Planning through pain

By | January 20, 2019

It’s better to be ten miles undertrained than one mile overtrained

This was twice-repeated at Monday’s NYRR event and it’s so true and so fitting for my training. I think my feet/knees are a reasonable alarm clock when I’m erring toward that one mile. While frustrating, this two week time has been educational too. What can I do when I can’t run, especially when I need to burn off energy.

I realized I still do love rowing, my OG exercise, and need to make more of an effort to do it regularly. Even peak resolutionist season, the rowers are often empty.

I also spent the week weather stalking since winter decided to take all of the cold and snow and pack it into one week for the mid Atlantic/northeast. Stay safe everyone! At the course strategy session (yes, I know better. I still went anyway) Friday they were predicting maybe 10% chance the race would go as planned, but way more likely it would be a fun run or cancelled outright. I’ll be honest, if it had been turned into a fun run, I might have opted out. There’s nothing fun for me about running in an icy rain if it doesn’t count for anything.

Weekly wrap with Wendy and Holly :

  • Monday: two miles on the LateralX, which I realized is a way longer mile than the standard elliptical. No pain. Lots of rolling, stretching
  • Tuesday: treadmill test of new shoes. No pain. Long stretch after.
  • Wednesday: off. I took my gym bag to department holiday party but it was after 9 by the time we wrapped and I was way too tired.
  • Thursday: office run group, aka major test of new shoes as it involved Central Park hills. We decided to do the longer loop to 102nd St. vs. cutting over on the reservoir track since dark and muddy is a bad combination. This meant we’d have the West Side rollers as well as Cat Hill and, to be honest, I was slightly nervous. Outside of needing to stop twice in the first mile to tie my shoes, it was a success. We got to talking and the five miles went quickly. No pain, just slightly sore Friday morning. Verdict? Bad shoes.
  • Friday: NYRR course strategy wherein I countered the voice psyching myself out with the one reminded me I could do this because I had done this. Followed by gym, 1M LateralX, 2500 meter row (forearm was oddly sore) and long stretch and roll.

pre race tradition

  • Saturday: off. When I thought the race might be called, I planned to run Saturday but around 11a, they said due to the weather shift it was a go. Didn’t even leave the apartment until 5P when I realized I needed to get to LPQ before 7P closure to get my pre-long race meal and remembered I had no chews. So Jackrabbit, Modells and LPQ. Freebie was their organic honey lemon ginger drink and while I feared it might be too sweet, it was delicious.

layers, trash bags, rain coats, heat shields


  • Sunday: Ice would have turned me off running this, but I found myself wishing for snow because while I’ve done a half marathon in the rain, I haven’t done one in cold January rain. This was better though than the original forecast of 8F. Spoiler: I finished, and hit my goals. More on Tuesday. ETA: recap here.

31 thoughts on “Planning through pain

  1. Darlene

    Was it worse thanBrooklyn?

    It sucks racing in the race. Kudos for getting out there.

    We got snow. Lots of it. Tomorrow -20 with the windchill. No running. The week doesn’t look great. Glad I got my miles in yesterday.

    Hope this is the beginning and end of winter.

    Did you register for NYC marathon yet?

    1. cari Post author

      Weather wise, about the same which is remarkable for January. My new windbreaker was a lifesaver — other than baselayer sweat I wasn’t wet at all under it. The course is a bitch though, 14 hills with 3x Cat HIll, West Side, 2x Harlem Hills.
      I saw my brother’s photos – crazy. Stay safe!
      Tomorrow assuming I can walk

  2. kookyrunner

    Kudos to you for running the Fred Lebow Half this morning. I thought of all the runners when I woke up to all the rain this morning – you are awesome! I hope that you were able to rest up after the race.

    1. cari Post author

      I did some errands, including medal engraving, to hopefully prevent the worst of the stiffness. Currently on the couch icing and Biofreezing. Epsom soak later
      I won’t lie, if this wasn’t a race I wouldn’t have gone out. Was in awe of those who were out there voluntarily

  3. Deborah Brooks

    wow impressive that you ran a half this morning! it’s so cold and windy. Look forward to hearing all about it. Are you still shivering??

    1. cari Post author

      I think what saved me even over the fun run a couple weeks ago was the actual dry coat. My upper body was fine. When I peeled off my leggings to shower my legs weren’t pretty even though they didn’t feel cold. The epsom soak was niiiice though

  4. Jennifer

    I love rowing!! That was my saving grace every time I was injured and couldn’t run. It’s such great exercise! I even mastered single leg rowing. LOL You could certainly call me resourceful and dedicated but stubborn is more like it. ha!

    I cannot believe you ran that race this morning! BRRR!!! That’s total badassery right there. *high five!*

    1. cari Post author

      Thank you!
      Ooh have to look into single leg.
      I was so excited when I saw my new gym had rowers
      Although I’ve come to love the LateralX, the rower is so much more my jam

  5. Marcia

    Yasss! Kudos to you for prevailing in what sounds like shitty conditions. Can’t wait to hear more.

    1. cari Post author

      It wasn’t pretty, but it was (mostly) fun. I’ve had two good weather Halfs and two pouring. Curious what 5 will bring. Oddly last January was one of the good weather ones

  6. HoHo Runs

    I love that opening line! Congrats on completing your half marathon in those nasty conditions. I can’t imagine being a volunteer at that race whose job it would have been to stand still for a few hours. Ugh. At least the racers can stay warm by running. Thanks for linking!

    1. cari Post author

      It really resonated with me too. It’s true for runners of all levels. And yes, I mentioned in a chat with Liz today that it reminded me I should do more than the mandated one volunteer stint. I tried to thank all of them. And the supporters too.

  7. Wendy

    Looking forward to hearing more about your half! Congrats for sucking it up and getting out there. Volunteers are really a gift, aren’t they?

  8. Kimberly Hatting

    I would have wished for snow, too! My 5K (early December) started with rain, turned into sleet, then (eventually by the final mile) was full-on thick snow LOL The last mile definitely was the most enjoyable. I look forward to more nitty gritty details 😉

    1. cari Post author

      Oops, missed this. Yes, snow > driving rain. Part of why 2017’s Ted Corbett was one of my favorites.

  9. Coco

    LOL on there being nothing fun about running in frigid rain. Rain can be fun, but cold rain usually is miserable. Great going on the Half. Is it your new shoes that were bad, or youor new shoes showed that your old shoes were bad?

    1. cari Post author

      Old shoes were bad. Running theory is they ran out of miles early and were contributing to the calf/achilles nonsense. I switched to a new pair of the same model and they’re fine so fingers crossed. But I need to go in to JackRabbit this week and find a new pair because the Vongo2s are out of production. Salesperson’s suggestion was to wear the new ones to get through Lebow and then come in and figure out what to wear for Fort Lauderdale, NYC Half and training.

  10. Shathiso

    Yay! You finished and hit your goals! I can’t wait for Tuesday’s post to hear more about it. Gosh, I can’t even begin to imagine running in such conditions. And I like Holly’s comment – it’s probably better to be a runner in such conditions than to be a volunteer!

    1. cari Post author

      Oh absolutely — easier for us to stay warm / dance between raindrops

    1. cari Post author

      I ran in the old shoes through Jan 10, then finally figuring out they were probably the issue, I switched to new shoes on the 12th. Since then, no new pain other than calf ache from the hills. The specific why on the old shoes pain is going to wait until I get to JackRabbit this week to look at the stride

  11. Chocolaterunsjudy

    Looking forward to the recap tomorrow! I think cold rain is the absolute worst. I’ve done it, but I usually don’t choose to do it.

    Glad to hear that new shoes are making a difference!

    1. cari Post author

      Yes — for me it falls under “not unless I prepaid for it”
      I’ll do it for a race, but not if I can go later/indoors

  12. Debbie @ Deb Runs

    I’m glad you figured out that your old shoes were the problem and were able to fix it with new shoes. Yay for getting out there and racing in less than desirable conditions (insert fist bump). Races like that make us stronger!

    1. cari Post author

      Yes — and we learn so much more than from “perfect” sunny days
      Hoping to have shoe issue fully resolved now. Fingers, toes crossed

    1. cari Post author

      Given my choice, me too. I’m pleased at myself for making it out twice this month in the rain when it wasn’t pre paid to go along with the Half.

  13. Christine

    Cold and rainy is the worst! I don’t mind rain if it’s warm, but the cold makes it not so fun. I also don’t mind cold if it’s not raining. Congrats on the race and hitting your goals!

    1. cari Post author

      Thank you!
      I”m with you on warm rain, it can be so refreshing. Also love the sprinklers in summer races


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