running the hell away from 2021?
I remain grateful to be healthy, working but I am utterly and totally over the last two years.
A look back at 2021:
GoTheDist December:
- 380,678 steps
- 176.74 miles run/walked
- 88.49 miles run (when did that become a cutback month total!)
GoTheDist Q4
- 1,220,598 steps (yes, I remember well when a million step quarter was huge. It’s even more amazing that it’s so normal).
- 572.3 miles run/walked
- 292.93 miles run (nope, not much of a cutback there either with October’s wonderfully insane 121 miles run)
GoTheDist 2021:
- 4,868,607 steps
- 2241.89 miles run/walked
- 1147.32 miles run
there’s ten miles of walks in there. I forget why I imported that. Maybe a particularly long one?
As I touched on last week, really grateful to have “found” Peloton. And a benchmark for 2022-better end with at least 615 strength classes if my math is right (it probably isn’t). Overall, I have no issues with how the year went activity wise. I think I found a good balance, and stretching/strength work regularly yelped. And yes, those yoga classes are 99.9% stretching, I haven’t suddenly found a love of yoga. I’m already off to a good start on the year with Peloton strength and looking forward to this challenge.
I read 89 books in 2021. 9 over my goal, but I was hoping for 90 when I finished 80 in November. An interesting cross section for sure. My favorites? Probably as follows:
- Samantha Allen’s Real Queer America
- Kate Andersen Brower’s The Residence, fascinating look at the staff of the White House, many who served across three or more administrations
- Matthew Desmond, Evicted
- Alice Hoffman’s Magic Lessons
Nope, no running ones made the list. I didn’t read a ton about running, and what I did was just OK. Luckily I have some on my Kindle to read in 2022. Looking forward to the challenge above, although I doubt I’ll finish it.
Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim:
Week of December 27:
- Monday: I have no recollection of this run, but Strava tells me I ran Central Park.
- Tuesday: no running, or anything but a strength class as I drove to Rochester. Remember Dewey? Lots of fun times with him, his feline siblings and humans. Dewey had some thoughts on one of my last books for the year – namely that I should be petting and not reading, I’m sure.
- Wednesday: My first snow run of the winter season. Gorgeous run to and from Canandaigua Lake.
- Thursday: no formal exercise, but a lovely visit to the Seneca Park Zoo. I’d never been, and most definitely enjoyed it with my godson and his sister.
- Friday: on of those amazing runner days. I didn’t have time to run before getting on the road, but I knew of a spot about halfway with trailside parking and (I thought) a restroom. The bathroom was closed for the season, but have you even played school sports if you can’t change in the back of a car? Got out for 3.1 muddy miles to close out the year. Decided to have some fun and did 3m hard/1m recovery for part of the workout. I saw some 9s which, wow.
- Saturday: running on New Years’ Day seemed like a good reason to run back to back days. Didn’t know what I wanted to do, but wasn’t feeling the roads since I did them Christmas morning and knew the trails would be a muddy mess. I don’t get to run Rockland Lake nearly enough, and was glad to get there for a foggy, mild run to start the year.
- Sunday: up very early to return the rental car. Took advantage of that time and no-coat weather and had a six mile walk around Central Park. I always feel like I make a lot of excuses for not walking as much as I could — this was an excuse I couldn’t make and it felt good after a somewhat inactive week.
Week of January 3
- never miss a Monday: even when you have a dentist appointment. Actually my dentist is the perfect distance at ~2.5 miles each way. And I got to try out the amazing Athleta Rainier tights that Jessie and Deborah had posted about. Cameo from the Brooks gloves which I bought myself when Deborah posted. Running in an N95 is for the birds, but midtown was peoply and it’s what my dentist office requires, so we make do. The tights? They’re a winner and I now own three.
- Tuesday: first true test of keeping up Robin’s #3for31 challenge as I only took out the trash. Did a nice 30m strength class so I wasn’t a total slug.
- Wednesday: icy rain, so wanted to avoid the ramp I’ve been running on shorter weekday runs, so DIYed a 5K ish loop.
- Thursday: happy 5th runversary to me! If you missed it – since I never get weekday posts together, I wouldn’t be surprised! – the look back is here. Looking again at run photos from this week – has a race giveaway ever gotten as much use as that Lebow hat? It’s run only hat as I have an adorable new purple hat I wear to death otherwise.
- Friday: NYC’s first snow of the year and I got in two walks to enjoy it.
- Saturday: I woke to a 9 degree wind chill and no, just no. Eventually got out when it warmed up into the high 20s and did a nice seven mile loop to, from and around Central Park. I was pleasantly shocked by the pace at the end since it was mostly too cold to look at the watch and when running in gloves I have a bad habit of fat fingering the watch. Low mid 11s for a long run? Um, OK. Slowly building back now and glad it was almost entirely pain free. Personally glad Penguin was cancelled — the additional month off any required distance was the right move. I haven’t actually decided if I’m training for the Central Park half, or using it as a long run for Brooklyn. TBD.
- Sunday: icy rain. Bad football. I may just read and do strength, and I’m AOK with that. I love being outside, but not when it’s miserable
Wow, your stats for the year are great!!! And 89 books- that’s astonishing as well. That book challenge is definitely… challenging. I’ll be interested to hear how it goes.
Brr. Your pictures all look cold! Sounds like you had a nice, active two weeks in spite of the weather. Let me know when you’re coming back to sunny Florida!
hah. In funny timing I emailed you this morning with what’s looking like my dates. So tempted to stow away in mom’s suitcase sooner. Hope our schedules align
Will do on the books. If you’re on Goodreads, I’m there. I am really bad about assigned reading but feel like there are enough options for this to work.
I was thinking recently how running advice via various books has changed SO much over the years since I started distance running. Racing Weight anyone? That book and Matt Fitzgerald’s Sequel to do with a diet to reach said ‘racing weight” are total taboo these days. RIghtfully so! Well done on all the miles and all the books! Stay warm and safe. The ice is no joke!
I like some of his, but yeah some way too much on the weight angle. I also feel like I binged on all the reading memoirs and now it’s a lot of the technical ones, which are fine but not as engaging as stories about people’s running journey. Even the new DeanK didn’t grab me.
You too! No ice skating unless planned
Great stats. I am not good on that. I record my running miles on the blog and I assume the rest is walking so I could look on my Apple watch for stats. I’m pretty sure that as races came back, there was more intentioned runs and fewer walks.
I also don’t keep track of my reading although I do read every day. I think it was zero running books which is odd.
I too am very glad Frozen Penguin got cancelled. Today would have been a disastrous day to run it.
I may need to try those tights though I do just wear a skirt over my tights and compression calf sleeves under for warmth. I am hopeful that these sub-zero temps do not last.
Praying for a nice day to run Lebow and Central Park… those are just long runs. My serious ones are Florida in Feb and H2H in April or Steel Rail in May. (No way I will race up those hills)
Can’t wait to see you!!!!!
wow your yearly stats are quite impressive! Congrats to you! Glad you have found the love of Peloton as well. I am also obsessed with the Ranier tights! They are so cozy! Have a great week ahead
You’ve done so well on your balance in the last year. I’m just getting back to adding proper stretching to my day and it’s really helping so I need to remember that (and mine you for good Peleton suggestions!).
I won’t tell you how many pairs of Rainier tights I have — I don’t run in them, though, I live in them. 🙂 The original ones also had open pockets in addition to the zippered pockets and I really miss those (when I’m out hiking).
I always love a hat as a giveaway! I have one from a challenge from last year that I wear all the time.
Today is definitely miserable. I didn’t feel up to running but I did do an inside walking with weights routine.
Happy 5th runnversary again!
Thank you!
Oh part of the reason I have three is i also intend to live in them. I have a pair of Skirt leggings (don’t ask which, I have no idea) and Pocketopia capris that I also live in because they don’t work for me for running. Glad to have some I can run in, especially this week.
Me too on the hat. I don’t need (or want) one more shirt to be honest.
Happy to have found Peloton this year as well! I was definitely resistant- it seemed a little ‘cult’-ish, bu its not 🙂 Or at least, not for me. Maybe that’s because I don’t have the bike or treadmill though.
Wonderful recap- lots of good runs! The kitties are adorable.
It’s cult ish in the best possible use of the word. 🙂
We should all learn fun classes so easily.
Love my godkitties. Suburban life can be a fun escape
I saved that reading challenge you sent me but I’m not sure if I’m going to do it! I’m kind of in this ‘roll with it’ mentality right now, where I don’t want to push myself towards any goals. I guess I’m tired of being disappointed with covid continually stealing all our fun. I’m hoping Omicron continues its fast and furious approach and is gone by February.
You had so many good runs the past 2 weeks! Great start to the year.
I know I won’t finish it – poetry or an author with my name. But I think it will help me choose when I’m aimlessly wandering my wishlist or Kindle library. Somehow even with more entries this feels less daunting than the 20 Books of SUmmer, which I’ve also never finished.
Your post about reading was timely, Whitney and I had just been talking books
Those stats are very impressive! Well done, YOU! I can’t even fathom reading 89 books in a year…but Barb gave me a book to read while I’m snowbirding. We shall see how close I come to finishing it.
Thank you!
everyone has their entertainment “thing”. I haven’ t been to a movie in probably ten years
We all just have to find ours
Judging by your workout stats, 2021 was a good year. I know it doesn’t tell the story of all the things you couldn’t do, the runs that were solo instead of group runs, the races that were canceled ….
I bet you will see changes in your pace and resilience with the strength training and yoga/stretching. It really does pay off.
It was a good year, but yes would have loved to run more with people.
I was lucky in that I didn’t lose too many races. I am so grateful that I was able to do Malibu and I can laugh about a Penguin cancelled for snow and ice. So glad to peloventure with you. Maybe one day we’ll do a race together
you had really great workout stats this year and how amazing that you read so many books too! I think I read one book last year, lol.
Like you, I am so thankful to make it through the past two years with a job and my health, but I am very much over all the stress, sadness and craziness of it all.
Look at those stats! Congrats on a great year! I love that you have embraced strength training – I’m joining you on the goal of daily strength classes…here’s to a strong year for both of us 🙂
That is some book challenge!
I have been watching zero football. It’s just not holding my interest anymore. Oh, well.
Congratulations on five years! That’s awesome!
If I had to run to my dentist, I would detour and run away lol. The phobia is real!
Impressive 2021 stats all around, Cari. Here’s to an equally great 2022!
Hmmm, I feel like I must not have the same Rainier tights as everyone else! I don’t think mine are really that warm. I do love them, but if it’s colder than 30 degrees they aren’t warm enough for me. Do you wear then below freezing? I do feel the reflective ones are warmer than the plain black ones though. I just bought another pair of fleece lined tights off Amazon to get me through the cold!
I wore them yesterday for ~ four miles when the wind chill was about 15 and I was fine. I’m not sure how they’d work if I were just walking around and not generating running’s body heat though