I’m the worst about doing those gratitude posts on social media. I always feel like I’d leave out someone or something, or I’d start strong and peter off because I’ve never been a daily poster. And after I’d started this on Monday, I realized it was the Tuesday Topics. Fail on me.
I know I’ve said this approximately eleventy billion times across the marathon journey, but I’m really grateful for the running community. So many amazing people.
Did you go bonkers for Black Friday? I really didn’t, but I bought myself two presents. The first, to no surprise, is the Skirt Sports’ 25% off everything on top of the month-long 40% off or more! I needed another capri and went with Lioness as there are no more LBCs that I need. And now I’ll have black in Gym Girl, LBC and Lioness. While I didn’t love running long in it, it worked for the Albany Half and puttering around on Marathon Monday. I love the freedom of thinking not everything needs to work for 18/20 miles.
The other purchase? I badly needed a new Keurig. Mine was a hand me down nearly three years ago. It no longer made a 10 oz cup, and never felt clean enough for my liking. So I’m the owner of a K Select in Oasis, because who wants boring colors? Of course I still had to buy coffee twice at the weekend because I hadn’t set it up. It will be ready for Friday’s Coffee Date… whether I will is another story.
Weekly run down with Deborah and Kim:
- Never miss a Monday: Run/walk with Elizabeth. Still very much loving the NoxGear Tracer 360, getting the playing with it out of my system. We took a detour from the standard three-ish mile loop to say hi to Fred.
- Tuesday: coffee with a friend
- Wednesday: morning miles before work. My watch had some egg nog, apparently because I do not run nine or four minute miles. I ended the run and started a new one and it behaved. So glad to have East RIver path fully open for the first time in years so no more stairs!
- Thursday: no Trots worked for my schedule, but I did get in three miles before we drove to Albany. Nowhere near a PR, but negative splits like I haven’t seen in eons.
- Friday: walk around 5 Rivers with family, coffee with Darlene before driving home.
- Saturday: my first without Rogue scheduled since June. Elizabeth and I met in the Park and ran into one of her friends while on the West Side. The wet spot? Her trying to teach me to drink from a water bottle spout v opening the bottle. I really, really love the impulse purchase marathon hat. All Skirt with Pocketopia and Watch Me Go, which worked well on a blustery day. One thing I don’t miss about marathon training – I can run just to run, don’t need specific miles. Half marathon training starts this week though.
- Sunday: I wanted to run since I knew I couldn’t Monday. I woke to icy rain and ended up taking the bus to the gym. I didn’t have my headphones so couldn’t stay on treadmill, ended up with a swetball of an elliptical session.
Plan for the Week:
- Monday: off; Winter’s Eve with Darlene and Elizabeth
- Tuesday – Friday; crap shoot with work. I’ll get some runs in
- Saturday: Ted Corbett 15K
- Sunday: crap shoot, gala Monday.
November totals:
- 468,102 steps
- 213.97 miles run/walked
- 75.89 miles run
Year to Date:
- 5,547,207 steps
- 2486.05 miles run/walked
- 824.24 miles run
Note: 998,569 steps Q4 to date, I remember when that was a stretch quarter goal. I won’t lie, 825 miles run would have been nice albeit meaningless.
2018 step/mile goals are good, and I’d forgotten about the PR goals.
8 gym visits; 28 for September – February cycle.
Happy Thanksgiving! It looks like a great week of running for you! Lucky you with fall temps and no snow yet!
I totally jinxed the no snow, but at least it didn’t stick.
I love that you were able to meet up with Darlin on Friday
I don’t go crazy for Black Friday and don’t dare step foot into any stores that day, but I do enjoy online shopping that day from the comfort of my home, lol.
I did a little BF shopping with my sister, mostly for myself, but did get a couple gift cards for my parents. Then, Friday evening, I cued up the computer and did more online BF shopping LOL It’s nice that you and Darlene can hook up weekly (?). Aren’t runner friends just the best!!
I didn’t do any BF shopping unless you count my Stitch Fix! I worked all day and it was busy, so there was no time to shop. Maybe I’ll do some Cyber Monday shopping…
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and all the NYC holiday decorations this week.
Well I did end up buying myself a few Black Friday things while shopping for others. Heck we do deserve it! Good luck with the 15K this weekend. Stay warm! I bet the city is so beautifully lit up right now. Enjoy!
I hit the 6th Avenue decorations on Wednesday on my way out of the city, but didn’t end up posting them. When I do, I’ll tag you on Insta. They’re a block from my office and I can never quit them. Most of the tree lightings are this week, hope to make it to one before work goes kabloey.
And yes, we do deserve self care/treats.
Sounds like a great week. The running community is one of the best things about running and it can’t be said too many times! I bought myself new running shoes and a discount gift card for yoga, and then ordered peppermint bark for my clients (out of my own pocket) and a personalized tin for myself!
Peppermint bark is seriously one of my favorite things about the season and the only reason I ever go in Williams Sonoma.
I ended up buying shoes too but too late for the recap
Yes, I’m definitely thankful for running. It was a life changer. I will not go near physical stores on BF but I will partake of some cyber action. I only got gifts for others though, although Cyber Monday was a different story. Haha!
Hah! I’m the opposite, I bought for no one but me, myself and I.
Added shoes today
I was actually here friday, but we went to the movies & then had to go pick up the dogs, so basically wasn’t here. We were never able to hook up with our friends in NYC. At least we saw a good movie.
Bought nothing on Black Friday. Snagged a good deal on a new Vitamix today (something we almost bought LAST year, mine is almost as old as my car & treadmill, although not quite).I have a couple of other things I might buy today.
My half training won’t start for a long, long time. Which is fine by me, hate training through winter. Although it would have been nice to get away somewhere warm . . .
seems like you had a good week! you don’t have to do grateful posts to prove that you are grateful
I’m also not so great at all that stuff. I try to just have gratitude anyway, and I bet you do too!
not a BF fan at all. I never did black friday when I was still in the States and they have it here now which really irritates me! I mean it’s fine for the Dutch to criticise all things American but they can cherry pick what they want to make a euro. Anyway, I’m on a tight budget and already chose to spend extra money I had on Pet Shop Boys tickets and to see the Cubs in London in June. Priorities, right?
I don’t have a lot of plans for next year yet. I do “need” to sign up for Rotterdam 1/4 marathon though as I have friends coming over from the UK who are running it as well. And obviously Chicago but I may do a run/walk program for that. I just don’t know what state my body will be in then – hopefully better than right now.
“I love the freedom of thinking not everything needs to work for 18/20 miles” – but that’s fun, too, right? Right? Says the person with a reserve place for London who needs to be marathon ready just in case …
I feel like it’s going to come back and bite me because I literally haven’t bought anything since, but I bought two gifts on Black Friday, they were both marked down 50% so I couldn’t pass them up! And now it’s the 5th and I still haven’t done much else in terms of the list I need to tackle for gifts
That is a pretty color for the Keurig! A few months ago I bought the Keurig Duo which I love. I use it every single day. Are you training for the NYC Half Marathon in March?
The running community really is the best isn’t it? I have been inspired by so many fellow runners and made so many friends within this community, both in real life and virtually.
My husband has the Keurig Vue, but they quit making the cups for it last summer. I bought a bunch for him before they sold out, but I’m not sure what he’s going to do when he runs out. He has been supplementing it with freshly ground brewed coffee, but that’s a lot more time consuming to make.
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