I know February is the shortest month and all that jazz, but wow, I blinked and missed it.

it’s not too late to save! LEAP50 for half off including new styles
I actually LEAPED into the sale as soon as they announced it. Spring should be for skirt shopping, but I couldn’t pass up the Lotta Breeze Capri in fuschia/black. How can I resist pink? More on the run and the outfit below. Did you buy anything with the sale? Today is the last chance. I won’t lie, I wish I was still in Bermuda. Too many layers.
Who else got sucked into the Trials on Saturday afternoon? Once I turned them on, I was glued to the couch throughout. So many great stories but my personal favorites were Abdirahman at 43! and Molly Seidel (Go Irish!) in her first ever marathon. I won’t lie, I want one of Tuliamuk’s beanies. And it was awesome to track Lauren Floris aka The Foodie Runner. So cool to “know” someone running the trials.
In other news, I had a kind of anticlimactic graduation from PT. I found out over the weekend that my insurance didn’t approve any more visits, so my PT asked if I was OK going DIY or whether I wanted to self pay. As I mentioned before Bermuda, I think I’m ready. He’s given me the tools & the app is invaluable for reminding me how to do the exercises. When I was first injured & diagnosed I noted that I wasn’t worried-I have a great orthopedist and insurance and if I need to go back to PT, I will, but I’d love for my IT Band to be quiet for a while.
In work news, it was a week full of museum field trips aka an active Instagram. I can’t remember the last time I was local and posted 3x/week. This week involved: the Met, MoMA, Cooper Hewitt and New-York Historical Society. Amazing rush of exhibits opening ahead of Armory Week.

Stunning Oscar de la Renta piece for Cooper Hewitt’s Contemporary Muslim Fashions

Women’s March at New-York Historical Society
Oh right, this is a running blog not a museum blog. *Giggle* on to the weekly run down with Kim and Deborah, which I realized is celebrating it’s one year anniversary! Happy birthday “new” LinkUp:
- never miss a Monday: I’d actually missed a few of late with travel, PT and other schedule issues, but it’s great to start the week off moving. Elizabeth and I met at 7:30 for a reservoir loop on the last nice day of the week. With running to and from, it’s about four miles. I’ve never done a watch face before because I only wear my Garmin for running, but I couldn’t resist this one.
- Tuesday: Donald Judd and Dorothea Lange at MoMA. Had plans to go to the gym after work, but ended up with a meeting near my apartment, and we know how that always ends. Was nice to be home at a reasonable hour.
- Wednesday: one of those late nights at work.
- Thursday: museums before work and the gym after. In whichever order, that makes for a good day. I had layers and could have run outside, but the wind was atrocious and physically uncomfortable. After a half mile warm up, I did a mile of 300m repeats and 100m recovery. I love that workout, but the knee wasn’t having it, so I called it after a mile. Post cooldown, I did the full set of PT exercises.
- Friday: gym was a possibility. Getting home at a reasonable hour was a better one.
- Saturday: I didn’t have plans for this run. At one point I was seriously contemplating moving the long run to Sunday and just doing the mile and a half I needed for 60 miles on the month. But then I remembered it was Leap Day and life’s too short to be boring. The last twenty mile run took us past Wegmans the week before it opened and I planned to run there as a marathon recovery/Ted Corbitt training run. Well life, injury and everything else happened and I hadn’t done it – suddenly I knew my long run for the day. When I do this again I’d leave earlier in the day as the road by the Navy Yard is seriously rutted and wasn’t fun without good light. The headwind on Kent was just ferocious, although the views made it worth it. Wegmans? The end of a run is the wrong time to want to explore. I could have had dinner there but wasn’t yet hungry, and had my heart set on sushi. I need to go back — maybe I’ll train there and run home. I love Wegmans, but to me it’s a Rochester thing. I’ve only been to the one near-ish mom’s once since it opened. Maybe if I was more of a grocery shopper. But I still love that there’s one here. Nice to know too I live 7.96 miles as the shoes run from the nearest Wegmans. The walk to the subway after? Brutal in the cold wind. Tried to run to get it over with, but they were cold/sore. Speaking of cold, sore. Dressing for a wind chill in the 20s is *hard* LBC, two shirts was fine. I knew the New Balance jacket wasn’t great for running as it traps sweat, but I thought it would be OK since it was so cold. It probably was until I “warmed up” in Wegmans. It was a clammy ride home. I sized down in the LBCs (yay!), and was pleased that they fit perfectly.
- Sunday: gym for PT when I get off the couch. Saturday night I was super sore, but I think that was because I sat on the train coming back and then at the sushi bar. Today seems less bad.
Plan for the Week:
- Monday: morning run?
- Tuesday: off?
- Wednesday: run
- Thursday: off
- Friday: off?
- Saturday/Sunday: 9 miles? There’s a NYRR group run Sunday for 5m, so may run to and from it.
GoTheDist February
- 457,115 steps
- 203 miles run/walked (my first ever round number total!?)
- 66.47 miles run
The decision to stop obsessing about steps and heal has been great. This is by far the most I’ve run since marathon month and I’d be happy with 60-70 mile months as a base. It was also a huge increase on February 2019, and not just because it was Leap Year. Although I’ve graduated from PT, I’m going to continue not focusing on steps and just go by feel. I want to fully heal. I’m still thinking on my goal, but have set a soft one. I’m actually surprised I’ve run twelve miles more than last year YTD, with one fewer half marathon.
I’m always fascinated by how PT can suddenly end when your insurance stops paying for it. I can’t say I’ve ever seen PT end early, saving some visits for ‘in case’ you need them later. I’m glad you’re done but I hope it was enough! It’s hard to get motivated to do it at home. Congrats on the miles!
Yeah our insurance system is imperfect, to say the least. He moved my second appointment from Friday to the following Wednesday figuring we weren’t going to get many more, and it was in the gap that they declined the upcoming visit for this diagnosis, but not the rest of the 60-used on calendar year. I think (but need to reread more closely) that a new diagnosis, or a re-diagnosis of worsening would open up a block of my remaining visits in the calendar year. I’d be afraid, like sick days, to use all in the beginning of the year for fear I’d need more.
It’s going to make me hit the gym a lot more – I just don’t have the space in my apartment for banded steps, nor a free wall for wall sits While i’m not pain free, I’m hoping it won’t worsen
A pretty solid mileage month for you! I love that Oscar De la Renta dress and I bet the exhibit was really cool. I also bought another GGU skirt since the sale was so good. I had given away most of my others bc I just got bored w them. Thanks for linking up
This exhibit was stunning. If you get the chance, come up to see it. The designers made use of so many vibrant colors and exquisite patterns. Have you been to Cooper Hewitt? They so some spectacular exhibits. LIly Pulitzer one coming up and I can’t wait to see those patterns.
The pink comes in GGU and it’s tempting, although I turned into more of a Cascade/Lotta Breeze person. I think though that with a return to saner distances I might fall back in love with Gym Girl. But yes, the sale was way too good to pass up especially as it applied to prior years’ already reduced patterns
You had a strong February. Way to go
Oh, all the museums!! I’d be visiting all the time if I Lived there. Do any offer a group pass (of sorts?) that you can use at other places? Had to laugh at your outtake. I have plenty of them LOL I have thought of doing a post on them…but haven’t yet. Stay tuned 😉 Great week, Cari!
LOL “yet”. I can’t wait to see your post. I’ll post them when the mood strikes.
They do — American Alliance (AAM) and ICOM (International Council) are the two big ones, but there’s also the North American Reciprocal Network and the art museum one. Worth checking out to see if any of your locals offer it in partnership with the cities you visit for football. It’s usually onlt slightly more than a museum’s annual membership. AAM, for example, is about $100 on the year and pays for itself quickly for me. Although I have relationships with most NYC museums, it comes in handy if I want to go on the weekend, or for when I’m traveling. Your local PBS station may offer museum membership. Mom has used that when she’s with me
Love the museums! I don’t run in the cold very much, but when I do I’m amazed at how quickly I get cold once I stop running.
It’s a weird transition of cold to hot. If I didn’t run in the cold, I wouldn’t run nearly as much as I can’t get lost in a treadmill run as easily
Yay for sizing down! I have no idea how my miles compare to last year. It’s just not how I roll. Much less, I would guess, with not having run a long race & only running 3 x week.
The wind was definitely a best both days this weekend. I’m not sore, but it sure took a lot out of me.
And no, I haven’t bought anything. Yet. I have lots in my cart but am not moving on it quickly.
I left a lot in my cart at sale’s end. There seems to always be another sale, and none of the other patterns jumped out at me. Today’s wind was crazy – glad I wasn’t running.
I like vacay, but don’t yet have any. I didn’t buy anything in the last sale. I put a bunch of stuff in my cart & then just forgot about it. Yup, lots of sales these days!
I have a $42 store credit burning a hole in my pocket, but nothing jumping out. Living in Winter Wonderland, my favorite from the last line
No credits. Although I do like the new leggings for Yoga – or at least I think I’ll like them. Haven’t pulled the trigger yet. Spending way too much on groceries at the moment but I think we’re pretty set now!
Nice miles this month and love that pink skirt with the capris! So cute. I was also glued to the TV during the trials yesterday. I have some friends in Atlanta doing the marathon today and they got a front row seat for the trails, I was feeling serious FOMO. So irritating when the coverage was interrupted for a news conference. Ugh!
That news conference almost got me out the door sooner, but then I kept turning the TV back on to see if it was done. Hope your friends had an amazing race – no pun intended.
A good week. I’ve relaxed on the steps altogether for a bit as pinning together my sanity was more important, and it feels better certainl not fretting about doing them every day. Hope you can keep the PT going at the gym etc.
Same. It’s not worth the anxiety right now for me.
(Testing comment, sorry if you get this thrice)
Nice monthly miles! Hope doing the PT on your own will continue to help – I always find it frustrating when insurance gets in the way!
I hope you do well with PT on your own. I never had to quit early for insurance, but I did have one issue morph into another so that kept me in treatment longer. I love the Cherry Blossom Garmin face — I still have it on my app but not on my watch right now.
In some ways the achilles tendonosis was a slow morph into the IT Band. I’m just glad it took its sweet time.
I’m optimistic I will keep up the PT. With not trying to marathon train there are a few more hours in the day even though it’s busy season. I just need a longer apartment to do the banded walks at home.
What a SOLID month for you including a trip and race in Bermuda! Sorry to hear about the insurance issue, but I remember you saying you were ready or almost ready so I’m confident you’ll manage on your own.
I think/hope you’re right. So far, so good. I don’t think the foam roller is as good as their hands in getting into the nooks and crannies though. And harder to bail on a hard exercise with someone watching
i was not happy how my PT ended as well. I was also not happy to receive a bill for 4 PT sessions at the end of last year but I’d used everything up. My extra sessions (that I did not use) for my foot didn’t count for my sessions I had for the herniated disc. I’m not impressed at all at this stage by anything.
I think you had an amazing month AND I wish I had your job!!!
I do love my job. The line between work and fun is super blurry and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
PT is so weird – sorry you also had a frustrating end. There has to be a better solution
Your abrupt end to PT makes me wonder if my dad’s March 18 end to his extended care stay is insurance motivated. I suspect it is. Ugh. It was wonderful to spend a weekend in February with you! 😀
A friend of mine got into NYCM and is begging me to come with her. It’s a long shot at this point but if I make the trip that 5k has my name on it
I’m thinking of running the 5k since I am not running the full. Depends on hotel pts.
Come! I have actually never done that 5K but with it being Halloween and not mom’s birthday weekend I might just. We need to have mischief in multiple countries and/or cities.
Hope your dad is ready when 3/18 comes or if the doctors can make the case for an extension. It’s such a process.
I don’t know if my insurance covers a certain of PT…I guess I’ll find out.
I hope to have one more visit for NYC half and then I’ll be on my own…until the next injury LOL
I caved…bought a dress, tank and capris – $102 but only paid $7.. A deal even though I need NOTHING more!!
I need to be in NYC when I don’t work or race to visit the museums!!!
See you soon – March 14/15 or March 18 or hopefully both!
Yes! I was just going to ask which night was Billy Joel since I can’t remember.
A number do late nights – we could totally do one post/instead of a run.
I love these LBCs but avoided the skirts. None really jumped at me even with the sale. Next time/pattern.
Billy is Thurs. Any open late on Wed?
I have to check next week. Text me when I’m at work, please? Also, we can do dinner with Elizabeth as she’ll be back
You had such a busy February! No wonder the month went by so quickly for you.
The abrupt end to your PT makes me sad/mad. It’s just crazy how much insurance dictates things.
I’m frustrated a little more this week because there’s been more knee pain, but I think/hope it’s a more mileage vs a stopping PT issue
My PT efforts have really gone down recently. I’ve been too sore to do the exercises a lot of days! I have always been on a home plan for the most part because my insurance doesn’t cover much at all. I’m glad that my therapist allowed me to do the home plan because it’s not always the most convenient to go to their office. Love the museum exhibits!
I often joke that I need a larger living space. I don’t actually as I don’t have kids or anything, but I would be even better at PT compliance if I had a long corridor. My 5th floor walkup is helpful for heel drops
We have a high-deductible insurance (my husband owns his own business, so it is what it is), and we are self-pay for my PT (and most of my surgery and all that, too, if we are being honest). That being said, I watch very closely what we are doing so that I can carry over to home, and they are more than happy to print out exercises and routines, just in case.
Mine uses a wonderful app called Medbridge GO, which (for me) has the added benefit of the videos so if I forget how to do an exercise I can watch it.
Luckily for me last year I fully funded my FSA because I knew I was dealing with finishing a root canal and a crown. I ran out come fall, but had enough to cover PT and most of my monthly prescription costs as well as my portion of the dental. This year I didn’t anticipate landing in PT so am trying to avoid the self pay route for now.
Medicine is just crazy
I had no idea about the PT and insurance coverage. Ugh, that is annoying. I love the color of that dress!
Me too. Such a vibrant color and the style was perfect for a warm climate. Forget if it was meant to be the middle east or northern africa
What a bummer that your PT ended a little earlier than you anticipated. I hope it wasn’t too soon for you, and hopefully you have the tools to continue your homework on your own until you’re feeling 100%.
Thank you! It’s a work in progress, especially with my gym now closed. I’m trying to make a space to do banded laps and other exercises that I think will be key to staying healthy ish.
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