your foot listens. Saw your post re: it bothering you after the beach walk. I can’t walk on sand anymore. Kills me.
Yup. It felt fine walking around the gardens for 2 hours and running the half but then on the beach….ouchy.
Yep. Mine squawked at me in the brief sojourn to stick my toe in the water
It’s so wonderful you found a PT who is so helpful! And you were still able to run and maybe a course PR- amazing!
There was magic in the air this week. I think some good comes from letting go of goals and just going with it
your PT sounds GREAT! I really need a physio who actually listens and works with me instead of just throwing his or her hands in the air (or one that actually answers my texts/emails…). I have the feeling this is going to work wonders for you!
looking forward to hearing about the race!
I hope so too. Although I haven’t used their after hours interface, it’s supposed to be hgood. Can you find a more responsive one? Thank you!
I like your PT’s approach to treatment and your healing process – hope the race went well! He really seems to “get” runners!
He does — and this week especially Weds after the race was great. Thanks!
I need to go read your race recap! I’m slow on the “catching up” process this week.
I’m glad you have a good PT! You’d think they’d all be good just by the nature of what they do but not all have the same philosophy. Some do just like to treat and go. After my meniscus repair surgery, I had the best PTs who were really focused on helping me rehab and get me well so that I wouldn’t do it again. We discussed movement patterns and deficiencies and all that jazz. They were great! I have a great feeling that all that you’re doing is really going to help you in the long run!
Oh me too on catch up. It’s a never ending game for me.
I had a good PT immediately after knee surgery, but I was 17 so I wasn’t the most compliant unfortunately.
I always finish PT stronger than I started — and in suprising ways compared to what I thought was “wrong” — sounds like you are covering different muscle groups to get to the source of the issue.