Quick Run Down, week of 9.16

By | September 22, 2019

Well this might refer to Wednesday’s speed workout, but really is a reflection of a banana crackers crazy week at work. All good/great, just a lack of time for reading & writing.

I am reading Meb’s 26 Marathons though, and he speaks the truth:

You don’t need to race to set personal records. Maybe this month you ran more days than ever before, or you’re having your longest injury-free stretch, or you’ve recently run farther than ever. Celebrate it! Do the same in the rest of your life when you know you’ve done something better than ever. Take pride in getting that much closer to your best.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down

oh what a beautiful serene morning

lets see how many colors I can bring out

  • Monday: actually had the chance for a pre-work run. It was overcast and my legs were more tired than I realized from Saturday’s twenty. Went the north route and got in about 3.5.
  • Tuesday: cross training was in the plans, but it was an absolutely gorgeous fall-like day and I walked home. I’ve so been missing that, that I couldn’t miss this opportunity. The erg and yoga could wait.

new shoesies! And kind of matching?

holy speedwork Batman!

  • Wednesday: the planned workout:

Runners will do:
– 1 mile at MGP, (Marathon Goal Pace)
– 1200m at HMGP, (Half Marathon Goal Pace)
– 800m at 10K
– 400m at 5K pace
– 2 x 200m faster than 5K pace

Runners will take 60-90 seconds walking/standing rest between each repeat (including between the 200s), flexing the rest within that range as needed.


It’s a down week, and as you know, we like to work on speed and efficiency during down weeks. This week is no exception. This workout comes from the great track coach John McDonnell from the University of Arkansas. John is still the winningest coach in NCAA history in track and XC. He won 40 NCAA team titles. This workout is designed to leave runners feeling fresh and fast b/c the progression in paces allows the body to warm into each subsequent pace while also making it relatively easy to hit those paces given the shorter distances as you go. You will be surprised  with the relative ease at the progress and with how fast you finish. The only pitfall to avoid is going too fast too soon.

  • The reality? Pretty much. My Garmin splits are a little off as I tried to simultaneously hit lap and pause for the rests, but I got faster. The weather was a help as it was mid 60s and not at all humid. But <3 New shoes are also a <3, but expected as they’re new color, old model.


  • Thursday: post-work shakeout. Nothing fancy and tired legs, but this goodnight kiss from Mother Nature was awesome.


all pro non matching

  • Friday: I did hand wash this skirt between all the re-wearing. Skirt Sports’ quick dry is awesome. I really needed to wear this a third time just to wonderfully not match with one of my favorite race replacement shirts. Yoga and PT stretches.

you were clean!

rolling out the dirt

matching for a second

hanging out with one of the strongest women I know

  • Saturday:  I was really glad for this down week. I was tired going into the run and my legs never woke up. We did a full loop of Central Park and one shorter one of the bridle path. At one point my feet were literally dragging on the ground and I had to pick them up. I got back to Columbus Circle at 9.6 something and called it good. The run itself wasn’t the issue, just a lack of sleep and not great dinner Friday night. I stuck with my plan of late of not leaving the gym until I could touch my toes. Granted ten easier to bounce back from than twenty, but I am still feeling the training volume in Achilles, IT band and calf so taking the time to stretch, roll, PT and yoga.
    After the run, I went to spend the afternoon with a dear friend and Skirt sister. I am absolutely loving the new Strong Fricken Women tee (also in a tank). It’s super soft and fits well, although I’m glad I sized up as it’s slightly fitted. Women’s cut shirts are so weirdly sized, but that’s not a Skirt issue. I wouldn’t run in it as I prefer tech material, but it’s the perfect shirt for post-run lounging. If you’re not a Skirt Ambassador and want one, save 15% using 47CarSSA.
  • Sunday: 30m recumbent bike, long stretch and roll followed by some street fairing before football.

Mileage this week/total: 21.22/295.49. EEK. No wonder legs are feeling it

Plan for the week:

  • Monday: run with a friend after work
  • Tuesday: off/cross
  • Wednesday: Rogue
  • Thursday: shakeout/cross depending on legs
  • Friday: off
  • Saturday: 18, rumor is we’re running to NJ
  • Sunday: cross

15 thoughts on “Quick Run Down, week of 9.16

  1. Kim at Running on the Fly

    Great job!! Don’t those scale-back weeks feel nice? 😉

    1. cari Post author

      It was so needed. Especially as work ramped up — aka why I’m replying now

  2. Lisa

    Another great week for you! Love that quote in the beginning of your post. Isn’t the cooler weather so refreshing? Makes those tough workouts feel just a little bit better!

  3. Chocolaterunsjudy

    I’ll bet your legs were tired from 20! Nice job on getting faster on your wed run — that’s not easy! Rogue has definitely been good for you.

    Running to NJ sounds really impressive. 🙂

    New shoes are absolutely the best.

  4. Marcia

    I’ve been blessed with the chance to talk with Meb on a few occasions and I can’t even express how realistic and down-to-earth he is. A total class act for sure. Great week for you! That speedwork looks darn good to me! Haha!

    1. cari Post author

      Have you read this book? I’m really pleasantly surprised at how down to earth he seemed. He struggled just like any of us — albeit faster. I love how he ended up with a breathe right strip trapped under his toe.

  5. Darlene

    I apologize. I read all your posts and then I comment and it disappears when I do it on my phone. So I raely have time to re-comment.

    Anyway, I LOVE that quote. It says it all!!

    You are rocking your training. I think you will have to pull through the last few miles of the marathon. I only am running 1 16, 1 18 and 1 20 miler.

    So glad you were able to see Elizabeth. She looks fantastic. Miss you guys.

    Hope to catch up on Oct 4.

  6. Lisa @ TechChick Adventures

    No worries, I would not have minded if you ran in a smelly skirt 🙂 I pretty much wear my stuff twice unless it’s really bad! I think that skirt is awesome. LOVE the print! And matching shoes is always a bonus.

  7. Liz Dexter

    Glad the Meb book is so good. I will read a running book again soon – just finished my Iris Murdoch behemoth this morning (600p – her longest one!). And go you with your walking, running, stretching, recumbent biking …

  8. Zenaida Arroyo

    I’ve met Meb a few times but have been too intimidated to say a whole lot to him. 🙂 I have one of his books and have been meaning to read it but haven’t made the time. You mentioned you walk home? I am jealous that you love so close to your job. And that tattoo? Love it! I want to get one but that says 26.2.

  9. Coco

    I love your new shoes! Maybe that’s what I need to cure my running blues … I hope you had a great week.

  10. Debbie @ Deb Runs

    I love the Meb quote!

    I’m almost a week late catching up, so if last week was a cut-back week, today might have been a long run for you. If so, I hope it went well!


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