This week marked my third running anniversary. With it falling on a weekday and my not running that day due to PT, I didn’t mark it in any special way. I will… just haven’t decided the form it will take. I’m the worst at doing things on the actual day anyway.
I officially deferred Fort Lauderdale. The deadline to do so was January 15 and I figured rushing back up and/or doing this undertrained was a recipe for further issues. I’m completely fine with this decision and am on to Bermuda. In the interim I look forward to the Frozen Penguin (! yay, my favorite) and Gridiron on Super Bowl weekend.
With morning PT appointments again, I look forward to run commuting there as a warmup. Yes, somehow in the last year I’ve become a morning person. I look forward to building back sustainably. Because I’m giving up Lauderdale, I’m pretty sure I’m going to do Cherry Blossom. Yes, the Amtrak 40% coupon helped with that.
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for a Weekly Run Down with more running than in the last few weeks:
- never miss a Monday was back, with my PT intake appointment. I love Greg, Spear and the PT student who was working with him to assess me. There were no surprises. I have some tightness and imbalances, but my flexibility is better than it was a year ago. This is part of why I wanted to go back to the same one – he knew my normal. Even better, they gave me the all clear to run if it doesn’t hurt, and she’s determined to get me into a Prayer Squat, which I haven’t been able to do since I caught softball in high school. This was followed by a wonderful dinner with Darlene and Elizabeth.
- Tuesday: PT encouraged me to run and who am I to disagree with my PT? A gorgeous East River runrise that felt really good.
- Wednesday: first full PT session, and the inspiration for this post title. Wall sits and single legged squats are a bitch, but I want to be stronger, not just fix the pain. My glute at one point was wiggling with fatigue. Ever grateful for Skirt hiding that from general view.

Glow worm! (c) Darlene
- Thursday: in an anti-preview for what was to come at the weekend, it was FREEZING. Neither this nor our respective injuries kept Darlene and I from run/walking the lower loop in Central Park. First use of my light vest in a while and was pleasantly surprised how well the batteries held out. Post-run was some retail therapy. Shoes for her, the beautifully ugly Brooks Run Merry ugly shirt for me.
- Friday: off. Headed to Mom’s after work.
- Saturday: not much time for running since I slept in a little (7), but there was no way I was missing out 60s in January. A quick two mile shakeout before a quick trip to Albany to see my niece for her 2nd birthday. I focused hard on my PT so I didn’t tighten up due to four hours in the car and an hour on the train, and while I was a little stiff it wasn’t bad.
- Sunday: 66 degrees + January = Central Park. I headed to the reservoir for the relatively flat terrain, but did some wiggling. I didn’t have an exact mileage plan, just to see how it felt. Ended up about 5.5 miles and I was happy with that. Early on I had to pause some to stretch, but knee never felt worse. And no, I wasn’t remotely cold in the Skirt and tee, even walking home after coffee. And yes, I was wearing a buff and hat in the same park on Thursday. Could I have gone longer? Sure. Was it smart to stop? I think so. No reason to exacerbate this.
Plan for the Week:
- Monday: PT
- Tuesday: run
- Wednesday: PT
- Thursday: run?
- Friday: off
- Saturday: run? Mischief with friends
- Sunday: run? depending on Saturday.
Glad to see you are rallying back! I know exactly how frustrating it is. My NoLa weekend is the same weekend as Bermuda. We can chat in person about strategies
I can’t wait for Saturday. We’re all returning stronger. 2020 is our year.
I need to go read your first PT post to catch up! I’m glad you like your PT — that can make all the difference. Also, what’s this about Cherry Blossom???
I unexpectedly got into Cherry Blossom. Wasn’t going to do it, and was going to do bib transfer but with giving up Fort Lauderdale I think I want to. Amtrak made the decision really easy. If you’re doing it again I’d love to meet up – or even if you aren’t maybe we can grab coffee
Great to see you back on it! And yay Fred!
I am so glad to be running – and to not feel worse after running two days in a row. Talked through how and why it probably happened with my PT and am confident I won’t do it again. Hopefully.
I agree that it’s wise to work hard to fix the problem. Somewhere over the years I’ve mostly fixed mine (but it can still crop up, that’s the worst part, there’s often no warning).
When I set out yesterday I knew I wanted to get in my 7 (which is at the moment my base long run), but was cool with cutting it short, too. Which I didn’t have to do & feel good today. I WAS not perfectly comfy after the run, though, it was windy, mostly cloudy, and had already fallen into the mid 50s. Vest to the rescue!
Cherry Blossom is a neat venue…hope you have the same weather we had last year! have you ever tried single leg wall sits? HOLY Shaking & Quaking…those will make you question your sanity LOL Glad to hear the PT is going well, and the running returning!
I knew I’d seen this comment, but couldn’t find it. We have tried the single leg wall sit. It is way beyond my coordination. I must have worked my right glute hardest yesterday because holy shit it’s sore today.
Awesome work! I’m sorry you had to defer Ft. Lauderdale, but you’re going to be great for Cherry Blossom! I am so excited for you to run that race. I think I will enter the lottery for next year.
I can’t wait for the day my PT encourages me to run! It’s going to be magical!
Mischief with friends on the schedule. teehee!!! Sounds perfect. Central Park looks so cool. One of these day I’ll make it there! I’m glad your PT appointment was so positive!
It’s amazing how one part of the country is warm and glorious while another (us) has a nasty winter storm. You’re doing great with the PT!
Happy Runiverssary! I have no idea when mine is. And I always miss the special days – Global Run day was a scheduled rest day, I was recovering from a race on New Year’s, I didn’t run on my birthday. Hey every run is a celebration! And congrats on getting some good miles in this week.
I’m so glad PT is going well for you and that you’re running. I agree, sounds like a smart move to stop after 5.5 miles. Build back up gradually – you’ve got time since you deferred Fort Lauderdale (which I’m bummed for you that you had to do that…). Yay for getting into Cherry Blossom!
I can’t believe how warm it is there! WOW.
Glad your PT is working and you’re easing back to running, but sounds like you made the right choice about Lauderdale. Bermuda will be great!
How exciting about Cherry Blossom!!! It is on my list of races to do. One year because I keep hearing so many great things about it. Jealous of your warm weather this past weekend.
Don’t be too jealous, it didn’t last. We had snow today. This winter has been definitely weird.
Definitely do Cherry Blossom if you can work the travel in with your job.It’s amazing
I will have to check it out and see when I can go.
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