It wasn’t love at first sight
Some of our initial encounters
Were awkward
An up and down friendship
But you grew on me
Then one day I realised
I was in love with you
I love running
We have the odd bad day
But I can’t resist
I always come back
I want to grow old with you
Such a great find on twitter earlier this week from @RunningMrJones.
I’m still not entirely sure how my random treadmill try in January 2017 turned into marathon training, but I’m so glad it did. On the two year anniversary I did my first ever double digit, two hour training run and less than eight months later I ran 3.5 hours and sixteen miles. Who am I?!?
As I’ve mentioned, podcasts are what gets me through the long runs. I switch to music to “cross the finish”, but it’s not enough of a distraction. I had three on this Saturday’s long run and while all were good, the one that really resonated was Running Rogue’s Believe in Your Body with Jessie Barnes. I don’t have the exact quote, but she said something to the effect of “our bodies are meant to be more than cute”. Once upon a time, this blog was a weight loss blog – but running isn’t about that for me. Partially glad because I really have majored in winning and losing the same 2 lbs, but also because I think it would stress me out if I had to worry about that too. I loved the two guests and how they talked about PRs in running vs. on the scale and the comfort needed to run shirtless. I’m not sure I’ll ever be team sports bra, mostly because I burn so easily, but I did ditch the cover up on the beach and celebrated my strength. A really, really powerful lesson and great episode.
Also listened to: Marathon Training Academy’s Ask The Coach Part 2+ Books (link complete with the list of her reads this summer) and Running Rogue’s Staying Fit Through Injury with Sasha Gollish. Three excellent episodes to pass the miles and hours.
I started dreaming about the marathon – or more precisely that I booked a vacation that meant I’d miss a long run. I know where that came from, lamenting a possible long weekend trip that wouldn’t be wise, but it’s still silly. More on that if/when I get my “costs of Marathon training” post done.
On nutrition:
TMI territory: This week I learned – well experienced first hand, I definitely knew this but head to learn the hard way – that here there be dragons when it comes to salad. I had poke most days for lunch thanks to MealPal, but was craving some greens come Friday. It kept me full most of the day thanks to a good mix of fat and protein (eggs, bacon, avocado) with the veggies. It also made for my first mid-run I need a bathroom moment. Luckily, one was close and all was fine, but never had to go mid run before. 18-20 hours before a long run is a no go for salad.
Otherwise, all good. A very Science in Sports week with the tabs on Wednesday and for Saturday’s long run, which also featured Cliff Blocks. I need to figure out more of the in-run fueling, which will be the 18/20 mile runs plan. This is why we practice!
Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim:
- Monday: I tried to run, but my head was not up for the treadmill and I couldn’t stay on it. Turned this into a full PT and some yoga as I was sore from Saturday and tired.
- Tuesday: planned off. Dinner with a friend. I walked home from work though, so it wasn’t a totally sedentary day
- Wednesday: Lumberjack Twists take two with the addition of a 15m “steady” effort. I set a personal goal of 8 repeats this time, since 7 was all I could manage last time with my Achilles. I managed ten! My Achilles was not happy, but I walked back to the store after the second effort and by Thursday morning it felt mostly OK thanks to an Epsom soak. Post-run I wanted to take advantage of JackRabbit’s double points and our 15% discount and I went to look at the 1080s as my April ones are nearly out of miles. They come in purple! Alas, they don’t come in size 9, so I spent the week on a quest for them while the blue ones stalked me.
- Thursday: walk/run/visit the Turtle Pond with Darlene. I forgot my watch, but think we called this 2 miles
- Friday: a rest day, but still lots of steps ISO those shoes. A longer than planned series of errands meant I missed my window for avocado toast. That came back to bite me during the long run, but it’s a teachable moment. I realized mid-pedi that I have to keep my toes painted. They’re a mess. One not at all running related as someone stepped on it causing a fugly while healing bruise.

open splash pad, Happy Cari ca. mile 13 Who is this person whose hat, shirt and SIS tablets matched?
- Saturday: Sweet 16! I really, really wanted to do 16.21 so that I could say I had singe digits to go, but at the end I was just done and didn’t want to chase garbage miles. The route/the reality. Pretty close. I wiggled in the w 60s as I wanted no part of Wednesday’s ramp or the stairs leading up from the water. I felt this on my pre-Vermont shakeout, but today endorsed my “latter half of the Great Saunter is boring” feeling as I’ve run it twice this month. I love my East River, but the Hudson is so much prettier. Since we ran the lower third of Manhattan (nuts!), I really should bring back my beloved #GreatManhattanLoop tag.As I mentioned, missing the avocado toast window came back to bite me on the run. My dinner ended up as a scoop of peanut butter and a couple scoops of dry Cheerios. Yep, that fuels nothing. Coupled with the salad above, this was a weird run. I was hungry during, which hasn’t happened before. The Cliff Bloks got me through, but as I mentioned to Liz in text, I should have had two packs with me. Was glad to have had the extra tabs of SIS Berry as I needed those vs. pure water. Luckily lots of spots on the Hudson side to refill the water and add a tab. As I’m not sure I’ll ever manage Gatorade, this was good fueling practice. I need to work out the logistics to take water from stations and add it to bottle in belt during the run though as I can’t add it to cup and hold. Hi NYRR 18M plan.
- I’m pretty sure that my beloved Cascade (RIP :(, but I did manage to snag one more in yesterday’s flash sale ) is going to be my race skirt if the weather is at all conducive. Aside from some mid-run wardrobe adjustments that had nothing to do with the skirt and everything to do with a stretch, it just doesn’t move and I had no chafing on my lower body. That’s unheard of for me – even in Skirt. I love Gym Girl and will probably get it in Rebel Fleur, but I can’t imagine it for 26.2. Backup plan is Lotta Breeze Capri, which I wore for two Halfs earlier this year, but I’m really thinking Cascade. Ever think on a race outfit this far out? Given how often I wear that pink shirt, it might be part of the ensemble, but I have a different one in mind.
- Post-run I hit up the New Balance store at the NYRR run center to see if Juan could find the purple for me. He’s a wizard and even he couldn’t, but he did turn up a pair of darker blue that I like and won’t be filthy, so I should have them in a week or two. I LOVE these 1080s and might switch to the blue ones now so I can still run November in the black. The shoes above? Coral are my cross trainers, the navy Vongo2s got me through three Halfs and are nearly out of miles, the 880s didn’t quite work for me but are OK on short distances. And then my two existing pair of 1080s. So glad I found and my feet fell in love with New Balance. Post-run sushi and sunset.
- Sunday: rest. Maybe beach
Training mileage:
- Week: 21.21 not counting Darlene’s and my walk/run. That happy accident parallel is too funny
- Total cycle: 188.32. Even with a down week, going to have a hundred mile month 😮
Plan for the Week:
- Monday: run with Darlene
- Tuesday: cross/off
- Wednesday: Rogue
- Thursday: cross/recovery depending on meetings
- Friday: off
- Saturday: 10/12. I love down weeks
- Sunday: off
On gym visits:
I was more than a little stressed about hitting the 50 gym visits and then when I requested a print out I realized I’d been 61 times. I guess I’m not as good at tracking cross train and / or yoga visits in my spread sheet. That’s a relief, claim filed for my $200 reimbursement which is going right in the travel fund for Bermuda and/or toward a post-marathon treat.
Nice job on your 16 miler! That’s a lot of running. You have come so far in such a short time. I always start planning my outfits far out 🙂
So proud of you for getting that 16 in, you’re doing brilliantly and you know you have GOT this. I’m almost as excited as if I was doing it!!!
Nice job! I have eaten many, many salads before long run races (the night before, of course), but we are all different. I do blame the salad for the one piitstop I ever made in a half, but I think that was a case of mild food poisoning. In general my stomach is a fairly well oiled machine (although that can change as we age).
I’m amazed you had a good run considering that fueling, but glad you did!
I won’t even go how into how much I agonized over which top to wear today . . .
Oh, yes! That was a great find on Twitter. I should print that out and get it framed! 🙂 Nice job in the 16-miler. Way to go!
I don’t really listen to podcasts because I’m so used to music but I think I will look into this after marathon training. Right now the music is working for me so I don’t want to change anything until after the race!
Awesome job on your long run this weekend – weren’t the temps just divine!
Awesome job with those 16 miles! That’s a nice, bug number 😉 Race outfits…my dilemma is trying not to repeat a previous outfit LOL Not that anyone else would remember but me, but still…I like to mix and match and create new race day outfits. Call me an art geek and a color freak 😉
Great job on the 6 miler! I used to have tummy troubles ^after^ races and learned to cut down on salads a few days out and not “carbo load” the night before. I think I also stopped pushing so hard during races. 😉 I have a lot of “running” shoes I don’t use for running but a re too cute to part with. I love the mural too!
Yeah I can’t carbo load at dinner. My digestion speed doesn’t work. I 100% fall into sushi the night of a long run though.
That mural is one of my favorites, so glad they’ve maintained it
Congrats on that 16 miler! I am the queen of potty stops–but that seems to have improved with my decrease in miles. I’ll take it!
I do think about race outfits way before the race. Thankfully my INB keeps me creative. Definitely NOT team sports bra. I may be thin but let’s just say that gravity is not my friend!
I’ve actually run a few times in my normal bra when I forgot one, but I wouldn’t want to do it regularly. I tried a high impact bra on and it felt too much like armor for me so I’m lucky in that respect that I can wear moderate Champion ones when I can find them.
Hoping to find a true seamless one one day
Bathroom breaks was not one I ever thought I’d have to contemplate
Still need that pedicure.
I so counted that run with you cuz I sprinted back to my hotel in the pouring rain.
Love my lavender mizunos Did my 14.
Congrats. 16!!! You rock.
Love this post too many reasons to list.
Awesome job on those gym visits! I used to be very motivated to hit the gym twice a week to get insurance rebate. It was very minimal but I really felt like I needed to do it! Sadly, I don’t get the incentive anymore and find a million other things to do instead. I miss my gym time! I’m looking forward to going again regularly when I’m done with my upcoming marathon.
I love that poem – I think anyone of us could have written it because it fits so perfectly. Great job on your 16-miler! Doesn’t it feel good to have that under your belt?
You are doing so great! And it sounds like you have such a positive attitude about your training! How awesome that you got $200 for going to the gym a lot.
Nice work on the 16! You’re running so well and your training is paying off. That is a great poem. I haven’t run much since London but I hope to always be a runner.
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