after virtually no podcasts for a while because I couldn’t stand to be talked at, I went on a bit of a binge this week. Among the highlights:
- Ali on The Run On the Job series with Danae Dracht. I’ll be honest, I don’t love the OTJ series, but I will always listen to someone talking about museum life, and this was a very good episode.
- Rogue Running: The Practical Side of Dealing with an Injury and True or False: Running Injury Edition. Both really good and useful to hear in tandem as I’m determined to stay uninjured.
- Beach Too Sandy, Water to Wet: 100th episode, Worst of Beach… episodes 1-50 and Halloween. I’m a fairly recent convert to this podcast so it was nice to catch up with a best of episode.
- Marathon Training Academy: Running Defensively (more superficial than I’d have liked, Wendy’s post was much better) and Becoming Resistant to Running Injuries.
Listened to anything lately that you’d recommend?
On the reading front, I wanted to do non-fiction November with Liz, but I can’t focus. I did read a book though. Michael Connelly never fails with a fun crime thriller, and Fair Warning was a good read. Goodreads is annoying me the way Garmin does some of you with its detraining. I’m well aware I’m 27 books behind schedule. Go spork yourself, Goodreads, it’s 2020. I did realize that I hadn’t read a single one of the Goodreads Choice noms, which made me a little sad. A few have made their way to my wishlist for some time off reading.
How did I finish Fair Warning in a week with my utter lack of reading? 2.5 hour line for a COVID test (negative, thankfully). Not symptomatic and no known exposure, but numbers here are up a little and I wanted to be sure ahead of some possible travel.
Weekly Run Down with birthday-girl Deborah and Kim:
- never miss a Monday: four miles on a beautifully mild Monday morning. Shorts and a tee shirt in November!
- Tuesday: too distracted by the stunning leaves to keep pace for RunBet, but still a glorious 2.5 mile walk before work.
- Wednesday: 63 and 92% humidity in November. So weird. Wanted to enjoy this last day of summer, but had a lot of mental don’t wanna going on too.
- Thursday: it rained much of the day, but I got out for a night run after work. Wet leaves are soo tricky so I stayed on the flat part of the river path.
- Friday: guess what, it rained. My day was not at all boring, however, as I learned coffee can freeze to the back of a fridge. I couldn’t figure out why the door suddenly wouldn’t reliably close, and then I realized the coffee was frozen and the ice block was pushing the shelf out. Oh Friday the 13th never fails. Luckily it was an easy “fix”
- Saturday in the Park: luckily much cooler than the fourth of July. It was a beautiful day between lots of rain, yet I struggled to get out the door. When I did, it was magic. The park was somewhat busy and I wanted a people free run. Not Covid related, but more not in the mood to dodge strollers and jump over leashes. So I went north via Fred and on 102 turned into the North Woods where I scampered around the trails (seriously, my Strava is a hoot!) before heading down the west side and into the Ramble. The entire run was gorgeous and it was one of those days where playing outside was just magic. The North Woods are definitely a 2020 “find” for me as I never had time to explore that area before and one of the things this year I’m grateful for.
- Sunday: going for a walk.
I’m glad you’re ‘finding’ new places to explore–I’ve done that too! So grateful for that.
I’m going to read a non-fiction book after I finish my current book–I can’t let non-fiction November pass by without at least one! ;P
Thanks for the shout out on my self-defense post! I finally ordered that ripper ring thingie. I hope I never have to use it!
Ali just did two really great episodes: Courtney Dauwalter and Keira D’Amato. The best non-running podcast that I’ve been listening to recently is Sarah’s Bookshelves (yep a book podcast). I like to alternate podcasts with audio books just to mix things up a bit. I haven’t used Goodreads in forever and if it’s going to shame me for my reading then no thank you! After a while it became a dumping ground of books that I hadn’t read.
I love listening to running podcasts and save the ones I want to listen to for my long runs. It was nice to have some warm weather this week! Glad you could find some new places to explore.
Great podcast ideas, thanks for sharing!
Wet leaves can be as dangerous as icy paths sometimes.
Love the statue with his mask. Totally feel you on having a people -free run sometimes.
I cannot seem to get into podcasts but I have been listening to all kinds of audible books. i love to listen while I walk in the afternoons. Perfect for the extra runbet walk!
Ok I need to add North Woods to my CP route.
I took a podcast break and just started again too – Another Mother Runner and many Ali on the Runs (needed to catch up)
So will you be done quarantining by Dec 6? Still am waiting to see if the race happens since the numbers are rising.
My race today felt so safe that it didn’t seem like a race. But the weather that started out nice this week ended poorly. It was even sleeting and in the 20s at the start.
It’s been a long time since I tee’d up a podcast during a run and I don’t know why. Maybe because I don’t run very long anymore. That “iced coffee” is a crazy Friday 13th occurrence!
So great that you are finding new places to explore – definitely a great way to keep things interesting! While I love the look of all the leaves on the ground, they make me so nervous for running because they can be so slippery!
Thanks for listing those podcasts. I don’t listen to them that often but I want to start listening to them when I go for walks so it’s nice to have a few to try.
That’s how I am with podcasts. I almost enjoy building up the backlog and then bingeing. Listened to another today when pottering around
I’ve never been a podcast gal, and I’m even (accidentally) snubbing music these days LOL I don’t know if this is just a phase (since I have not been running much until recently) or a new thing (since I’ve done so much biking and walking sans music that I’m no longer co-dependent). It’s nice to discover new places to run/walk/explore. A friend on Insta has been on a mission to run on every street in her town, and I may try that this winter.
What a fun challenge. I read a book by a man who walked every block of the city. What a fun project to tackle and how much you can learn about your town. I definitely look forward to your photo finds. When I walk or run in the park I can do without music as there’s so much to take in – and I love listening to the birds – but the riverside path is traffic on the other side so it’s nice to have a different soundtrack
Another rec for Ali’s interview with Keira — especially with her upcoming time trial, and her being a “local” running celeb and Cherry Blossom board member.
I loved the idea of Beach to Sandy …. but the episodes drove me crazy — to much irrelevant chit chat among the hosts.
I have been stuck in a book I keep forgetting I’m reading. I got a bit obsessed with election drama for a while.
Always nice to find new places to explore!
I kinda fell off the podcast bandwagon and keep saying I’m going to climb back on, but haven’t. Like Deborah, I have been enjoying listening to books on Audible during my walks. Hoping to spend some time during the holidays cuddled up on the couch with some actual books
Reading Practical Magic right now. I actually do like the movie better (no doubt because I saw it before reading the book — like years before).
2.5 hours for a test? Ye Gods! Good for you for sticking it out.
I hear you on not wanting to deal with people on the run sometimes. Surprising that you can find that in the city, while there’s almost nowhere here it seems possible!
That’s so funny about your iced coffee! Right now I have 4 of the ALDI iced coffees in my freezer. It’ so good and it’s seasonal, so I’m hoarding it! LOL!
I am not a fan of podcasts. I’d rather listen to music or nothing at all.
I love iced coffee but usually make mine using the Starbucks Cold Brew pack.
I also have a few books I’ve been wanting to read. During the evening when I want to relax, I either watch TV or read a book.
I don’t really listen to too many podcasts. I don’t absorb things aurally, and to be honest, I just want more quiet than anything else.
Love that you are still finding fun place to go! You are surrounded by so many.
Gah! Your freezer! No fun!
Same re: audio learning. It’s why I’ve never gotten into audio books. I think podcasts work for me for their length, but I hear you on the quiet. Sometimes I just want the birds.
Craziest thing? That was the fridge
Hooray for scampering, boo for things stuck in freezers!
I confess (bookfess?) that I haven’t read a page of my national parks book since we chatted about it. Life has been crazy hectic, but in a good way getting house projects checked off my list before the holidays.
Only in 2020 would coffee freeze to the back of the refrigerator and cause the door not to close. Genius fix!
Happy almost your birthday!!!
Yeah that was most definitely a 2020 special. Luckily it was only minorly labor intensive and not actually a lasting issue.
I feel you on the bookfessions. I think I read more in November than any other month