Stealing Jessie’s format for this.
It’s not so much that the race is four weeks away as I can’t figure out where January and February went. Linking up with Kim and Deborah to talk about this week.
- it’s not missing a Monday if I ran two days in a row. Long overdue drinks with friends. Was accidentally Galentine’s Day after a few reschedules, and it was fun to catch up over some pretty drinks.
- Tuesday: well maybe the best decision before a quality hill workout isn’t a light dinner? I was in the park early after a doctor’s appointment (all fine, routine checkup) to tackle hill repeats. No better place to keep me honest than the Cat. 3x 30s/1m/2m repeats up Cat Hill capped off with two 3m repeats all at half marathon pace. I have a love/hate relationship with the Fort Lauderdale Half, but had to wear the shirt on race week for friends who intended to run it this year. If not for blood work at the doc’s I’d have worn long sleeves and no jacket, but the pockets served me well. After zooms upon zooms, I snuck out for a sunset walk.
- Wednesday: late night at the office. Walked in and part of the way home.
- Thursday: I walked back to the office past the Hershey store on my way back from the denist-yes, an all body parts week and yes, that was way more interesting than my lunch. Office run group on another ridiculously mild night. We’re both running the same race so it’s fun way to debrief on training.
- Friday: rain cleared before drinks with a friend, but not in time to walk there so an unplanned off day.
- Saturday: brunch with friends. Had some vague wave plans to run to or from ice festival, but it was brisker than it had been and the layers I needed for Governors Island would be too much for my backpack, so I landed on running when I got home. I missed the 2:15 ferry and dozed on the train, so rather than rush garbage miles of Monday’s workout, I opted for an extra day off.
- Sunday: I mentioned last week, the ten mile run would be the confidence booster in this Half cycle. In truth, Tuesday’s hill workout was already that. While the Manhattan Bridge/ramp from FDR are far from flat, there’s no point where I’ll be doing 30s/1m/2m/3m hill repeats. So it was icing on the training cake that Sunday’s ten miler felt absolutely amazing. Randall’s Island is my go to for eight, and I knew roughly what I needed to add to make it ten so it was nice to be on autopilot and just run. It was still mild for February but the head wind at the northern tip of the island was a beast. Speaking of northern tip, no idea why the GPS blipped at that one spot. As far as I know, no prison or anything nearby – Rikers is actually off to the east. While there are legit complaints with the Apple Watch GPS, it never has been an issue for me. Sure if I were worried about exact splits, but that will never be me. I do love the little notches. One was veering off to the bathroom and the other, my traditional wiggle over the pedestrian bridge to the Bronx so I can run in two boroughs and on the main land. Fun fact, the Bronx is the only part of NYC on the continental US land mass.
I am really loving Team Wilpers’ training for this Half because it’s personalized to my paces. Now, like every runner everywhere I’m still running too fast, but I’m trying not to. Like I said in December, I’m not in PR shape but I’m very optimistic for a strong spring.
Speaking of goals, I just registered for my 2023 destination race, the BOLDER Boulder! I’ll be in the area for a conference and decided to turn it into a racecation. Of course I’m also planning to hike in the days before, and it will be at altitude, so it’s not a goal race pace wise, but it will be fun. Have you run it?
The Bolder Boulder sounds fun! I’m with you…why run a race in such a scenic locale for a PR? I’d want to take in the sights and enjoy the experience of simply being there 😉
and I’m loving the idea of finishing in a stadium. So fancy!
Plus akin to Juneau’s glaciers, hiking Yellowstone > PR in addition to taking in the surrounds
Nice job on those hill repeats and your double-digit run! Sounds like you’re ready for your half.
The Bolder Boulder sounds like a great choice for a destination race!
as soon as I poked local friends to the conference, one mentioned it and then the only question was how it would work. So glad it will
Boulder Boulder was always on my bucket list.. Maybe someday.
Can’t believe I’ve never visited Randall’s Island.
Love the variety of places you can run in NYC… and I left town on one of the nicest weather weeks this winter. But I wouldn’t trade it trade it – beaches, birds, no work!!
Can’t wait to follow you on March 19… virtually… sigh.
oddly it never was on mine. I vaguely heard of it but didn’t seem to be one folks I knew ran. The weather appeals way more than a memorial day race here, although it could go either way. BEaches and birds. I like that. <3
Congrats on some good runs this week. It must be fun to train together if you’re doing the same race. The Boulder race sounds exciting, and the hiking even more exciting!
yes it is. And he and I trained together for the marathon in 2019 so it’s fun to have some runs together again even though he no longer lives in the city. And yes, I think so too
Wow, the Bolder Boulder! I actually found a virtual version on YouTube, so I ran that a few years ago. Does that count? :p I’d love to do it in IRL.
What a great week for you and yes, I think you are going to have a very good race! PS that Reese’s cup made me hungry!
do it! And I think you now know when I’m doing my Wyoming trip too 😀 It’s going to be a fun week.
It made me hungry again too when I found it in my camera roll
That Reeses cup would be a total YES for me! Yummmm. The Bolder Boulder sounds really fun and challenging. Very fun you are doing it! Great workouts this week.
if I hadn’t been numb from the dentist, I probably would have given in
I have not been to Governor’s Island and I keep seeing it mentioned by you and elsewhere. Add to list! Way to go on your 10 miler. I also can’t believe the race is in 4 weeks!
We have to do Governors ISland. It might be too chilly / time constrained in March, but maybe not. If it is, we’ll do it next visit. Ferry is 5m from lower Manhattan so super easy even when there isn’t an event.
I can’t believe that the NYC Half is a month away. This year is really flying by so quickly!
when you talked about doing your bday live glass it felt like a year ago, yet I know it was 2023 goals and how are we closer to your bday than that post?
How exciting that you’re running the BOLDER Boulder! I’ve not run it, but we lived half way between Denver and Boulder after we left Utah and before we settled back in Virginia. It’s such a pretty area!
I’ve used Denver as a base for explorations but aside from meeting a cousin for coffee, never been to Boulder so this will be fun.
I recognize that race shirt! I like how you wore it for friends who “intended” to run it this year- yes, intended was the key word!
Great job on the 10 miler! That should give you a huge confidence boost. And I agree- what in the world happened to the month of February???
Coming from absolute sea level, I’m afraid to run races at altitude! I’m sure it will be amazing and beautiful though.
Congrats on the confidence boosting hills & 10 miler!
A busy week for you with doctor’s appointments & dentist. I still need to schedule a few different appointments, but I’ll get around to it.
I’ve heard great things about Bolder Boulder — have never been to Boulder though. In CO a few times, but Denver/Rocky Mt NP.
Oh, Matthew’s going to Boulder earlier in May! Well done on the 10. Claire just did hers yesterday and got lost in a field (I’m still not sure how) so she had little wiggles in her route. I was cheerleading over messenger at least.
Oh you’re going to have fun at Boulder Boulder! I have not run it but I have several friends that have. It’s all kinds of crazy fun! Great job on those tough hill workouts! I’ve been noticing all the various iterations on PB cups in the checkout line. I want to as well! Haha!