With Saturday’s 8 miler-the long run from last week in order to taper-the long runs for NYC Half training are done. Linking up with Deborah and Kim for some thoughts on that and a quick look at this week:
My 2023 goal as it related to this race was
Complete the Matt Wilpers Half Marathon training challenge. I love his programs and feel like they work for me. Because they’re tailored to the participant, they’re not unreasonable the way some off the shelf ones are, even as much as I love Hal Higdon. While the NYC Half is a challenging course due to the Manhattan Bridge and the ramp from the FDR, I ran it well in 2019 and would like to again.
Having gone through the plan, my thoughts are the same, I loved this and it worked for me. I’d absolutely use it for another Half and look forward to his next training plan or running challenge as it’s great to have that “homework” to get out the door. While this was a mild winter, there were days I had a head full of do not wanna, but thanks to the training plan and friends running this race, I did. Accountability is great.
Would I change anything? Maybe go back to in person PT earlier.
Race Plan/Goals:
- I’m going to walk the Manhattan Bridge and the FDR ramp. This is not a fitness issue, but rather an IT Band one. While a Half is never going to be pain free, smart training and PT have kept it from being a major issue, and I want to keep it that way especially since I’m running Cherry Blossom two weeks later. This is more or less what I did in Malibu (well) and Central Park (not so well, waited until I got tired) and it works for me. Apparently it’s what I did when I ran this in 2019 although I didn’t realize that until I read my recap. This should also conserve energy as I intend to dance my way through Times Square if they have music again. No better vibes.
- Have fun
- Finish strong
- Finish smiling
- I don’t have a time goal. I knew going into this training cycle that I wasn’t in PR shape, and that hasn’t changed. I focused on staying relatively pain free vs. attacking some of the plan. I am fine with this decision. This is also the first time I’ve ever really taken the “easy pace” to heart, although I didn’t run it quite as easy as I was meant to. I don’t know how those factors will show in my race pace, but as long as I hit the three above? I’m happy. There’s a 22 minute range between my PR (Brooklyn, 2:34:35 in the rain in 2018) and my PW (Bermuda, 2:57:01, 2020 and injured), so I think it’s safe to say I’ll fall somewhere in there.
Speaking of happy…

Happy 6th raceversary to me!
It was to the day and the date, something I was thinking about with the time change. I never did finish the recap for this year’s Frozen Penguin, but I smile thinking about it. NYC Runs are a great beginner race, and their themes are so fun. Crazy to think that the week after this milestone I’m running my 13th Half, something I definitely never thought was possible.
Misc Thoughts on the Week:
The Turkey Trot hat isn’t warm enough for winter, but it’s fine for just a chill. And no, I had no idea my windbreaker was on inside out until halfway through the run. LOL.
There was a lot of run commuting this week. Luckily without the laptop, but the coat in there makes the shape weird. I feel like that has to count for some balance/core work. It’s not ideal for training workouts, but it’s better than not running, which was the other outcome given how busy work has been. So do what you can and enjoy every step.
With only 8 miles needed for the long run, it was really nice to do a loop of Central Park. Double digits are harder because you have do go loop de loop, but home, the six mile loop, and back makes it just about 8 and it was the perfect capstone to a training whose target race finishes in the Park.
It was really fun to have you as an accountability partner for this training! I mostly enjoyed the training plan as well and also liked having set workouts every week. Looking forward to running through the streets of NYC with you. You are so ready!
I love your race goals, because those are my goals when I race now! I do set time goals for myself, but I never want to be disappointed, so having fun and feeling good erase any of that! Finishing is winning and you did great with your training. Good luck!
I can get on board with those race goals! Good luck on race day – have fun. You’ve come so far with training, now is the time to enjoy!
Glad to hear that the training plan worked out for you and you have the perfect goal – finish smiling and somewhere between a PR and a PW – perfect.
I’ll be looking for you at Times Sq!!
I think that’s an amazing race goal! I haven’t run the NYC Half in yard but I remember it being a ton of fun.
Have you run the “new” course from Brooklyn? Selfishly I wish it still started in CP, but there’s something fun about about running between boroughs.
We should cheer it next year
I’m glad that plan worked so well for you and I love your aims! go go go!
Good luck!!! I can’t wait to hear all about the race. Your goals are perfect, and I think you’ll have a great time. I love how you and Deborah followed the same training program, and I love how Darlene is going to be there to cheer you on. HAVE FUN!
Good luck tomorrow at your NYC Half and I hope you ladies have a blast this weekend!
Good luck at the half!! You have some great goals — hope you crush them. And hope you have a great time!