August? Ughust

By | August 29, 2021

Rachel nailed it when she posted in July about summer training and I’m trying to keep that all top of mind when “easy” runs feel like I’m just starting to run again. I’m proud of myself for continuing to run outdoors in all the weather, but I hate hate hate summer running.

Will I go back to the gym? I’m not sure. I’m fully vaccinated and that’s a requirement here as of August 17th, but I’m not sure it’s worth the risk (personally) to have access to more dumbbells. I do miss more cross training opportunities though. This was an interesting read about the decisions people are making with respect to gyms and other workouts.

I have no idea what’s happening with Fall races, but oddly the next two races on my calendar are Half marathons: Malibu on November 14 and the new NYCRuns’ Brooklyn Half on April 24, 2022. I mentioned wanting to do more of their races when I did the Firecracker 10K, and this is a great opportunity for a new road Half. It’s also a few weeks ahead of the NYRR one so less chance of brain melting weather, although that wasn’t an issue the year I did it. While NYRR hasn’t announced whether the Fred Lebow Half will return or not in 2022, I’m not sure I’ll be doing it. I love Fred, it was my first half, but NYC Runs added a Half to my beloved Frozen Penguin and… how can I not? It’s the week before Fred, and while I’m crazy, I’m not crazy enough to do two Halfs back to back. That’s the reason I didn’t do Fred in 2020, and then ended up not doing Fort Lauderdale either due to injury. Best laid plans indeed.

Part of me can’t believe I’m thinking about 2022 races already, but the rest of me is shocked at how Memorial Day feels five minutes ago. This summer went fast!

We’ll see what shorter distances land on my calendar between now and then. I’m fully over virtual races and $35 is a lot when there hard costs don’t involve staffing and permits, but I won’t lie, I giggled a little at I Run 4 Movement’s Basic Witch email. I’m anti pumpkin spice in summer, but it’s always Practical Magic season: witch witch, you’re a witch!

CariCooks: spaghetti carbonara

not as successful

If I were a witch, I’d totally make a cooking, cleaning spell because while this last year has taught me that I can indeed cook (sometimes, see second photo!), I’m still not a fan. And yes, bottom right is smoking pot which set off the smoke alarm. Oh well. It wasn’t as photogenic as last time, but it was a delicious breakfast one morning when I was utterly ravenous.

While August isn’t technically over, it looks like I’m going to finish #20BooksOfSummer at 15 as my current and next book aren’t from the list. More to come on that, but I’m super pleased with what I got through.

Weekly Run Down with Kim and Deborah:

poor drowned East River Esplanade

  • never miss a Monday: scoping out the Henri damage and shaking out my hip. The latter did feel a lot better but I think a sedentary day and some strength for runners lunges made it cranky again and I woke with it really sore. Luckily the run loosened it up and it seems better, again. Grateful to the Advil cream Darlene and I got in Bermuda as it really makes way more sense to put it on the spot, vs. a pill. Additional benefit, it doesn’t reek like the other balms. The path was a mess, and because I was running, I wasn’t playing in the puddles as I did on Sunday.

true oasis

  • Tuesday: got out for a three mile walk before work for the first time in forever. Part wanting to read my book at night, part wanting to keep the hip loose. The Great Lawn is still a little in flux from Saturday’s homecoming concert, but the Turtle Pond is always shining.

lighthouse, a modern day beacon

  • Wednesday: what dries out a flooded promenade? Two days of 90+ temps and (relatively) less humidity. What gets me out for runrise? Two days of 90+ temps, with two more to come. It was a very subtle sunrise, and the real feel wasn’t yet in the 80s so this run felt good. Most importantly, operation hip loose is good and it was pain free!

even kitty Cat looked wary of the heat

  • Thursday: I had to pick up a new work phone and met a friend for breakfast in midtown so I worked from the office most of the day. Again, just a handful of people in so I felt safe, and I brought my laptop as I had two Zooms, so I didn’t have to deal with crazy PC keys. My phone was ready earlier than expected so I was able to zip home and drop off my laptop. Real feel was 95 when we went out for a walk/run and was very glad not to be wearing my backpack for that. I have never been so sweaty. Luckily I was well hydrated and we took it beyond easy so I felt fine beyond drenched.
  • Friday: needed off day. Very productive work day, and got out of Target for less than $5.

think we’ve had a little rain?

did I earn another off day Sunday? Probably not, but definitely a pedi

  • Saturday: there was a planned run, and then there was reality. The plan was to get up at 5:30 and take the 6:30 ferry to Astoria and do a loop to Astoria Park and south to Roosevelt Island before taking the ferry back from there. Hip is much better but I saw no need to stress it with bridges. I woke at 5:30, heard the rain and said nope. Headed out a little later and did something I don’t think I ever have before-two loops of my weekday river route. Original plan was to head west at 114 and go into Central Park, but I wasn’t feeling it (I know. Who am I?) so I just decided to repeat the loop and enjoy the wonderful breeze that came in with the rain. I finally got past the ten mile solo barrier. Running is so mental as I easily could have turned some of Julys’ 15K-ishs into 10s but never quite got there, despite my love of round numbers. Hip felt good, although slightly twingy toward the very end. Spent the balance of the day walk/visiting with a friend and doing some errands. Let’s just say I earned a tub soak when I got home.
  • Sunday: TBD. But definitely walking around to keep the hip loose.

18 thoughts on “August? Ughust

  1. Deborah Brooks

    And now I totally want to sign up to do the Brooklyn half! I had not heard about that race but it sounds super fun. I’ve never run a race in NYC before. Let’s chat about it when I see you this week

    1. cari Post author

      Putting it on our “agenda” along with Daniel Silva if you’ve finished it! Can’t wait.

  2. Jenny

    Sounds like you’re just about ready for the heat and humidity to end. So glad your hip is feeling okay! I have a “twing-y” hip (not the one I injured in the spring- that was a whole other thing) and it’s just achy a lot of the time, but moving around a lot helps- and it doesn’t keep me from running.
    Congratulations on your long run! That ten mile mark is a nice one to hit.

  3. Coco

    It will be interesting to see if I ever go back to Orange Theory. For now it’s the delta variant and the hassle factor keeping me away. Not to mention my Achilles …. I’d be tempted to go back to CPY if my favorite instructor were back.

    I turned my weekend alarm off last week, but was woken by the sun at 6 am yesterday. Today Scooby woke me up at 5:15 hacking up some leaves he ate when I let him play in the yard yesterday. 😛

    So the InstaPot actually has a “burn” message??? I’ve made a good spaghetti recipe in ours.

  4. Debbie @ Deb Runs

    I hope your two halves stay on target and can be run live. And speaking of Target, you got out spending less than $5? My brain doesn’t comprehend, especially now that I have Baby Bean that I can buy presents for!

  5. Kim G

    I’m fully vaccinated but I don’t see myself going back to a traditional gym. I go to OTF 3 times a week which works well for me with my Peloton workouts. I feel safe going to OTF since the classes aren’t that big and we are back to a mask mandate as of two weeks ago. It’s really hard to figure out how to operate comfortably since the Delta variant is out wrecking havoc 🙁

    Awesome job on your double digit long run!

  6. Wendy

    Our gym is requiring members to be fully vaccinated–since I have 3 doses on board, I feel ok about going back. Curiously, I don’t think SJ is vaccinated. She claims to have a huge phobia of needles (insert eye roll here). I can’t even…

    I’ve been loving your photos on IG. So even though it’s ridiculously humid, you are seeing lots of really amazing things this summer!

  7. Kimberly Hatting

    Ummm…out of Target for less than $5??? Very impressive, but I can’t even wrap my brain around that LOL My hip/groin issue is feeling much better, but I really took things easy on it for my race (yesterday)…and with the extreme heat & humidity, I had no regrets 🙂

  8. Liz Dexter

    A good week and you have been so sensible with that tweaky hip. I have my one race in October and really not worried about doing another – now they’ve cancelled Reykjavik marathon for this year I’m going to leave next year’s and go for 2023. Much cooler here now and they’re saying autumn has come early so I think we’re safe from any more Terrible Heat …

    1. cari Post author

      I’m very curious to see what routines settle in when schools reopen here on 9/13

  9. Darlene S. Cardillo

    Loved seeing you yesterday.

    I agree with Deborah Brooklyn half is tempting.

    I need a NYC race. Lol.

    Keep your pix coming. One day in NYC was not enough and it wet my appetite.

    1. cari Post author

      even if Lebow doesn’t happen, Frozen Penguin is a January CP Half.
      Always great to see you

  10. Jessie

    I was going to barre and solidcore in person with a mask, but have pulled back recently…too many breakthrough cases with people I know personally, who are healthy and vaccinated. I know those are still rare, but I also don’t want to be spreading it to my nieces/nephews who aren’t able to get vaccinated yet. So, home Peloton strength for me for now 🙂

    Great photos Cari! Exciting to be thinking about future races. Malibu sounds pretty!

    1. cari Post author

      Yep totally on the unvaccinated kiddos.
      Our gyms don’t (yet) require masks. It’s hard to do a hard workout through them but it feels safer. Hope your breakthrough friends are on the mend

  11. Jenn

    Vaccinated or not, gyms just seem like a lot of breathing. I don’t know. It freaks me out. But I think my claustrophobia has ramped up with everything going on.

    I am not in for pumpkin spice season. Call me when it’s time for peppermint mocha.

    I love to cook, and I still wish I had a spell for dinner time. I can’t even get myself amped to dump my bag of salad in a bowl to eat for lunch. Hashtag. Lazy.

    1. cari Post author

      Oh yeah, my favorite foods can be eaten out of the container they’re cooked/arrive in. Dishes might actually be worse than cooking, and we’re not going to talk about how long it took to get the instant pot liner clean.
      A lot of breathing is a great way to put it

  12. Zenaida Arroyo

    I’ve never run in NYC. The NY race was in Buffalo and it was HOT. I understand the decision making for wanting or not wanting to join a gym. I was tempted but I do run outside and I have a Peloton app with a bike anyway. I am very surprised the major marathons are still taking place. For sure I thought those would be cancelled.


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