did someone ask Mother Nature what month it was? As I think I mentioned here a few weeks ago, my neighbors are suing one another and the landlord suing them for one’s refusal to stop smoking cigarettes and other substances in her apartment. I think she let Mother Nature into her wacky weed stash. There is no other explanation for snow in May in NYC.

I wasn’t actually angry, I think this is just “active mask face”, but I’m going to call it “Woman who was mad about the weather forecast 2020”
I’m pretty sure the actual reason for the photo was to let my colleague know I was briefly AFK. We use Slack for office communication and among the best practices is letting others know via status if we’re taking a break. It really does remind me of AOL chat rooms in some ways. While we realized during one of the recent Zooms that I’m among the babies in the linkup, I frequently feel internet old.
If we’re Facebook friends, you know I fell head over heels in love with my Instant Pot. Artichoke, risotto and hard boiled eggs have joined pancakes and pulled pork in Cari’s Covid Cuisine. This book was a gift from a dear friend who has been trying to get me (and Darlene!) into the cult of the Instant Pot since she cooked for us a few months ago. I promise this won’t turn into Cari Cooks, but that blog might make a come back if I could ever manage to update more than once a week regularly. Thank you all for your recipes and suggestions.
Showing off my new spice collection, with a side of my too small for my baths of coffee but I love them anyway mugs.
I really need a new category in Mint for CV19 related shopping. Not just the masks, but the instant pot, external monitor and some of the other recent purchases. My home supplies budget line item went kind of nuts these last few months.
Since there have been no long runs to speak of since Leap Day and that was really a one-day wonder, my iPod has been filling up with my podcasts and this week yelled at me for being full. Knocked out:
- Squadroom: Stabler Secrets are Revealed – It’s the only TV I watch outside live sports, and although I’m a season or three behind, ELLIOT STABLER IS COMING HOME.
- Running Rogue The Mental Side of Injury, which I had high hopes for but didn’t find as engaging as I’d have liked.
- Ali on the Run on the Morning Shakeout, everyone comes to running with a story. I’m not a frequent listener of either podcast, but I liked how they came together to talk about her transition from blogging to podcasting, the heyday of run twitter (and blogging) and more.
- MTA’s How to Stay Motivated When Your Race is Cancelled which was from March 17 and feels like eons ago in Corona time. Definitely good to think about why we all run, and whether we’d still run if there were no races.
Never will be much of a podcast person, but always come away having learned something.
Weekly run down with Deborah and Kim:
- never miss a Monday: one thing I’ve learned with this return to running is what worked last time isn’t a guarantee of what will work this time. For some reason a day off mostly isn’t enough time for the knee not to be angry, so I turned off the Garmin and enjoyed a walk on the newly open streets. Third day in a row hitting my step goal, which was nice (and promptly didn’t happen again).
- Tuesday: had to do some errands after work. Braved Fairway and finally found sugar snaps and cucumbers. It’s the little things.
- Wednesday: knew it was going to rain after work so decided to test the knee with a literal coffee run. From home to Central Park to the closest 7-11 for coffee. Knee felt good, GPS was into something funny. I didn’t zig zag nearly that much.
- Thursday: literal with the runs again as I ran to Target for a curbside pickup order and some of the way home before the bag was too unwieldy to run with. Didn’t even think to use my running backpack, duh. Partially, I think, because I didn’t expect to feel strong enough to do the round trip run. Why did I say a day off between runs is mostly not enough? Because twice in two weeks I could run two days in a row. These are short, but still. Our bodies are weird. I got really fed up with trying to run in a Buff, so ordered a supply of these masks from a friend whose company makes them. I love how my chin rests in it and there’s enough clearance to breathe. Look forward to trying it on a longer run as IT Band gets there.
- Friday: Fridays have been a consistent no step day for me throughout all of this. This week was compounded by an icy rain during which I just dashed across the street for my weekly grocery shopping before my friend’s candle lighting. During my 12P meeting I was able to work from the kitchen and set up my first Instant Pot risotto. Need to work on my timing like prepping the rice before I start to sauté the onions and garlic, but getting there. Baby steps. It was delicious.

Who says art is boar-ing?
- Saturday: it was way too cold and windy to contemplate running. I was not in the mood for all the layers and absolutely refuse to put on a hat or gloves in May. After a slow start, the itch to GTFO of the neighborhood for the first time since March 12 won out and I took a walk down York and back up 3rd. Midtown East is much more crowded than my neighborhood, although social distancing was relatively easy. I was displeased when I got snow flurried on twice, but it was otherwise a lovely walk. There was a beautiful but heartbreaking piece in the New York Times on what we miss, and it’s so true.
- Sunday Funday: too many layers for May, but fewer needed than yesterday. The run didn’t feel as easy as last week, but again the only stops were for water and some minor stretches and it overall felt solid. The gravel of the reservoir > pavement and maybe I’ll try for the bridle path in a walk/run next weekend.
I don’t have a plan for the week other than to attempt the Skirt Sports 5K over the weekend. Last week 3.7 was “easy”, this week 3.4 wasn’t so easy. *shrug*. I’ll run walk if I need to. A fun way to say farewell to a fun Skirt community. On the plus side if I don’t run it, I can wear the strong frickin’ women shirt, which I love but isn’t a running shirt.
I can’t believe that New York had colder weather than Minneapolis!
Cari’s Covid Cuisine- I love it! I haven’t yet purchased an instant pot, but I know everyone seems to love them!
I hope you had a great week!
Right now I am sitting under a blanket in front of a fire in the fireplace. On Mother’s Day. Seriously. This weather is so messed up!
Glad you are enjoying your instant pot so much! We don’t have one–my hubs is putting the kibosh on that purchase. Don’t ask me why…
I took a reading break on the futon and had to get a long sleeve shirt because at my desk I had the monitor and laptop as windbreakers. Banana crackers!
This is why I can’t get married – kidding mostly – I don’t do well with no. I’m sure your cooking skills are broad enough that you don’t really need it though? I’m amazed that I’ve already added things I could never make before
Yes, our bodies are indeed strange, and all my runs felt hard this week including today’s (the hardest & slowest by far).
I’m impressed that you got off to such a great start with your IP. It took me a long time to figure out, but glad that you love yours as much as I love mine. 🙂
Here’s to a better running week (and weather) this week!
I have loved seeing your Instant Pot adventures! I don’t have one at home but I have an air fryer that I use to cook a lot of different things, especially veggies!
I think Mother Nature is in desperate need of a vacation because the weather she dropped down on us yesterday was so disrespectful!
I find it almost humorous wearing masks at the store. It makes it seem like everyone is frowning at you! At work I have mentioned to people that I’m actually smiling at them, even though they can’t see it 🙂
Yesterday was freezing but today is gorgeous and sunny. Have to take those days when they come!Yes share your instapot cooking it is always fun to see what others are making. Have a great week. Looks warmer!
It’s fun reading about your Instant Pot adventures…I still haven’t jumped on that bus LOL I have heard too many stories of the steam and getting burned from it. I’m a klutz, so YES, it would probably happen to me. Those pink tights…so funky!
You think you were mad about the weather. It snowed on my birthday and my birthday is in May!!
Glad the IP is working out for you. I’m cooking more than ever but still not worth buying an IP.
I am enjoying my walks more than my runs. it amazes me that I actually did a marathon. I’ve lost all my speed and endurance but I’m not stressing. I can go outdoors and run/walk anywhere I want. Not everyone can.
Hopefully winter weather has left us permanently.
You’re still running in double digits though, so not all of your endurance is gone. I don’t miss marathon training, but I’d like to get back into 10K shape at least. But yes, we’re very lucky. Movement is a privilege.
It’s not even a week, but I think the Instant Pot is going to be my best $60 well spent in a long time. With two people you’d need the larger one though too.
I’d like spring, I’m not ready for summer.
I can’t decide if our grocery bill is higher or not. I feel like I spend more per visit but we make fewer visits so maybe it’s all evening out? We’ll definitely come out ahead on our travel budget this year.
Oh yeah travel budget and work lunch/weekend lunch subsidizing the groceries. I was going to do a May on May comparison, but was away the last ten days of May last year so will likely do April 15 – May 15 as early April 2019 was way off due to visiting friends and lots of restaurant meals. Groceries lately = 87 trips for ” basic staples” because I never cooked before. Oops
The cold weather we have had lately is just ridiculous! I got an Instant pot for Christmas but I haven’t been able to use it. The few times I tried the meals got completely messed up. I’ve been using it as a crock pot instead. I actually think something is wrong with the machine and I really need to look into it!
And did you see we’re supposed to be in the 80s this weekend? Mother Nature is f*king with us for sure! I missed your first post about that lawsuit. My husband would freak if he could smell ^other things^ because he’s worried second-hand smoke could impact random drug testing results. He also won’t eat lemon poppy seed muffins …..
Now I’m intrigued by some of your instantpot adventures – was the artichoke recipe in that cookbook?
I’m thinking masks will be a “thing” for some time to come. I found some on Etsy that are worlds more comfy than my buffs. I’m enjoying your Insta-Pot adventures. I’ve dug in and refused to buy yet another appliance I’d have to store somewhere. They do seem cool though! I’d toyed with starting a podcast maybe 5 years ago. Wendy talked me out of it. Who’d listen??
Obviously didn’t know you then, but I feel like you made the right choice in a YouTube channel as your content (I hate that word, but it works) lends itself to visual rather than pure audio. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t imagine trying to learn your stretches from a podcast.
Right now the Instant Pot has pride of place next to the coffee pot. I need a long term solution but we’ll see on that
I love how much fun you’re having with your insta pot – I want one, but my husband insists we have no room in the kitchen for another appliance…hmmm we’ll see.
We had snow on Saturday too – this weather has just been ridiculous. I can’t remember the last time we still had the heat on this far into May! It makes you wonder what the summer will be like.
I just said to someone that I hope we have spring – not ready to fast forward into summer. I gave up my dish drain for the Instant Pot – we’ll see how that goes. I don’t have the room either, but so far it’s worth it. Stay warm!
That risotto looks yummy! I think I want an air fryer. I hate countertop appliances but I think we would use it. The IP seems fairly intimidating and I am super unmotivated to figure it out.
This weather is insane! I know you’ll laugh but it’s been cold here, too. I had to turn the heat on the other night just to take the chill out (it dropped into the 40s, which is heater weather, for sure).
I’m glad you’re feeling well. I’ve got a run on the plan tomorrow, but I stepped in a hole with my bad foot and I’m not sure how it’s going to work out for me.
Glad your Instant Pot is working out so well! My sister got one recently and she loves it – it just seems so complicated to me, lol!
It’s crazy how our bodies can feel fine one week, struggle the next…I’ve been getting a little of that. I’m thinking of pivoting a bit away from running so that I don’t cause any damage.
You’re doing so well with the cooking! I have to admit to having breakfast cereal for my evening meal today. I had had my fruit and veg portions for the day already, however!
And it’s been COLD here. I ran this morning in winter leggings and a long sleeved, fleecy inside, top!
You want to hear internet old? The main email address that I use for personal stuff is still my AOL address.
Mmmm… I love risotta!
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