I run to get fitter
I run to find peace
I run to let go of stress
I just love the release
I run to feel younger
I run to lose weight
Though running’s not easy
I end up feeling great
I run for the endorphins
I run to feel free
I run because I love it
And running loves me— 𝔸𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕣 𝕁𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤 (@RunningMrJones) January 20, 2021
and planning for 21 miles helped a lot in that respect. After last week’s quarantine, I was itching to run. I also wanted to get back into my Florida routine of getting up and out every morning as it really makes the days go better.
Like many of you, I’m more than a little over virtual socializing in place of spending time with friends. In this case, Liz and I could not spend our birthdays together anyway due to an ocean in the way, so some virtual mischief made it more fun.
I knew I couldn’t run “with” Liz on Thursday morning due to the time difference and it being a work day, so we settled on me running 21 miles during week. As you read on, you’ll see that math (along with handwriting!) is not my forté.
Just because I was sprung didn’t mean I wasn’t still in love with the Peloton. I’m so bored with my playlist that even if I weren’t in the free trial, the subscription would be worth it for new songs to run to. I am really, really trying to be good with the stretching and rolling and I ‘m getting there with the strength training. Thanks again for all your class help, Coco and Deborah!.
Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah:
- never miss a Monday: was a recovery run after Sunday’s eight. Knew I was headed to Central Park as I wanted Fred to be a part of Liz’s birthday festivities and this was a guaranteed daylight visit. Quads were screaming from the bridge so I kept it flat on the reservoir and great lawn as I ran to the Madonna run. Love me some Madonna, but too much talking! It’s crazy to realize that all the names in Vogue were dead as of Lauren Bacall’s passing. That song always brings me back to Stonewall 50, and of the best songs on our playlist for our contingent.
- Tuesday: planned to walk Central Park as there was heavy cloud cover, but when I looked right (east) coming out of my apartment, I saw peeks of sun. River walk it was. I tend to run north and walk south so it’s not a same same, which I appreciate.
- Wednesday: part of why I came back to NY when I did was to ensure I’d be out of quarantine for Inauguration Day. I wasn’t sure my exact plans, but I knew a sunrise run to symbolize change was going to be part of it. At first it didn’t look like Mother Nature was going to cooperate, but then she decided to celebrate too. A cold, beautiful morning. I was grateful for my laptop to take a desk break and work in front of the TV for an hour to just appreciate the new leadership.
- Thursday: knew I was running after work, but was wide awake early and went to sit by the river for an absolutely stunning sunrise. When Mother Nature is putting on a show, the cold is much more manageable. After work, 2021 edition of the Office Run Group kicked off with our usual route, cut slightly short on my end so that I could do 4.9 miles for Liz. I was proud of myself for not avoiding Cat Hill. Running is such a mental game. I ran it as a total newbie and am (luckily) running pain free. There is no reason to avoid Cat Hill.
- Friday: original plan was a walk after work. I’ll do it later so rarely works. Luckily I needed to return a book to the library and the branch about a mile away was open, so I made myself go there for some semblance of a walk. I’m not a huge Van Leeuwen ice cream person, but I’m all about that motto.

it’s not just a Leap Day thing
- Saturday: a long run. But where? What distance? The latter question was driven by the start of this post, trying to run 21 miles for Liz’s birthday. Going Sunday-Saturday I was going to be just short or way over, so Monday to Sunday it was, which meant I 8+ miles was the plan. This was one of the (many) times I appreciates our coaches’ work during marathon training. Trying to find somewhere new to run is hard. Little Red Lighthouse? Too far & no shortcut home. High Bridge Tower? Same. Brush Staircase? Eh. Not baseball O’Clock yet. Roosevelt Island? Maybe. And then I began thinking about something I said over Labor Day weekend when I “discovered” the ferry stop at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. I could run to Wegmans and take the Ferry home, which was a much better experience than going uphill to the F train once I’d cooled down. Now, how to get to Brooklyn? I knew I had no interest in the 59th Street bridge and going that way wasn’t quite 8 miles. Then I remembered something I thought about when Shathiso invited me to be a part of her inaugural We Run the World post. I didn’t have a photo running on the Brooklyn Bridge because I don’t think I’ve ever run it. Between that knowledge and the impending construction making the route a lot less pretty, my route was set. I waited until early afternoon as it was frigid and windy, and why rush out in that weather when it isn’t necessary? The route was equal parts fun and gorgeous and I had the Hamilton run to take me over the Bridge itself. I hadn’t run down the East River since marathon training and the wind wasn’t off the East River so it wasn’t as cold as I thought it might be. For double the fun, it’s the spot too where I finished the #GreatManhattanLoop almost eight years ago(!!) Once I crossed the bridge it was a straight shot to Wegmans (a must!, although I didn’t buy anything) and then a quick hop to the ferry. It was absolutely freezing on the ferry, but my running backpack was well stocked with a coat and extra gloves and I stayed indoors save for one photo (masks required), so it was manageable. The run was fun and really a perfect winter day. While I’m still not training for anything, I felt this was a solid building block run and then I went with my favorite long run reward. Food rewards are “bad”, but sushi is so good and nothing will ever keep me from my sushi so long as it’s open. And yes, that’s a blow torch “heater”.
- Sunday: I’m leaving my apartment at some point to stretch out the cranky legs. But it’s a wind chill of 10 so it won’t be for long. I like winter but not necessarily WINTER.
I loved doing our hi-five picture and was amazed I managed to create it, and I was moved to tears by you gathering the birthday greetings from so many of the other blogging ladies – thank you again to you and all the ladies! A great week, too – thanks to the massive snow here I only did 16.3 this week, but 21.1 k on the 21st!
Next time I come to NYC we can do a bridge run! I’ve only done the Brooklyn Bridge and I would totally do it again. Glad you found some great Peloton stretch and yoga classes that you like. Happy to help anytime!
Absolutely! As I ran it I was thinking of your run tour that you did just before we saw you. We’re lucky to have a lot of great routes to choose from, but there’s something magic about the Brooklyn Bridge and its views.
I was so happy to be a part of Liz-a-palooza; I sent her a Bernie greeting as well! It was nice to chat with her and I hope to someday meet her IRL. Thanks for organizing! Nice work on that bridge run. You’ve got lots of cool places to run in NYC!
Wow- its chilly in NYC! Though those bluebird skies made it all better. Great week Cari!
Your mental calculations are fascinating. 🙂 Probably because there really are so many choices living in the city! Here, especially in winter, they really narrow down.
I really enjoy Peloton for the music, too, although sometimes the music is a little young for me too. But sometimes not!
I have used sushi for many, many pre or post race meals. 🙂
Oh, the Brooklyn Bridge. Sigh…. I’d live to have a landmark like that nearby 🙂 You has a solid week, and a busy Saturday. I love all your pics!
I’ve never run in NY but love reading about yours. I have no idea where those places are that you mention but I recognize a few from watching shows that are based in NY. Peloton does have great playlists. That is one of the reasons I love them but sometimes the talking would get on my nerves.
Thanks for doing the collage for us for Liz’s birthday – it came out great!
You had a very busy week! Awesome job getting in all of those runs. I’m also trying to be better about pre and post stretching after my workouts. I think it’s already making a difference!
Wow, it’s nearly just as cold here and that hardly ever happens! Glad oyu were still able to get in some workouts, long runs AND sushi! Yum!
I think if I got to NYC I would head straight to Central Park for a run. You have a lot of interesting places to run! Great picture with the bird caught in flight.
1000% winter is fine but WINTER is not. I think I’ve told you that I’ve never run in NYC b/c when I’m there I walk so much, but a Brooklyn Bridge walk is always a must for me.
I don’t think I’d ever pick sushi over ice cream as a post-run treat, no matter the brand! So glad you are enjoying the Peloton app. I find the constant new content so motivating. I let Scooby run in our yard today instead of bundling up for a walk, and it was in the mid-20s!
You and Darlene with the ice cream. 😀
I do like ice cream (especially chocolate peanut butter, or really anything with peanut butter), but not when it’s this cold. I’m not sure it has ever appealed to me post run whereas sushi I would probably eat for breakfast if I could.
You and Deborah are like my personal concierges. Spoiling me rotten. <3
I do like that Peleton has given me some new playlists to listen to. I loved the Wicked one!
I laughed at your ice cream pic. It’s my vice, as you know.
I also could not believe that I have run over the Brooklyn Bridge many times and you have not.
Your pics are making me so miss you and Elizabeth and NYC. But keep them coming!
Wicked will probably be tomorrow morning or Tuesday depending on whether I use it for a walk or a run. Also have Marcia’s podcast episode
For as much of an ice cream fiend as you are, surprised we’ve only done it once. I guess we see one another much more when it’s cold than hot
I think so. And rarely during the daylight.
Memories! NYC has so many amazing places to run! I used to live in Washington Heights, so ran over the George Washington Bridge many times (which is kind of fun because you end up in a different state!) I’ve walked over the Brooklyn bridge but never ran it- your picture is gorgeous. It’s super-interesting to see what’s going on in NYC these days- I like to see that things are open! Looks like you’re enjoying it.
Yes, that was one of my favorite runs marathon training for that exact silly reason. I don’t love the run or walk up from the Lighthouse though. Did you ever do the Great Saunter?
The city has been slowly opening up since July /August and with some people inside more due to COVID, winter it will be interesting to see what kind of spring awakening we have.
So many great places to run in NYC. Your photos always make me miss the city. In hindsight, I wish I had been a runner when I lived there!
I’m glad you’re enjoying the Peloton app – truly no shortage of great content!
Thanks so much for organizing the collage for Liz – it came out great 🙂
Isn’t that true of so many places. I wished I’d been a runner when I was in Osaka and Brisbane as it would have been great way to get to learn both cities.
I’m so glad everyone was available to be a part of it in some form.
I was reminiscing about running in NY yesterday whilst putting up my medals in our workout space *sigh*. Oh to travel again!!
loved being a part of the collage for Liz and that you got to do a virtual high five. I’m kind of over virtual stuff as well, but not much of a choice at the moment.
I love sushi too and nothing unhealthy about it IMO!! Total sucker for gelato or ice cream though too!
You have so many great places to run in NYC! Glad you could be out of quarantine for this week. The cold was just too cold this weekend!
Thanks again for including us all in that fun birthday collage. Glad you were able to make it through quarantine and enjoy some time outdoors. I agree with you. I feel like it’s been winter but WINTER is just now arriving and I can do without the single digits. We have a winter storm blowing in with 8″ or so of snow this afternoon. That I’m kind of excited about!
Food rewards are not bad!!!!! I say as I plan my next food reward lol!
I didn’t realize you did 21 this weekend! Incredible! I don’t know where my brain has been.
So my vice is very much ice cream. What flavor did you get?
The first time I walked over the Brooklyn Bridge was such a phenomenal experience. I would love to get to run it one day. It’s so iconic.
Haha! So glad you finally ran Brooklyn Bridge!